
  • Single Apartment;【电影】The Odd Couple
  1. 否则我不会想到给自己找一套单身公寓。

    It wouldn 't have occurred to me to get myself a bachelor pad .

  2. 厦门留学生创业园单身公寓,中国

    Single apartment of Xiamen Overseas Student pioneering park , china , 2002

  3. 大铲湾港区单身公寓立体绿化节能设计

    Three-dimensional Green Energy-saving Design on the Single Apartment Buildings in Dachan Bay

  4. 实际上差不多算是单身公寓

    I mean , it 's practically a bachelor pad .

  5. 单身公寓户型设计研究

    The Study of typical Unit Design for Single Apartment

  6. 晚上,我躲在单身公寓里,泪流满面。

    I cried in my apartment that night .

  7. 长江国际豪装单身公寓,品牌设施齐全,拎包入住!

    Yangtze River international luxurious decorate single Residence brand , complete facilities , bag check !

  8. 杰克新房子在商业区附近的单身公寓。

    Jack 's new house is in a single flat which is near the downtown .

  9. 想都别想,我才不会为了球票放弃我的单身公寓

    Forget it . I 'm not giving up my bachelor pad for basketball seats .

  10. 他已经正式离婚,因而要卖房,然后搬去单身公寓。

    He 's selling it and moving into a bachelor pad now that he 's officially divorced .

  11. 加里•马歇尔:《单身公寓》、《快乐日子》、《拉威恩和雪丽》、《默克和明迪》。

    Garry Marshall : The Odd Couple , Happy Days , Laverne and Shirley , Mork and Mindy .

  12. 卡斯特罗区的东面是田德隆,一个充斥着单身公寓旅馆、无家可归者收容所和酒类专卖店的可怕街区。

    East of the Castro is the Tenderloin - a grim neighborhood peppered with single-room-occupancy hotels , homeless shelters and liquor stores .

  13. 近些年阁楼式住宅占据了我国城市住宅建筑的较大份额,尤其当下的小户型、单身公寓式的顶层阁楼仍然是消费者的选购热门。

    In recent years , the Attic apartments occupy a larger share of urban residential buildings in China , especially top floor penthouses of small apartment and single-apartment .

  14. 我租了四楼的一套单身男子公寓,我的朋友租了一个花园公寓套房。

    I am renting a bachelor flat on the third floor , and my friend is renting a garden flat .

  15. 综述了一位德国建筑师的建筑生态观及其生态建筑设计的几种方法与措施,并通过单身母亲公寓等几个生态建筑实例介绍这些方法与措施在实践中的运用。

    This thesis summarizes a German architect 's viewpoint of ecological sense and design mothods and measures for ecological building . It introduces some examples such as Single mother 's Flats how to utilize these methods and measures in practice .

  16. 这间办公室简直成了单身汉的公寓,这里有两个冰箱,装满了饮料和甜食。

    His office-turned-bachelor-pad was also equipped with two fridges laden with energy drinks and sugar-coated snacks .

  17. “毫无疑问单身汉们的公寓里细菌数目更多但是单身女士也好不到哪里去,”查尔斯说道。

    " There 's no doubt about it-bachelors had a far bigger quantity of bacteria in their apartments-but bachelorette pads weren 't squeaky clean either ," Charles said .