
  • 网络marginal;Marginal Return
  1. 分析结论说明:开放条件下资本和资源中间品的边际报酬是既定的,它们取决于资源中间品的国际价格。

    The conclusions are as follow : In an open economy , the marginal return of capital and resource middle goods is fixed by the world price of resource middle goods .

  2. 随着经济的发展与管理技术的不断提高,学术界逐渐认识到人力资本这一边际报酬递增的资本在企业发展中所起的巨大作用。

    With the economic development and constant improvement of the administrative skills , the academia realizes the enormous effect of human capital , a capital whose marginal return increases progressively , on enterprise 's development .

  3. 专业化人力资本(specializedhumancapital)由于其边际报酬递增特性而表现出强大的生产功能。

    With the character of increasing marginal profit , the specialized human capital has powerful productivity .

  4. 边际报酬递增特性使网络具有显著的自然垄断性。

    Characteristics of increasing marginal revenue can result to natural monopoly .

  5. 浅析知识经济中边际报酬递增定律

    Analysis on the Law of Increasing Marginal Returns in the Knowledge-based Economy

  6. 生产函数是凹性的,边际报酬递减。

    The production function is concave with decreasing returns .

  7. 网络型基础产业的边际报酬递增特性与互联互通&以电信业为例

    Attribute of Increasing Returns in Network-Infrastructure Industry

  8. 弥补成本后的边际报酬率

    Marginal rate of return over cost

  9. 化肥投入处在边际报酬递增阶段,增施化肥有较大的经济收益。个-1;有机肥和生长调节剂对竹笋产量和数量的影响较为显著,竹笋产量和数量随有机肥施用量的增加而升高;

    Increasing amount of fertilizer has economic income . Shoots yield and quantity increased with fertilizer increasing .

  10. 边际报酬递减规律是客观存在的吗&来自上市公司面板数据的实证检验

    Is Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns Objective Existence & An Analysis from Panel Data of Chinese Listed Company

  11. 劳动力边际报酬递减,农业劳动力生产率低的负效应凸显;

    The marginal reward of labor is decreasing & the minus effect of low labor productivity is outstanding .

  12. 两种资本的协调发展,有利于减缓单一资本的边际报酬递减。

    The harmonious development of two kind of capital helps to cut down the decreasing of marginal revenue of individual capital .

  13. 知识作为一种新的生产要素,由于它本身的特殊性对边际报酬有了新的影响。

    Being as a new productive factor , the knowledge possesses new influence on the marginal returns because of its own particularities .

  14. 除劳动外,这些山区资源投入水平很低,因而边际报酬高。

    Except labour , the input levels of resources are very low in the area , with a result of high marginal returns .

  15. 从知识要素的性质入手分析了知识是如何对边际报酬产生影响的。

    From the nature of the knowledge factor , this paper analyzes on how the knowledge to produce the influence on the marginal returns .

  16. 黄宗智提出的以“边际报酬”为评判尺度的“过密化”理论,是其分析和评判中国小农经济的理论基点。

    Phlip Huang 's " Involutionary Theory " is his theoretical BP which was used to analyze and comment on Chinese small-scale peasant economy .

  17. 研究表明:创新型人力资本具有边际报酬递增的特性;不同类型的人力资本适用不同的管理激励报酬形式。

    The research shows that the innovative human capital is characterized by increasing marginal returns and different human capitals are applicable to different modes of motivation returns .

  18. 具体地说,我说明了边际报酬递减就是边际产量随着肥料用量的增加而递减。

    More specifically , I showed that diminishing marginal returns is equivalent to a marginal physical product ( MPP ) that declines with increases in the level of fertilizer that is used .

  19. 网络经济具有边际报酬递增和正反馈等特点。网络经济与传统经济相比,网络经济产品具有信息性、标准性和知识性的特征。

    Network economy has the Characteristics of marginal increasing return and positive feedback etc. Compared to traditional economy , the network economy product is informational , standard and the characteristics of knowledge .

