
fàng liàng
  • Release;to the limit of one's capacity;to the limit of one's capacity (in eating or drinking)
放量 [fàng liàng]
  • [to the limit of ones capacity (in eating or drinking)] 不加约束,尽量[吃、喝]

放量[fàng liàng]
  1. 昨天该股放量上涨(跳水)。

    The stock soared ( plunged ) in heavy trading volume yesterday .

  2. 本文对278例单纯胆囊切除术后常规放量引流,并记录24h的引流量。

    Drainage was routinely used post cholecystectomy in 278 cases and the drainage volume was noted in every 24h .

  3. 220kV变压器局放量超标原因分析与诊断

    The Analysis and Diagnosis on Partial Discharging Volume Exceeding Allowable Norm for 220 kV Transformers

  4. 人们的关注点落到了KnightCapital所运行的一种算法上。问题暴露后,这家电子做市商在纽约上市的股票到午盘时已放量暴跌逾23%,报7.92美元。

    Focus centred on an algo run by Knight Capital , an electronic market maker whose own shares had plunged more than 23 per cent to $ 7.92 in heavy volume by midday in New York after the problems were revealed .

  5. 随着动态HYSYS模拟软件的引进,给在动态环境下模拟安全阀在火灾工况下的最大泄放量创造了良好的条件。

    With the introduction of the dynamic simulation software HYSYS , the condition for solving the problem is well created .

  6. 海上平台火炬系统设计泄放量的确定

    Determine the Design Release Quantity of Flare System on Offshore Platform

  7. 原油容器安全阀火灾工况泄放量动态模拟

    Dynamic simulation for relief capacity of PSV on crude oil vessel

  8. 午后开始放量,显然是投资者对经济前景看好。

    Afternoon release of turnover shows investors'brilliant prospects on the economy .

  9. 多片喇叭裙裙摆放量的研究

    A Study on the Hemline Increment of Multi-Patched Trumpet Skirt

  10. 液化气体汽车罐车安全泄放量计算问题的探讨

    Probing into the Calculation of safety Discharge of Liquefied Gas Mobile Tank

  11. 这类个股一旦放量,就是一只野马。

    Once the volume of such stocks is a Mustang .

  12. 用流体阻力系数法计算爆破片泄放量

    Relieving capacity calculation of rupture disc using flow resistance coefficient

  13. 穿层深孔爆破提高瓦斯抽放量

    Increasing Suction Quantity of Firedamp by Long Hole Blasting in Crossing Hole

  14. 自增压卸液低温液体罐车的安全泄放量

    Safety Discharge Capacity of Low Temperature Tanker Being Unloaded By Self-Pressurized Vaporizer

  15. 农产品进口放量增长与多收了三五斗的农民

    The Quota of Agricultural Product Imports and Farmers ' Interest

  16. 请参阅《苹果股票突然放量上涨》一文。

    See Apple shares spike suddenly on high volume .

  17. 服装面料的拉伸性能与服装加放量关系的研究

    The relation between the clothing material stretching capability and the quantity of clothing

  18. 燃煤电站汞排放量的预测模型

    Forecasting Model for Mercury Emission by Coal-fired Power Plants

  19. 化学反应失控的紧急泄放安全阀额定泄放量的计算

    Emergency venting of runaway chemical reactions Calculation of Rated Discharge Capacity of Safety Valve

  20. 火灾工况压力容器安全泄放量计算公式的探讨

    Probe on Calculation Formula for Safety Relief Amount of Pressure Vessel on Fire State

  21. 安全阀额定泄放量的计算

    Calculation of Rated Discharge Capacity of Safety Valve

  22. 管壳式换热器安全阀最大泄放量的计算

    Calculation of Maximum Relieving Capacity of Safety Valve on Tube & Shell Heat Exchanger

  23. 浅析降低变压器局放量的工艺管理

    Technique management for lowering partial discharge transformers

  24. 在沙拉中放量很少的苦叶子;干花用在汤或汤药中。

    Bitter leaves used sparingly in salads ; dried flowers used in soups and tisanes .

  25. 这将是第一款大量生产的电力汽车,市场上第一款零排放量的电力汽车。

    It 's the first mass-volume electric car , zero-emission electric car in the market .

  26. 丹麦政府对所有汽油车征收百分之180的税,不对零排放量的汽车征收任何税收。

    They put 180 percent tax on gasoline cars and zero tax on zero-emission cars .

  27. 介绍电极压放量监控中的信号检测、转换和显示技术。

    It introduces the technology of signal detection , conversion and display in the electrode pressure slipping system .

  28. 程序可以对物理超压的泄放量、泄放面积和泄放口径进行计算。

    The program can calculate the relief quantity 、 relief area and relief caliber of venting of pressure .

  29. 基于矿井安全生产,从1958年开始抽放矿井瓦斯,抽放量不断提高,瓦斯利用规模迅速扩大。

    The drawing out of coal bed methane was began in1958 for fail to safety in coal mine production .

  30. 主要介绍了如何用流体阻力系数法计算爆破片泄放量,并给出了计算实例。

    How to calculate the relieving capacity with flow resistance coefficient K_R was introduced and a calculation example was given .