
  1. 他在近期向金融危机调查委员会(financialcrisisinquirycommission)表示,他和其他监管者会找到未来所需要的监管工具。

    He and other regulators will have the tools they need in future , he recently told the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission .

  2. 对于金融业来说,本周可谓是祸不单行:明日,银行家将在金融危机调查委员会(financialcrisisinquirycommission)的首次听证会上作证。

    This has turned into a crunch week for the financial services industry , with bankers due to testify tomorrow at the first public hearing of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission .

  3. 美国金融危机调查委员会(financialcrisisinquirycommission)尖锐抨击高盛(goldmansachs)“糟糕”回应提供信息请求,并已发出传票,强迫该行提供资料,并让高管接受质询。

    The US Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission has launched a sharp attack on Goldman Sachs for its " abysmal " response to requests for information and issued a subpoena to compel it to provide documents and executives for interviews .

  4. 我们认为这个公司剩余部分是一个价值很高、高效而运行良好的公司。金融危机调查委员会正在审视AIG与雷曼等机构太大不能倒的现象。

    The rest of the company as far as we could tell was an effective , sound company with a lot of value , he said . The FCIC is considering the phenomenon of too big to fail institutions such as AIG and Lehman .

  5. propublica的作品曾二度获得普利策奖,分别是金融危机调查和卡特里娜飓风灾后的医疗保健条例(与《纽约时报》杂志共同撰写)。

    Propublica has already won two Pulitzer Prizes for its work , including investigations into the financial crisis and the provision of health care in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina ( with the New York Times Magazine ) .

  6. 但金融危机调查委员会似乎并不信服。

    But the congressional panel did not appear convinced .

  7. 该委员会与金融危机调查委员会在2月发布的报告不同,前者得到了两党的支持。

    The committee had bipartisan support , unlike the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission , which reported in January .

  8. 高盛表示:我们一直并将继续致力于向金融危机调查委员会提供他们要求的信息。该行否认了证交会的指控,并对自身的业务实践进行了辩护。

    Goldman , which denies the SEC charges and has defended its business practices , said : We have been and continue to be committed to providing the FCIC with the information they have requested .

  9. 明天标志着我们称为金融危机调查委员会的第一次公开会议,这是国会一个小组建立通过,像9/11那样的委员会一样,用以应对去年的金融危机。

    Tomorrow marks the first public meeting of what 's called the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission , a panel set up by Congress , a lot like the 9 / 11 Commission was , to get to the bottom of last year 's financial meltdown .

  10. 3月11日,9.0级大地震和历史性的海啸袭击日本东北部之后,刚刚退下冲绳岛最高职位的美国退休外交官负责华盛顿的一个危机调查任务小组。

    Former US Diplomat Criticizes Japan 's Nuclear Response After a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and historic tsunami battered northeastern Japan on March 11 a veteran U.S. diplomat , who had just been removed from the top post on the island of Okinawa , was among those put in charge of a crisis task force in Washington .

  11. 经济转型期青年医务人员危机状况调查分析

    Investigation of the crises status of young medical workers in economical transforming period

  12. 在最近的一项研究中,我们对15个经济体如何应对近期的金融危机进行了调查。

    In a recent study , we examined how 15 economies had responded to recent financial crises .

  13. 他们肆无忌惮的政治捐款和大量的游说,导致监管缺位,引发了这场危机,负责此次调查的比尔布曾伯格(BillBuzenberg)说。

    Their unbridled political contributions and massive lobbying created the lack of regulation and oversight that led to this crisis , said Bill Buzenberg , who headed the CPI investigation .