
  • 网络The limbic system;limbic;Limbic Area
  1. 目的了解大鼠纹状体内P物质的分布及其与脑内其他重要结构如基底神经节和边缘系统内P物质之间的相互联系。

    AIM To understand the distribution and connection of substance P among some important structure of basal Ganglia and limbic system in the rat brain .

  2. 它是大脑边缘系统(limbicsystem)的一部分,边缘系统与恐惧、报酬、惩罚和愉悦等感觉和情绪的产生有关。

    It is part of the limbic system associated with generating feelings and emotions such as fear , reward , punishment and pleasure .

  3. 边缘系统相关膜蛋白在大鼠脑纹状体边缘区表达的westernblot研究

    Expression of limbic system-associated membrane protein in the marginal division of striatum of rat brain with Western blot

  4. Alzheimer型痴呆临床量表检查与MRI边缘系统体积测量的相关研究

    A Correlative Study of Volume Measurement MRI of Limbic System with Clinical Scale Examinations in Dementia of Alzheimer 's Type

  5. 方法:对35例难治性精神病患者在MRI和CT引导下进行图像融合定位处理,于边缘系统内确定手术靶点,行立体定向多靶点射频消融手术。

    Methods : 35 cases of intractability psychosis were treated by CT or MRI image fusion and guided with stereotactic radio-frequency ablation multi-target in limbic system .

  6. 前言:目的:探讨CT、MRI图像融合技术引导下立体定向边缘系统内多靶点射频消融治疗难治性精神病的意义。

    Objective : To study the significance of Stereotactic radio-frequency ablation multi-target in limbic system for treatment of intractability psychosis by image fusion with CT or MRI .

  7. 目的观察慢性应激状态大鼠脑边缘系统超微结构病理变化及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力,探讨慢性应激自由基对脑损害作用及超微结构改变。

    Objective To observe changes of the pathomorphism and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) in the rat being in stress , and study the injury to brain .

  8. 结果:MD存在认知功能损害,涉及双侧额叶、双侧颞叶边缘系统及右侧顶叶。

    Results : MD have cognitive impairments reflecting the dysfunction in frontal , temporal , limbic system and parietal lobes .

  9. SE可导致持久的神经元损伤(尤其是边缘系统),使SE后各种慢性脑病的发生率增加。

    SE could cause long-lasting damage of neurons ( especially the ones in the limbic system ), which makes an increment of chronic encephalopathy after SE .

  10. DM中间部主要接受岛叶无颗粒皮质背部及前梨状叶皮质的传入,也可能和边缘系统功能有关。

    The central segment of DM received afferent projections from the dorsal agranular insular cortex and the prepiriform cortex , also related with the function of the limbic system .

  11. GP与ACB、CLA间也为双向投射,从而沟通了基底神经节与边缘系统间的联系。

    The connections between GP and ACB and CLA are also two-directionprojections which form the pathways between basal ganglia and limbic system .

  12. 吗啡戒断性焦虑大鼠边缘系统CaMKⅡ含量及其磷酸化水平的改变

    Variable contents and phosphorylase levels of CaMK ⅱ in morphine withdrawal rats associated with limbic system

  13. 由学习记忆所诱导的c-fos基因表达在脑内广泛分布,以皮层、海马和边缘系统为多,依学习记忆训练模型的不同,其表达时程有所差异;

    The learning and memory-induced c-fos gene expression is widely distributed in brain with high level in cortex , hippocampus and limbic system . According to different training model , the expression of c-fos has different time-course .

  14. 目的:研究急性脑缺血边缘系统bcl-2家族及白介素-1β转化酶(ICE)基因的同期转录变化特征及其与细胞凋亡的关系,并探讨牛磺酸对其影响和可能机制。

    Objective : To investigate the features of transcription of bcl-2 clan and interleukin-1 β converting enzyme ( ICE ) gene in limbic system after rats middle cerebral artery occlusion ( MCAO ), and effects of taurine on these changes .

  15. 目的研究西比灵对大鼠急性脑缺血边缘系统细胞凋亡及bcl-2家族、白介素-1β转化酶(ICE)基因的影响及机制。

    Objective To study the effect and the mechanism of sibelium on apoptosis and transcription of bcl 2 clan and interleukin 1 β converting enzyme ( ICE ) gene in limbic system after rats ' middle cerebral artery occlusion ( MCAO ) .

  16. 多巴胺D3受体(DRD3)的mRNA几乎全都集中在与认知和情感功能相关的边缘系统。

    The mRNA of the dopamine D3 receptor ( DRD3 ) considered to be located in the limbic system of the brain is related to cognition and affection .

  17. 目的研究边缘系统癫痫发作后海马颗粒细胞生长相关蛋白(GAP-43)基因表达变化。

    Objective To determine whether granule cells can be induced to express mRNA of an axonal growth-associated protein ( GAP-43 ) after limbic seizure , which can induce sprouting of granule cell mossy fibers .

  18. 由此推论,大鼠CeA内5-HT3受体至少可部分通过边缘系统-皮层-下丘脑-中脑导水管周围灰质这一神经内分泌环路调制胸腺细胞功能。

    In conclusion , the 5-HT , receptors in the CeA of rats mediate the modulation of thymus function , at least partly , through the neuroendocrine circuit of the limbic system-cortex-hypothalamus-PAG .

  19. 目前,国外已经对创伤后应激障碍形成的神经生物学机制开展了广泛研究,结果表明创伤后应激障碍患者的边缘系统存在功能紊乱,如海马及前扣带回体积减小,扣带回FA值改变等。

    Nowadays many foreign countries have widely investigated the neurobiology mechanism about PTSD , and the results indicated that the limbic system in patients with PTSD exists functional disorder , such as diminished volume in hippocampus and anterior cingutate , changed FA values in cingutate and so on .

  20. 采用穿梭箱被动回避反应及组织化学、图像分析等法,研究鲜蜜蜂10d龄幼虫浆对24月龄老年大鼠记忆保持力和大脑边缘系统海马内胆碱能神经纤维形态学影响。

    In this study , the effects of made bee larvae were investigated on learning memory and hippocampal cholinergic nerve system in aging rats by the passive avoidance response of shuttle box and histochemical and images analysis methods .

  21. 海马是边缘系统的一个重要器官。

    Hippocampus is one of the important organs of the limbic system .

  22. 急性应激大鼠脑边缘系统生化病理变化

    Biochemical Change and Pathology of Limbic System of Rats under Acute Stress

  23. 假设的机制包括边缘系统或5-羟色胺能系统功能障碍。

    The postulated mechanisms include dysfunction of the limbic or serotoninergic system .

  24. 杏仁核、海马是治疗颞叶癫痫的常用靶点,也是边缘系统的重要组成部分。

    Amygadala , hippocampus are critical structure of limbic system .

  25. 边缘系统胶质瘤的诊断与手术治疗

    Diagnosis and surgical treatment of glioma of the limbic system

  26. 慢性应激大鼠脑边缘系统病理应激效应研究

    Study of stress reaction of pathology in limbic system of slow rat

  27. 边缘系统胶质瘤的特点及显微外科治疗

    Characteristics and Microsurgical Treatment of Glioma in Limbic System

  28. 单侧颞叶癫痫患者的双侧边缘系统扩散异常

    Bilateral limbic diffusion abnormalities in unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy

  29. 兔边缘系统背侧海马呼吸相关神经元

    Respiratory related neurons in dorsal hippocampus of the limbic system of the rabbit

  30. 边缘系统低级别胶质瘤

    Low grade gliomas in limbic and paralimbic system