
  • 网络resumption
  1. 上市公司向证券交易所申请停牌时,应同时提交停牌和复牌的书面申请。

    When applying to the stock exchange for suspension , the listed company shall also submit written application for suspension and resumption .

  2. 以至于三大钢铁企业复牌后股价大幅下挫,并成为了构成当日股指下调的最大推力。

    So that the three major steel companies share prices fell sharply after the resumption , and the day has become a form of stock index down the maximum thrust .

  3. 昨日万达院线(WandaCinemaLine)股票复牌后,股价大涨十分之一。

    Yesterday , shares in Wanda Cinema Lines jumped one-tenth as it reopened from a trading suspension .

  4. 合并后的新公司更名为中国中车(CRRCCorp)。当中国中车6月8日复牌时,其股价一度攀上每股15.70港元,过去一周里又跌了回来。

    When the new company , renamed CRRC Corp , began trading on June 8 , its shares flirted with HK $ 15.70 before falling back during the past week .

  5. 盈动原定昨日复牌,但却继续停牌。

    CyberWorks shares had been due to resume trading yesterday but remained suspended .

  6. 这两家公司的股票经停牌两周,周四复牌后双双飙升。

    Both surged on Thursday , when they resumed trading after a fortnight 's suspension .

  7. 复牌后,两只股票当日收盘分别下跌5.5%和4.3%。

    They later settled the day down 5.5 % and 4.3 % , respectively , once trading resumed .

  8. 公告日为非交易日的,则在公告后次一交易日复牌。

    If the announcement date is a non-trading day , the said transactions shall be resumed on the trading immediately after the announcement .

  9. 自复牌之日起,本所对公司股票交易实行其他特别处理。

    The bourse shall give other special treatment to the trading of shares of the company as of the date of tradetransaction resumption .

  10. 发行人支付利息后的次一交易日,其公司债券及其衍生品种复牌。

    The corporate bonds and the derivatives thereof of the issuer may be resumed fro transaction from the trading day immediately after the issuer pays the interests .

  11. 在香港股市,因交易临近而停牌3个月的中国东航H股,昨日复牌后股价飙升75%,收于6.53港元。

    In Hong Kong , China Eastern 's H shares soared 75 per cent to HK $ 6.53 as trading resumed after a three-month suspension pending the deal .

  12. 昨日,万科在深圳的股价下跌了1.8%,自本月复牌以来累计下跌30%。之前万科股票在去年12月19日开始停牌。

    Vanke 's Shenzhen-listed shares fell 1.8 per cent yesterday and are down 30 per cent since they resumed trading this month following a suspension that began on December 19 .

  13. 定期报告披露日为非交易日的,则在披露后的第一个交易日开市时复牌。

    If the disclosure date of the statement is not a tradetrading day , the trading shall be resumed upon the opening of the first tradetrading day after the disclosure .

  14. 然而,目前停牌3个月以上且未进入除牌程序的公司有22家。其中,7家公司原则上已经获准复牌。

    Yet right now there are 22 companies that have been suspended for more than three months without entering delisting procedures ; of those , seven have been approved to resume trading in principle .

  15. 临时报告的内容涉及其他事项的,本所可以根据有关事项的具体情况,决定公司股票及其衍生品种的停牌和复牌时间。

    Where contents of interim reports involve other matters , the bourse may decide the suspension time and resumption time of the trading of shares and their derivatives of the company in accordance with specific conditions of related matters .

  16. 港交所或许认为,对这些公司作“低温冷冻”处理,将使得它们的所有人或临时清算人有机会通过某种反向收购来复牌,因而也为资金提供者提供了方便。

    The HKSE might argue that keeping companies in cryogenic storage gives an owner or a provisional liquidator a chance to revive listings through some kind of reverse takeover , and thus provides a service to providers of capital .

  17. 研究结果表明:1.无论从批次还是从行业的角度看,在第一次复牌当天股价变化的累积效应并不明显,而在第二次复牌当天股价变化的累积效应则非常显著。

    The research shows : 1 . No matter from the perspective of batches or industries , the stock price change in the first trading resumption day is not obvious , but is quite notable in the second trading resumption day .