
  1. 请提供税务登记证副本原件、复印件和单位介绍信。

    Please present the original copy of the duplicate of your tax registration certificate .

  2. 查阅涉密档案资料信息需出示涉密单位介绍信;

    Letter of introduction of secret units is required for looking up secret archives ( data or information ) .

  3. 查阅干部个人档案、监察档案、诉讼档案、未开放档案(资料)信息需出示有关单位介绍信;

    Letter of introduction of units concerned is required for looking up personal files of cadre , supervision archives , lawsuit archives and information of unopened archives ( data ) .

  4. 若本合同遗失,可凭单位介绍信及联系人个人身份证复印件或代理人身份证复印件领取。

    If they missed the contract , they can take the introduction letter of the unit or the photocopy of contract person 's ID or agency person 's ID instead of .

  5. 营业执照副本代码证书单位介绍信法人代表或单位负责人身份证单位公章或合同章承租方经办人身份证及驾照。

    Duplicate of business license , code certificate letter , ID card of Corporation reprseentative or unit principal , unit 's cachet or contract seal , lessee 's translator 's ID card and driving license .

  6. 关于我的人品能力,我可以请上述两个出版单位写介绍信以供参考。

    I can give you references from both these press houses as to my character and ability as an editor .