
Nán yā dǎo
  • Lamma Island
  1. 有关部门仍在事发水域进行搜寻。两船相撞地点距南丫岛(LammaIsland)大约有一英里远,而南丫岛距香港大约两英里。

    Authorities were still searching the area where the boats collided about a mile from Lamma Island , which lies about two miles from Hong Kong .

  2. 南丫岛(北段)村民节约贷款有限责任合作社

    Lamma Island ( North ) Villagers ' Thrift and Loan Co-operative Society Limited

  3. 南丫岛就是具备所有这些理想条件的地点。

    Lamma island is the perfect location in Hong Kong for such homes .

  4. 在港灯负责供电的地区,电力由南丫岛发电厂供应。

    Electricity for HEC 's supply areas is supplied from the Lamma Power Station .

  5. 南丫岛南丫发电厂。

    Lamma Power Station , Lamma Island .

  6. 建造及营办位于南丫岛扩建厂址的一座1800兆瓦燃气联合循环发电厂及相关输电系统。

    Construction and operation of a1,800MW gas-fired combined cycle plant at the Lamma Extension site and associated transmission system .

  7. 南丫岛和长洲之间海域,毗邻西博寮海峡南面。

    Waters between Lamma Island and Cheung Chau , and lying adjacent to the south of the West Lamma Channel .

  8. 香港电灯有限公司(港灯)负责供电给香港岛及邻近的鸭?洲和南丫岛;

    The Hongkong Electric Company Limited ( HEC ) supplies Hong Kong Island and the neighbouring islands of Ap Lei Chau and Lamma ;

  9. 电能实业将以信托形式将香港岛及南丫岛的电力业务分拆上市。

    The Power Assets spin-off is being sold as a trust that will control only the electricity distribution on Hong Kong island and Lamma island .

  10. 渡轮上的部分乘客说,他们认为撞船事故发生时渡轮的航行速度比平常快,这可能是为了尽快疏散南丫岛上的大量游客。

    Some people on the ferry said they believed it was traveling faster than usual , possibly to help clear the crowds from the island , when the collision occurred .

  11. 就我所知,政府至少暂时没有计划兴建一条六线隧道,直接连系南丫岛与长洲。

    As far as I am aware , the government has no plans to build a six-lane tunnel directly linking Lamma Island and Cheung chau , not for the time being anyway .

  12. 沿著梯级走就可以到达海角,你会到达一个了望亭,你可从那里看到一个极出色的景致&横跨长洲的小丘屿、大屿山、南丫岛及香港岛。

    Follow the steps up the headland , and you 'll arrive at a lookout pavilion , with cracking views across Cheung Chau to the hills of Lantau , and eastwards towards Lamma and Hong Kong Island .

  13. 在周二的新闻发布会上,面对渡轮是否偏离航道或是航行速度快得异常(部分南丫岛居民和渡轮乘客曾这样说)等疑问,有关部门只是说事故原因还在调查之中。

    At a news conference Tuesday , authorities responded to questions whether the ferry had deviated from its course or had gone unusually fast , as some Lamma Island residents and ferry passengers had suggested , only by referring to an ongoing investigation .

  14. 大澳污水渠与东北河堤建造工程及地盘平整工程、长洲旧墟道路改善工程,以及南丫岛榕树湾的填海、道路及渠务工程,均在进行中。

    Construction of sewers and the north-east River wall and site formation work at Tai o , the road improvement works for Cheung Chau old town , and the reclamation , road and drainage works at Yung Shue wan , Lamma Island are in progress .