
  • 网络maisonette;duplex
  1. 复式住宅设计心得

    Design experience of duplex apartment

  2. 截至今年4月的15个月里,坎迪兄弟完成了OneHydePark7.5亿英镑的住宅销售,包括所有顶层复式住宅和多数四室公寓。

    The Candy brothers completed sales of 750m at One Hyde Park in the 15 months to April , including all the penthouses and most of the four-bedroom apartments .

  3. 顶层错厅复式住宅LOFT原指阁楼、顶层楼,现在借指由废弃仓库厂房改造成的艺术家工作室。

    Top Floor Duplex Apartment with Exchange Drawing Room The LOFT , originally referring to the upper floor , has been transformed from unused workshop into the studio of artists .

  4. 纽约建筑师彼得・彭诺耶(PeterPennoyer)正在为小窑湾一个有900套住宅的小区设计复式住宅和联排别墅。

    Peter Pennoyer , a New York City-based architect , is creating duplexes and townhouses for the Xiao Yao ( pronounced She-ow yow ) Bay residential community of 900 homes .

  5. 简约不简单&复式住宅室内的一种设计

    Concision Yet Not Simplicity & an Interior Design of the Compound Apartment

  6. 春华秋实古韵新曲&呼和浩特市丽苑阳光城某复式住宅家居设计

    Spring Seeding for Autumn Harvest , New Melody Echoing the Old Rhythm & Residence Furnishing of a Compound Apartment of Li Yuan Sun City in Hohhot

  7. 为完成复式住宅调整任务,需对21层顶局部楼盖进行封洞改造,对22层顶局部楼盖进行开洞改造。

    To complete the task of adjusting house , remodeling of sealing in local area on top of21st floor and remodeling of opening in partly floor on top of22nd floor need to be done .

  8. 尤其在母羊舍设计时,引用了民用复式住宅的原理进行设计,提高了建筑的平面系数,解决母羊多时采食宽度不足的问题。

    Especially in the design of ewe house , the principle of double-type dwelling house was cited , which effectively used the building area of ewe house and increased the utilization ratio of the aisle for breeders and visitors .

  9. 为了研究复杂体型高层建筑结构在地震作用下的动力特性与反应,对一个1:50比例的非对称剪力墙-双筒体复式超高层住宅模型进行了振动台模拟地震试验。

    The analysis of dynamic characteristics and responses of a complex high-rise residential building under earthquake are performed by model shaking table test .