
  • 网络The Border Town
边城 [biān chéng]
  • [cities on the border] 临近边界的城市

  1. 戴乃迭《边城》英译本的翻译策略研究

    On Translation Strategies of Gladys Yang 's the Border Town

  2. 水是《边城》的灵魂。

    Water is the soul of The Border Town .

  3. 技术时代与美学乌托邦的魅力&以《边城》中的湘西世界为例

    The Times of Technology and the Charm of Aesthetic Utopia

  4. 波德代羊射精量在11月份最高,5月份最低。两品种射精量季节变化不同。守常中的变异&解读沈从文的《边城》与《长河》

    The seasonal variation of the two breeds was different .

  5. 《边城》;翻译美学;英译本;比较研究;

    Biancheng ; translation aesthetics ; the English versions ; comparative study ;

  6. 而追寻则使他竭力将边城理想化,使其成为具有中国乡土特色的伦理乌托邦。

    And the pursuit makes him construct an ethical Utopia .

  7. 《边城》与《呼啸山庄》的情话对白比较

    Comparison of Loving Dialogues in Bian Cheng and Wuthering Height

  8. 试论《边城》的乡土特色及民族艺术

    On the Local Flavor and the National Art of The Remote Town

  9. 完美理想与现实的冲突,《边城》的创作。

    The third , perfect ideal conflicted with reality .

  10. 浅析《边城》中的人性美

    The Analysis of the Beauty of Human Nature from " Faraway Town "

  11. 《边城》歌颂自然的人性美

    The Beauty of Human Nature Expressed in Bian Cheng

  12. 证券市场是完全竟争的。《边城》:和谐音符中的不和谐

    The unified market ; Border Town : The Harmonious Notes Full of Disharmony

  13. 《边城》是现代文学史上一个纯洁的小说文本,众多研究者对小说文本的分析往往注重其和谐性。

    Border Town is a pure version of novel in modem history of literature .

  14. 《边城》的象征主义特色

    The Characteristics of Symbolism in The Boder Town

  15. 《边城》问世已经有70年的历史。

    Border Town has published for 70 years .

  16. 包括对过去边城文化形态的双重态度;

    It consists of three parts : double viewpoints to the past cultural formation ;

  17. 《边城》:民间的现代性与庄严

    The Border Town : Folk Modernity and Solemnity

  18. 论《边城》中的洪水意象

    On the Images of Flood in Frontier Town

  19. 行将凋零的爱与美&从《边城》看沈从文的湘西世界

    Love and Beauty on the Verge of Fade

  20. 语言的断裂和缝合&《桥》与《边城》话语分析

    Fracture and Suture of Language : A Discourse Analysis of Bridge and Frontier City

  21. 改写与重建&《边城》与《大淖纪事》的文本互读

    Rewriting and Reconstruction : A Comparative Reading of The Border Town and Records of Danao

  22. 《边城》与其说是一只悱恻动人的爱情牧歌,不如说是一只悲切哀婉的风俗挽歌。

    The border Town is more a grievous custom elegy than a moving love eclogue .

  23. 寻找远古的温情&论《边城》的水原型及其影响力

    Seeking for Archaic Affection : On the Water Archetype of The Border Town and Its Influence

  24. 《边城》在沈从文的作品中像一首诗,笔调优美抒情最为读者所喜欢。

    One of his masterpieces is The Country , a poetic novel most loved by readers .

  25. 《边城》道德思想的伦理学阐释

    THOUGHT An Interpretation of the Moral of " Border Town " from the Perspective of Ethic

  26. 研究发现,铁边城井区、定边井区和姬塬井区之间的储层的连通性较差。

    The continuity of the reservoirs between Tiebiancheng , Dingbian and Jiyuan well field is bad ;

  27. 沈从文在《边城》里描绘了一个和谐融洽的湘西茶峒社会。

    Shen Congwen has described a harmonious tea cave society of western Hunan in Border Town .

  28. 情绪记忆的窗口&《呼兰河传》与《边城》解读

    The Window of Emotion Memory

  29. 《苔丝》和《边城》都是关于纯洁美好的乡村姑娘的爱情悲剧。

    Tess of the Durbervillcs and Frontier City are both tragic stories about pure and beautiful country girls .

  30. 乡土文化中的人性美&《边城》艺术特色浅析

    The Beauty of Human Nature in Local Culture & humble opinion on artistic characteristics of the Edge City