
  • 网络The crisis;The Crisis Stage;The Crisis Period
  1. 我认为可以肯定地说危机阶段过去了。

    I think it 's safe to say that the crisis period is over .

  2. 根据库恩的范式理论,教学论的发展应表现为教学论研究范式的嬗变与更替;教学论的发展目前处于危机阶段。

    According to Kuhn 's theory of paradigm , the development of Didactics is reflected as the change and replacement of teaching research paradigm , and the development of teaching theory is in the crisis stage .

  3. 第三部分是基于EVA的制造业上市公司财务危机阶段性预警的实证研究。

    The third part is the empirical study of the stage warning model for financial crisis on the manufacturing Chinese listed company based on EVA .

  4. 这四个阶段是:蜜月阶段,危机阶段,调整阶段以及适应阶段。

    The four stages are honeymoon , crisis , recovery and adjustment .

  5. 到十九世纪,宗教思想处于危机阶段。

    In this nineteenth century , the religious idea is undergoing a crisis .

  6. 周盈:众所周知,美国正处于金融危机阶段。

    Luna : As we all know that America is now suffering from financial crisis .

  7. 危机阶段&控制教育对策阶段。

    Crisis stage-controlling education stage .

  8. 如果英国央行行长说得没错的话在这个艰难的后危机阶段,我们连一半路程都还没走完那么,货币政策委员会在今后一段时间内将会使用各项非常规工具。

    If , as the governor has suggested , we are less than half-way through this difficult post-crisis period , then the MPC will be using unconventional tools for some time to come .

  9. 一旦我们度过的公共健康危机阶段的事情,这将是一个重要的研究问题:研究不同的感染力在一个物种和另一个。

    Once we get through the public health crisis phase of things , that 's going to be one of the important research questions : to look at differences in infectivity in one species and another .

  10. 在一般化模仿者动态模型基础上得出了群体性突发事件处制度危机阶段和制度转型阶段的扩散方程,其退化为包含学习障碍的传染病扩散方程。

    It educes the evolutionary functions that mass unexpected incident is in the system crisis phase and transforming phase using the generalized replicator dynamics model , that degenerate to the infection diffusion function including learning obstacle .

  11. 与此相反,OECD认为,经济增速逊于预期的主要原因并不是财政紧缩(处于主权债务危机早期阶段的欧元区或许是个例外)。

    Conversely , the OECD believes that – with the exception perhaps of the eurozone in the early stages of its sovereign debt crisis – austerity was not the main reason why countries did not grow as fast as expected .

  12. 学校危机反应阶段是学校危机管理的核心。

    The crisis reaction stage is the core of the crisis management .

  13. 在危机解决阶段,银行最好应很好地资本化,并再次与私营部门合作。

    Ideally , after the resolution stage , the banks should be well-capitalized and in private hands once again .

  14. 在危机准备阶段,此时事件还没有发生,可以提前建立事件预案管理体系。

    In the crisis preparation , before the affair starts , the pre-arranged planning system could be constructed ahead of time .

  15. 第一节是文章整体框架的建构,以危机传播阶段论和问题框架模式为理论框架。

    Section one introduces the framework of the dissertation , with stages of crisis communication and Problem-framing Model theories as the theoretical foundation .

  16. 论文以危机发展阶段、利益相关者、危机沟通策略和危机沟通效果四个关键词为理论框架;

    The thesis takes crisis development stages , stakeholders , crisis communication strategies and effect of crisis communication as four key words of the theory frame .

  17. 去年,约有150家公司申请上市,希望利用金融危机严重阶段过后市场解冻的机会。

    About 150 companies have filed to go public in the past year , hoping to take advantage of thawing markets after the depths of the financial crisis .

  18. 与国际危机的阶段性相适应,国际危机管理周期包含预防、准备、反应和恢复四个阶段,每一阶段都需要有效的信息沟通。

    Corresponding to the stages of international crises , an international crisis management cycle also includes four stages , i.e. , prevention , preparation , response and recovery . Each of stages requires effective communication .

  19. 本文第三章就具体阐述了在公共危机应对阶段作为重要补充的社会动员,并对其主客体进行明确界定,同时通过理论分析阐述了危机应对阶段由民间力量进行社会动员的必要性。

    This third chapter elaborated the social mobilization as an important supplement in the public crisis response phase , and defined its subject and object clearly , while theoretical analysis of the necessary of social mobilization by a non-governmental forces in public crisis response .

  20. 尽管这场信贷危机初期阶段的特点,是问题证券的大量减记,但目前各银行都面临着坏账准备金稳步上升的局面,这将吞噬银行利润,并限制其重建资本基础的能力。

    Whereas the early phases of the credit crisis were marked by heavy writedowns on securities that became toxic , banks are now facing a steady rise in provisions for bad debts , which will eat into profits and limit their ability to rebuild their capital bases .

  21. 在此次金融危机的初期阶段,当美国众银行在全球寻找援助资金时,阿布扎比投资局(abudhabiinvestmentauthority)是第一个提供援助的重要主权财富基金。

    When US banks searched the world for rescue capital during the early stages of the financial crisis , the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority was the first leading sovereign wealth fund to provide assistance .

  22. 篮球竞赛中心理危机与时间阶段的研究

    Research on Psychological Crisis and Time Phase in the Basketball Match

  23. 第二阶段:学校危机的反应阶段。

    The second stage : the reaction stage of the school crisis .

  24. 天野先生现在希望在核危机的早期阶段使专家意见协调。

    Mr Amano now wants improved coordination among experts during the early stages of a nuclear crisis .

  25. 我们将要看到的是度过危机的第一阶段后将要局势如何进行。

    We 'll see how to start moving forward after the first phase of a crisis has passed .

  26. 在危机的初期阶段,各国政府联合行动,以恢复市场信心和经济活动。

    In the early part of the crisis , governments acted in unison to restore confidence and economic activity .

  27. 所有这些数字都来自于年度披露报表,因此反映的是经济危机最严重阶段来临之前的情况。

    All the numbers come from annual disclosure forms , so they predate the worst of the economic crisis .

  28. 危机进入严重阶段后,欧盟各国政府的应对举措大多是主动的政府注资计划和债务担保。

    EU governments reacted to the acute phase of the crisis with mostly voluntary state recapitalisation schemes and debt guarantees .

  29. 但在欧元区主权债务危机步入新阶段后,德国国债便失去了光环。

    But in the euro zone sovereign debt crisis entered a new phase , the German government bonds has lost aura .

  30. 因而有必要建立一个能够识别财务危机所处阶段的预警模型。

    Therefore , it is necessary to establish a financial crisis model which could identify the stages of the financial crisis .