
dān liàn
  • unrequited love;one-sided love;unrequited affection
单恋 [dān liàn]
  • [unrequited love;one-sided love] 指单相思

单恋[dān liàn]
  1. 他一直单恋芭芭拉。

    He has always carried a torch for Barbara .

  2. 想要立刻回答的人,你要知道自己是多么幸福的人。虽然一直强辩说,单恋也是一种爱情,但单用一边的手掌是拍不出声音的。

    If you wanna answer it immediately , you shall know how happy you are.Although you insist loving on your own is also called love , one palmcan not make noises .

  3. 总之,我对雷切尔的爱一直是单恋。

    At any rate , my love for Rachel remained unrequited .

  4. 我对简一见钟情。我单恋简好几年了。

    I tumbled for Jane the first time I met her .

  5. 她单恋那位教授。

    She fell in an unrequited love with the professor .

  6. 我想塞西莉正单恋着昆廷。

    I think Cecily is carrying a torch for Quentin .

  7. 我觉得你会发觉自己在单恋。

    I think you 'll find the romance one-sided .

  8. 单恋不成爱。

    Love should not be all on one side .

  9. 埃罗尔对莫尼单恋已经将近两年了。

    Errol has been carrying a torch for Money for almost two years .

  10. 依然痛苦地单恋着一位昔日的情人。

    Still carrying a torch for an old sweetheart .

  11. 他在单恋着她。

    He is carrying the torch for her .

  12. 而他伟大的单恋,却真的做到了一生一世。

    And his great love made the dream called'one love , one lifetime'come true .

  13. 人类的感情最特别的就是单恋,那是绝无仅有的。

    The most special feeling of human is the blind love . That 's the unique .

  14. 艾科单恋纳西索斯的仙女,憔悴消损最后只留下声音。

    A nymph whose unrequited love for Narcissus caused her to pine away until nothing but her voice remained .

  15. 我想你该把这个戏称作情节剧它充满了单恋、不幸的死亡和铁石心肠的父母。

    I think you 'd call the play a melodrama-it 's full of unrequited love , unhappy deaths and unrelenting parents .

  16. 很多男性称曾陷入单恋的漩涡。男性更可能首先说“我爱你”,并在初恋结束后更易憔悴痛苦。

    Men were also more likely to say " I love you " first and to pine after their first love .

  17. 如今科学家们证明了单恋的痛苦不仅是简单的情绪反应。

    However , it has taken scientists to prove that the agony of unrequited love is more than a simple emotional response .

  18. 就算我知道我会永远只是单恋,我也不会放弃追逐你的执着。

    Even if I knew I will carry a torch with you forever , yet I will never give up pursuiting you .

  19. 同样地,年轻的情侣陷入在单恋的苦痛中时,往往会故意伤害彼此,事后却深深后悔自己的所作所为。

    Similarly , young lovers , often exasperated in unrequited love , may purposefully hurt each other , only later to profoundly regret what they had done .

  20. 人类的感情最特殊的就是单恋,那是绝无仅有的。你毫不会看到一只猫,会偷偷地喜欢上另一只猫。

    The most special feeling of human is the blind love . That 's the unique . U would never see a cat loving another cat in secret .

  21. 我单恋的这些日子是最黑暗的日子&因为我无可救药地爱上一个不会爱我的男人。

    These years that I 've been in love have been the darkest days of my life , all because I 've been cursed by being in love with a man who does not and will not love me back .