
  1. 本文以作者工作的北寰集团(化名)的危机管理为案例。

    The article here manages for the case with the crisis of the Beihuan group ( assumed name ) .

  2. 借助于信息科学,很多学者都对危机管理从案例推理方面进行了研究,并且一些学术机构和政府部门也开始构建相关的危机事件案例库。

    By means of information science , many scholars began to study the issues related to emergency management by case-based reasoning ( CBR ) method . Academic institutions and government departments have begun to build cases database of emergency events .

  3. 危机案例中蕴含着危机应对的经验、知识,对危机管理至关重要,而案例库正式结构化存储案例的一种有效方式。

    Case base is an effective way to storage experience and knowledge contained crisis event Case , which is crucial to crisis respond .