  20. 市场势力不仅能促进创新,还能保障要素边际报酬递增,由此获取的社会收益率远高于私人收益率,所以,我们可以认为,市场势力对社会福利净效应有着正向的影响。

    Market power can enhance innovation and ensure increasing marginal returns , making social rate of return much higher than individual rate of return , thus having a positive net effect on social welfare .

  21. 文章从物质资本、劳动力、人力资本和自然资源等角度揭示了不同地区禀赋比较优势和显示性比较优势的变化趋势,通过估计生产函数计算了不同地区生产要素的边际报酬。

    China 's eastern , central and western regions are shown to display differences in endowed and revealed comparative advantages in regard to physical capital , labor force , human capital and natural resources .

  22. 基于经济学的分析,土地流转有其内在的动力机制&规模经济、要素的边际报酬规律,是农业经济发展的必然选择。

    Based on the analysis of economics , land circulation has its intrinsic motivation mechanism , economies of scale , marginal returns law of elements , that is the inevitable choice of agricultural economic development .

  23. 文化资本具有规模报酬递增的特性,是能够实现边际报酬递增的稀缺要素;文化资本对企业家精神的形成与企业创新有重要影响。

    Cultural capital is characterized by its increasing returns to scale , and is a scarce element for realization of marginal increasing returns . Cultural capital has great influence on the formation of entrepreneur spirit and enterprise innovation .

  24. 即在资本边际报酬递减的基本假设下,新古典增长模型预言落后地区由于资本相对稀缺,从而导致经济增长速度相对较快;而发达地区经济增长将会相对较慢。

    Under the basic hypothesis of capital marginal reward degression , the new classic economic growth theory forecast the undeveloped region has a comparative rapid growth because the lack of capital and the developed region has a comparative slow growth .

  25. 企业家与其他生产要素不同,具有异质性和边际报酬递增的生产力属性,并且通过干中学等实践性途径实现人力资本的积累,从事熊彼特意义上的创新活动。

    Entrepreneurs have different characteristics from other factors of production . The productivity attributes of entrepreneurs are heterogeneity and increase of marginal returns . Entrepreneurs usually accumulate human capital through " learning-by-doing ", and by engaging in innovation activities according to the Schumpeterian theory .

  26. 进入知识经济时代,经济增长被赋予了新的内涵,由于人力资本的边际报酬递增性,而被视为推动经济持续增长的源泉和主要动力。

    As human being entered the economy time of knowledge , economic growth has been entrusted with the new connotation . Because the marginal return of human capital is increasing , it is regarded as the fountainhead and the main power which impetus sustainable economic growth .

  27. 在知识经济的大背景下很多传统的经济学理论都需要被重新认识,对应于传统经济学中的边际报酬递减定律在知识经济中就提出了边际报酬递增的理论。

    On the huge background of the knowledge-based economy , many traditional economic theories need recognizing again , and corresponding to the law of decreasing marginal returns in the traditional economics , the law of increasing marginal returns in the knowledge-based economy has been put forward .

  28. 无累进递增负荷与有累进递增负荷测定无氧阈结果的对比研究具体地说,我说明了边际报酬递减就是边际产量随着肥料用量的增加而递减。

    A comparative study of AT determination in running with progressive and unprogressive increasing loads ; More specifically , I showed that diminishing marginal returns is equivalent to a marginal physical product ( MPP ) that declines with increases in the level of fertilizer that is used .

  29. 新增纯收益率22.42%,边际成本报酬率3.33。稻田种植春玉米高效耦合技术包括部分放开冬春茬,稻田冬春季改小麦为菜果经济作物;NET开发了基于规则的特钢企业调度系统。

    The increased net profit ratio is 22.42 % and the marginal benefit-cost ratio is 3.33 . Efficient techniques for system coupling of planting spring-corn in rice field include that the winter and spring can be freed , and the wheat can be changed to the economic crops ;

  30. 以不施氮为对照,施氮量在150kg/hm2时,新增纯收益最大(为13.91%),而施氮量在75kg/hm2时,则可取得最高的边际成本报酬率及氮肥农学利用率。

    Net profit with nitrogen level of 150 kg / hm2 was largest ( 13.91 % ), while margin cost reward rates and nitrogen agronomic efficiency with nitrogen level of 75 kg / hm2 was highest .