
  • 网络Deregulation;financial deregulation
  1. 从20世纪70年代开始,西方国家出现了放松金融管制(FinancialDeregulation)的浪潮。在这一背景下,影子银行作为金融创新的一种新尝试,应运而生,并得以迅猛发展。

    From the beginning of the 20 century 70 years , the western countries have experienced the wave of financial deregulation ( Financial Deregulation ) . In this context , the shadow banks , as a new attempt of financial innovation , came into being , and rapid development .

  2. 自从20世纪90年代以来,金融创新和放松金融管制已成为一种世界潮流。

    Since the 1990s , financial innovation and financial deregulation has become a global trend .

  3. 此外,以往的金融冲击发生前,通常有一段放松金融管制的时期。

    In addition , financial shocks in the past have often been preceded by periods of financial deregulation .

  4. 利率市场化、放松金融管制、开放国内资本市场、加强对全球金融的统一监管成为大势所趋。

    Opening up interest rate market , relaxing foreign exchange control , opening domestic capital market is overwhelming .

  5. 结论表明,放松金融管制对货币控制的影响是复杂的,但并不是简单的失效,但是增强货币控制须有一定的条件。

    We make conclusions that the effection is complicated ; it 's not simply harmed , but to enhance monetary control has certain conditions .

  6. 不过,过去放松金融管制的经历让我们知道,用纳税人的钱补贴追逐风险的企业会对无知的顾客造成怎样的风险——即便这些企业接受外部监管。

    Yet experience with financial deregulation has demonstrated the risks to ignorant customers of taxpayer subsidies to risk-taking businesses , even if they are subject to external regulation .

  7. 推进利率与汇率市场化改革;适当放松金融管制,为居民对外投资创造条件;培育健全的资本市场。

    Promote the reform of interest rate and exchange rate ; relax financial restriction to create conditions for citizens to make investments abroad ; cultivate and improve capital market .

  8. 在第二部分,我们试图将视线集中于放松金融管制对货币控制及货币政策有效性的影响这一极具吸引力的课题之上。

    In the second part , we try to focus on an interesting issue , that is how financial deregulation affects control of money and validity of monetary policy .

  9. 可以说,放松金融管制是当今世界金融变革的重要组成部分,它的发生受经济与金融环境的影响;

    We can say the financial deregulation is the most important part of nowadays ' financial reform , which is affected by economic and financial environment and affect them also .

  10. 虽然放松金融管制并不是唯一决定因素,但它绝对是一个非常重要的因素。

    Inevitably it will lash and affect the operation of the policy , and financial deregulation must be a very important factor , although it may not be the only one .

  11. 如果说国外金融自由化的重点是放松金融管制的话,我国金融改革的重点则是立,即要建立新型的市场金融体制。

    If the focus of financial liberalization is financial deregulation in foreign , the focus of financial reform is the " standing " to establish a new market financial system in china .

  12. 三是从国外的实践看,放松金融管制和推行金融混业将对金融业的税收政策产生巨大影响,需要税收理论界进行深入的研究。

    Thirdly , viewing from overseas practices , loosening financial control and implementing financial mixed operation can have tremendous influences on taxation policies for the financial industry , which needs deep researches by the tax theory world .

  13. 金融全球化是世界各国和地区放松金融管制,开放金融业务,最终形成全球统一的金融市场、货币体系的趋势。

    Financial globalization is that countries and areas all over the world loosen the fiscal control , open the financing , and at the end form the tendency towards the global unity of financial markets and systems of currency .

  14. 要以小额信贷的发展为契机推进我国农村金融创新,必须从放松金融管制、转变政府职能、深化农村信用社体制改革等方面入手。

    In order to promote rural financial innovation in our country by taking the development of microfinance as a turning point , we must start with relaxing financial regulation , transforming governmental functions and deepening the innovation of rural financial system .

  15. 一方面要大力培育和发展中介机构,在融到资金的同时优化融资结构;另一方面要放松金融管制,为管理层收购提供更大的融资空间。

    On the one hand , we should foster and develop intermediate organization to offer enough finance and optimize financing structure . On the other hand , we should deregulate the financial control to provide wide financing space for management buy-out .

  16. 主要表现为发展中国家先后开展的从金融抑制到金融深化的金融体制改革,以及发达国家相继实施的以放松金融管制为表现的金融监管体制改革。

    The main performance develops successively for the developing nation suppresses the monetary system reform from the finance which deepens to the finance , as well as the developed country implements one after another take relaxes the financial control as the performance financial supervising and managing organizational reform .

  17. 目前,在全球放松金融管制的浪潮冲击下,单纯依赖行政权力的证券管理体制越来越多地为人们所诟病,而依靠民事责任制度调动市场力量参与证券监管的制度却日益显现出其价值。

    At present , under the effect of the relaxation of financial regulation , the securities management system depending only on administrative power is censured by more and more people , and the value of arousing the effect of markets depending on civil liability system reveals day by day .

  18. 随着金融全球化的推进,世界各国纷纷放松了金融管制,开放了国内金融市场。

    With the trends of financial globalization , many countries have relaxed their financial controls and liberalized their domestic financial markets .

  19. 大多数国家为此放松了金融管制,因而混业经营成为全球金融业发展新趋势。

    Therefore , most countries loosen their financial supervision and mixed operation begins to be a tendency in financial industries all around world .

  20. 国际金融自由化是通过放松各种金融管制和创新金融实现的国际金融一体化的过程和趋势。

    The international financial liberalization means a process and an overall trend to realize the international financial integration by releasing various financial regulations as well as financial innovation .

  21. 在农业金融政策方面可以放松农村金融管制、使农村金融体系呈现多样化和竞争性、优化金融工具结构等。

    In part of rural financial policies , we can relax financial regulation , make the rural financial system diversified and competitive , optimize the structure of financial instruments .

  22. 只有加强产权的法律保护、放松金融的管制以及对培养良好的社会文化环境,才能从根本上解决我国中小企业融资难问题。

    The authors believe that the improvement of legal protection of property rights , deregulation of finance and good reputation environment are the pivotal to the solution of financing of SMEs .

  23. 证券市场国际化是上世纪80年代世界金融市场的发展趋势,随着金融全球化的推进,世界各国纷纷放松了金融管制,开放了国内金融市场。

    Since the 1980s , the internationalization of securities market has become the important trend in financial market . With the trends of financial globalization , many countries have relaxed their financial controls and liberalized their domestic financial markets .

  24. 20世纪80年代以来,世界各国纷纷放松或解除金融管制,掀起了金融自由化的浪潮。全球金融创新突飞猛进、金融深化不断发展、金融结构逐步优化,金融体系日益健全。

    Countries around the world have set off the wave of financial liberalization through lifting or relaxing the financial control since 1980s . financial innovation 、 financial deepening 、 financial structure and financial system develop and robust gradually and quickly .

  25. 一项实验是放松对金融业的管制和依靠住房市场拉动增长。

    One was with financial sector deregulation and housing-led growth .

  26. 今天,金融业的主要趋势是:放松管制、全球化、证券化、创新、竞争的增强及政府与经济之间关系的变化等,其中,放松金融管制是一个更基本的因素。

    Today , the trend of financial services includes deregulation , globalization , securitization , innovation , intense competition , the relationship between government and economy alteration , among these factors , deregulation is a more primary one .