
  • 网络complex decision making
  1. 在竞争性招标中,投标决策是一个充满着不确定性的复杂决策过程。

    The bidding decision making is a complex decision making process full of uncertainties in a competitive bidding .

  2. 至今,运筹学已成为一门成熟的、受到高度重视的学科,许多组织成立了自己的内部运筹学咨询小组,一些组织将运筹学视为进行复杂决策的重要工具。

    Many organizations form their own internal Operations Research consulting groups , and others regard it as an important tool for complex decision making .

  3. 通过单击复杂决策的General选项卡上的复选框可以将其标记为包含性决策。

    By clicking the checkbox on the General tab of a complex decision , you can mark it as inclusive .

  4. 提出了基于BN(贝叶斯网)的复杂决策任务的形式化描述方法,得到决策任务的分解问题等价为贝叶斯网的分解问题;

    It is shown that decomposition problem of decision tasks is equivalent to decomposition problem of Bayesian network ;

  5. 面向复杂决策问题的结构计算方法研究

    Research on the structure computation method for complex decision - making problems

  6. 一种面向复杂决策的综合集成新理论

    A New Theory for Complex Decision Inspired by Meta-Synthetic Approach

  7. 复杂决策表的特征提取方法研究

    Research on the Feature Subset Selection of Complex Decision Tables

  8. 复杂决策系统研究&框架及其方法

    Study on Complex Decision System - Framework and Methodology

  9. 复杂决策问题形式化方法研究

    Research on formalization method of complicated decision-making problems

  10. 提出了一种基于扩展层级任务网络规划的复杂决策任务分解方法。

    A decomposition method of complex decision task based on improved HTN planning is proposed .

  11. 复杂决策问题求解的定性与定量综合集成方法

    Metasynthesis of complicated decision making problem solving

  12. 水库优化调度方案决策是具有多目标、多属性的复杂决策过程。

    Decision-making of reservoir optimal operation scheme is a complex decision process with multi-objectives and multi-attributes .

  13. 港口选址,特别是大型港口的选址是在多种约束条件、多种目标要求下的一个复杂决策过程。

    Selecting port Location is a complicated decision-making process under the constraints of various rectors and objectives .

  14. 影响图是基于不确定信息表示和求解复杂决策问题的图模型。

    The influence diagram is based on uncertain information and the graph model for solving complex decision problems .

  15. 通过业务规则实现的复杂决策服务通常包括一组由规则流安排的基本决策点。

    Complex decision services implemented with business rules are usually composed of a set of elementary decision points orchestrated by a ruleflow .

  16. 自适应决策主体在决策环境中不断适应的结果表现出全局性的突现行为,最终得到复杂决策问题的求解结果。

    The adaptivity of ADA results a global emergency behavior , and the solutions for complex decision problem can be achieved eventually .

  17. 然而,由于精细化工自身的特点,企业在进行产品延伸时,往往面临着复杂决策问题。

    However , as fine chemical own characteristics in itself , we may face complicated decision problems when making production extensions in chemical companies .

  18. 群体决策作为一种求解重大决策问题和复杂决策问题的主要形式,在现实生活中有着广泛的应用。

    Group decision making ( GDM ) is widely used in real life as the main form of solving important and complicated decision problems .

  19. 针对目前决策支持系统的分布式群体决策的发展趋势,文中提出一种基于自适应决策主体的决策支持系统模型,用于大型复杂决策系统的问题求解。

    Presents a decision support systems model based on adaptive decision agent ( ADA ) aiming at the development trend for distributing group decision .

  20. 并就复杂决策表,研究了一种决策表的分解方法,简化了大型决策表的分析难度。

    As far as complex decision tables are concerned , a decomposition - ii - algorithm is given to lower the analysis difficulty too .

  21. 基于粗集理论,本文提出了一种新的决策表最优特征子集选择的启发式算法.复杂决策表的特征提取方法研究

    Based on rough sets , a new heuristic algorithm is presented to solve the difficulty . Research on the Feature Subset Selection of Complex Decision Tables

  22. 复杂决策问题所具有的非线性、变结构和变参数等特性对模型相关理论的研究提出了更高的要求。

    The features of nonlinearity , variable structure and variable parameter of complex decision-making problem lay higher claim to the research on the theories relating to model .

  23. 对决策问题及其从属关系采用有向图表示,利用图论中可达矩阵的知识,设计了一种算法,探讨了复杂决策问题递阶层次结构及各准则判断矩阵的自动生成问题。

    Based on the knowledge of reachable matrix in graph theory , a new arithmetic is designed , with which hiberarchy and opinion matrix can be automatically formed .

  24. 鉴于复杂决策问题的特点,仅仅依靠定量模型难以描述和求解复杂决策问题。

    Because of the characteristics of complicated decision-making problems , it is very difficult to describe and solve complicated decision-making problems only by the means of quantitative models .

  25. 信息技术的发展给现代企业带来了许多复杂决策问题,而利用传统的决策理论求解将具有极大的局限性。

    The development of information technology brings lots of complex decision problems to modern enterprises , while the traditional decision theories are facing great limitations to address these issues .

  26. 针对事件发生的随机性和人类主观期望的概率特性,将贝叶斯网引入本体方法,提出了复杂决策任务形式化的概率扩展。

    For the stochastic and probabilistic of events , the Bayesian network is introduced into ontology so as to realize the probabilistic extension of the formalization for complex decision task .

  27. 从复杂决策问题求解的角度,结合当前的人工智能技术,本文提出了一种基于改进的交互式遗传算法模型的群体论证方法。

    From the angle of complex problem solving and based on current artificial intelligent technology , we propose a group discussion method based on improved interactive genetic algorithm ( IGA ) model .

  28. 此外,在决策问题求解模型的基础上,讨论了在复杂决策背景下的基于案例的决策问题求解策略,给出了系统的框架,并将之用于医疗诊断。

    Furthermore , based on the analysis of decision problem solution model , this paper discusses the solution strategy under complicated decision background using case based reasoning and gives the framework of the system .

  29. 针对人类思维和语言表达的模糊性,将模糊逻辑引入本体方法,提出了复杂决策任务形式化的模糊扩展。

    For the fuzziness of human thought as well as language , the fuzzy logic method is introduced into the ontology so as to realize the fuzzy extension of the formalization for complex decision task .

  30. 该框架由3部分组成,即复杂决策问题表示层、复杂决策问题结构化层和定量分析模型综合层。

    The framework is composed of three parts , that is , the representation layer of complicated decision_making problems , the structurization layer of complicated decision_making problems and the integration layer of quantitative analysis models .