
wēi hài xínɡ wéi
  • dangerous act
  1. 转化型抢劫罪转化的前提条件应当为罪,而不是危害行为;

    The precondition of transformed robbery is that it is a crime not a dangerous act .

  2. 在这一认识活动中,危害行为是认识的客体,犯罪构成是认识的中介。

    The dangerous act is the object of cognition while the constitution of crime is the intermediate of cognition .

  3. 结论伴有危害行为的分裂症患者的MMPI结果具有特征性。

    Conclusions There was significant distinction about the results of MMPI of schizophrenic Patients with criminal behavior .

  4. 为了惩罚犯罪、保护人民,我国刑法对这一严重的危害行为果断作出反应。

    Criminal Law makes a response to these seriously acts decisively .

  5. 足月低体重儿与妊娠期健康危害行为的关系

    Term-gestation low birth weight and health - compromising behaviors during pregnancy

  6. 论刑法中的事后危害行为

    A Preliminary Study on Subsequent Harmful Conduct in Criminal Law

  7. 松针红蜡蚧生态特性和危害行为研究

    Ecologic characters and damaging behavior of red wax scale

  8. 二是人身危险性必须为一定的危害行为所反映。

    Second , it reflects the hazardous actions .

  9. 环境犯罪危害行为体系的严密性程度决定着环境保护的效果。

    Environmental Crime rigorous system of harmful behavior determines the degree of environmental effects .

  10. 论第三种危害行为形式及犯罪类型

    On the Third Type of Irregularities and Crime

  11. 目的探讨精神发育迟滞者发生危害行为的相关因素。

    Objective To explore the relevant factors of causing harmful behavior by the mental retardation .

  12. 重解刑法中的危害行为&以行为的社会危害性评价为视野

    Re-explain Dangerous Action of Criminal Law

  13. 刑法因果关系在刑法理论和实践中都具有重要的意义&只有当危害行为与危害结果之间被确认存在刑法上的因果关系时,才有可能让行为人承担刑事责任。

    The causality in criminal law plays a significant role in both criminal law theory and practice .

  14. 浅谈刑法有无明文规定的判断标准&兼论刑法没有规定为单位犯罪的单位危害行为的处理

    A Talk About the Standard Judging Whether a Harmful Act is Expressly Specified in the Criminal Law

  15. 第三部分为我国竞技体育严重危害行为的主要表现形式。

    The third part is the main manifestation of serious harm behavior in athletic sports of China .

  16. 生活事件、应对方式、家庭亲密度与中专男生健康危害行为

    Life events , coping styles , family cohesion and health-risk behaviors of male students in technical secondary schools

  17. 认定符合犯罪构成的危害行为与危害结果之间的因果关系是认定行为构成犯罪的重要前提。

    The determination of the causality between the malefaction and result is the key to decide a crime .

  18. 在刑法理论上,作为与不作为是危害行为的两种基本形式。

    In criminal law theory , the major two forms are on crime of commission and crime of omission .

  19. 在客观方面,本罪实施的危害行为有虚假陈述、误导性陈述和重大遗漏三种。

    On the objective aspect , the harmful behaviors consist of illusive statement , misguiding statement and important omission .

  20. 器官移植危害行为的犯罪化具有必要性与可行性,因此应当将其犯罪化。

    The criminalization of harmful conduct of organ transplant is necessary and practicable , therefore we should make it criminal .

  21. 作为危害行为与危害结果之间的桥梁,能够客观地反映危害行为与危害结果之间的内在联系。

    As the bridge between harm behavior and harm result , it should reflect objectively the internal relationship between them .

  22. 具体危险犯是指以行为人实施的危害行为造成法定的具体危险结果作为犯罪构成必要条件的犯罪。

    Concrete potential damage offense is a crime that regards dangerous act causing legal concrete danger consequence as indispensable constitutive elements .

  23. 这一法律事实是现实的、具体的危害行为与可能的、抽象的犯罪构成这两方面的结合。

    The juristic fact is the combination of the real and concrete harmful act and the potential and abstract constitution of crime .

  24. 此次系统修订刑法典,其重点在于增加分则条文,对大量危害行为予以犯罪化处理,这是由中国实际情况决定的。

    The key area of the current systematic revision is to add the sectional regulations which is decided by China 's reality .

  25. 车辆驾驶人对危害行为的主观心理、主观罪过无疑是理论界争论的焦点,对于危险驾驶罪的罪过形式宜认定为间接故意的心理,也只可能是故意不可能是过失。

    The offence form of dangerous driving should be one of indirect intention . It can only be intention instead of negligence .

  26. 关于环境污染危害行为与损害结果之间因果关系的确定,应该实行推定因果关系。

    Act on environmental pollution hazards and the damage to determine causal relationship between the results , should be implemented presumptive causality .

  27. 刑法的因果关系,是客观存在的符合构成要件的危害行为与危害结果之间的引起与被引起的关系。

    The causality of criminal law is defined as the interactive relation between the objective existing malefaction and result according to constitutive requirements .

  28. 定罪乃判定某一危害行为构成犯罪与否的认识活动,应当合乎认识论的基本原理;

    The conviction , as an activity of cognition , is to judge whether a certain dangerous act constitute an offence or not .

  29. 不及时报告的行为,即行为人在枪支丢失后没有及时报告,这是构成本罪的关键所在,是本罪刑法意义上的危害行为;

    The action of losing gun without reporting-the key of forming the crime and endangering action in the meaning of the criminal law ;

  30. 包括实行行为与危害行为、实行行为与预备行为、实行行为与帮助行为等方面。

    Including the executive action and the harm behavior , the executive action and the prepare behavior , the executive action and help behavior .