
  1. 期权腐败行为具有后发性和难控性等特点,从而增加了查处难度,也在无形中助长了腐败分子的嚣张气焰。

    Options corruption is hard to control and often results consequences in the later period , thus it increased the difficulty of investigation and encouraged the arrogance of corrupt elements virtually .

  2. 期权腐败是权力寻租的新变种和衍生物,由于隐蔽性强,安全系数高,目前已成为我国党政机关公职人员腐败的一种新动向。

    Options Corruption is the variant and derivative of regime rent-seeking . Because it is strong hidden and its high safety factor , Options have become a new party and government corruption trend for public officials .