
  1. 试论公共危机信息收集的范围与渠道

    Discussion on the Scope and Access of Collection for Public Crisis Information

  2. 公共危机信息收集是公共危机信息管理的首要环节。

    Information Collection is the preliminary link of public crisis information management .

  3. 企业危机预警系统包括信息收集子系统、信息分析和评估子系统、危机预测子系统、危机报警子系统和危机预处理子系统五个子系统。(2)建立危机预警系统的指标体系。

    Enterprise crisis early warning system , including the collection of information systems , information analysis and assessment subsystem , forecast subsystem crisis , crisis and crisis alarm subsystems pretreatment subsystem five subsystems . 2 , The establishment of early warning systems for crisis Index System .

  4. 另外还从基于电子政务平台基础上的公共危机信息数据库和处理系统的构建的角度来研究了以电子政务为基础,搭建公共危机信息数据收集和交换平台。

    And then analysis the establishment of data collection and exchanges based on the construction of public crisis data base and e-government platform .