
lì shǐ yí liú wèn tí
  • issues left over from history;issues left over from the past
  1. 我们之间不存在历史遗留问题,也不存在根本利害冲突。

    There are no outstanding issues left over from history or conflict of fundamental interests between the two sides .

  2. 中国坚持以对话和协商的方式处理与其它国家的历史遗留问题和现实分歧。

    China is committed to addressing issues left over from history and current differences with other countries through dialogue and negotiation .

  3. 他说:成立时间较短的基金如中投公司和科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)在房地产领域的资产配置尤其不足,同时不存在业绩或历史遗留问题。

    He said : The younger funds [ such as CIC and the Kuwait Investment Authority ] especially are under-allocated to real estate and have no performance or legacy issues .

  4. 第三,妥善处理历史遗留问题。

    And , third , the historical issue should be appropriately handled .

  5. 我们都承认这是历史遗留问题。

    We both recognise that this is history 's legacy .

  6. 这是个历史遗留问题,不是奥巴马造成的。

    Mr Obama inherited this problem ; it was not of his making .

  7. 社会不平等加剧,养老金经费不足、教学质量下降早是历史遗留问题。

    Rising inequality , unfunded pensions and bad schools are not new problems .

  8. 四要抓紧解决国有企业历史遗留问题。

    Fourth , we need to work quickly to solve longstanding problems in SOEs .

  9. 存在历史遗留问题,特殊人群补偿矛盾突出。

    The existence of problems left over by history , special crowd compensation contradiction .

  10. 对于历史遗留问题,发挥大国的风范。

    The problems left over by history , the style of play a big country .

  11. 两权分离方法解决海域勘界中的历史遗留问题

    Use the Method of Separating Jurisdiction from Access to Solve Historical Issues in Sea Demarcation

  12. 要正确处理各种有关的历史遗留问题。

    Correctly handling various historical problems concerned .

  13. 其固有的发展模式根深蒂固、历史遗留问题众多。

    The development model is Deep-rooted inherent , and have a number of historical issues .

  14. 关于妥善解决集体林权流转历史遗留问题的思考

    On a Proper Solution of Collective Forest Rights Transfer Consider the Question Left over by History

  15. 同时也为我国顺利解决香港、澳门问题提供了理论依据,并且为世界各国提供了国家间解决历史遗留问题的新的思路与成功范例。

    It also provided the new thinking for other countries to solve kinds of historical issues .

  16. 为解决资产存量风险,国家特成立了四家资产管理公司以解决历史遗留问题。

    In order to solve the existing risks , the Central Government established four assets management companies .

  17. 在我国,由于制度的不完善和历史遗留问题造成了我国上市公司融资行为的扭曲。

    In our country , system disfigurement and historical question contort our public corporation ' financing behavior .

  18. 国有企业实施政策性关闭破产是为解决历史遗留问题而采取的一项特殊政策。

    To implement policy-based closures and bankruptcies of state-owned-enterprises is a special policy to solve inherited problem .

  19. 首先,中欧没有直接地缘战略冲突和历史遗留问题。

    First , the two sides do not have a conflict of fundamental interests or outstanding historical issues .

  20. 塞林娜:如果你不必处理历史遗留问题,那么回忆是一件美好的事情。

    Celine : Memory 's a wonderful thing if you don 't have to deal with the past .

  21. 历史遗留问题仍然很严重,要妥善解决并不是一件容易的事情。

    Problems left over by history is still very serious and not easy to properly resolve the matter .

  22. 在成为一个农业大国和主要的蛋白质生产国的过程中,中国克服了不堪回首的历史遗留问题。

    In becoming an agricultural powerhouse , and a leading protein producer , China is overcoming a bitter historical legacy .

  23. 理论上,对投资者而言印度的低薪资水平很有吸引力,但莫迪面临着可怕的历史遗留问题。

    In theory , wages are attractively low for investors , but Mr Modi is faced with an awful legacy .

  24. 在两国关系实现正常化之后,有关边界的历史遗留问题将很快得以解决

    The Boundary questions left over by history Between the two countries will soon be solved with normalization of their Bilateral relations

  25. 引起上市公司与中小股东利益失衡的原因是多方面的,其中既有历史遗留问题的因素,也有现行制度安排缺陷的因素。

    There are many factors historical and systematic that bring about the unbalanced allotment of benefit between listed companies and individual investors .

  26. 现在解决中国股市历史遗留问题的条件已经成熟;

    The author argues that it is high time for China to solve the problems left over by history on the stock market .

  27. 这一时期,处遗工作进入攻坚阶段,全部完成了历史遗留问题。

    During this period ," left behind " the job to enter phase of assault fortified positions , completed the historical bequeath problem .

  28. 一方面,受民族问题、领土边界争端等地区历史遗留问题的影响,地区冲突频发,外高加索三个国家也先后出现政局不稳、经济衰退。

    Affected by the historical issues , political instability , economic recession , area conflict-prone has appeared in all three countries of Transcaucasia .

  29. 第一章主要是分析白话散文教学历史遗留问题,并重点呈现高中白话散文教学存在的缺陷和不足。

    The first chapter basically is briefly analyzed the characteristics and vernacular prose teaching problems , thus present situation of prose teaching content .

  30. 中俄两国边界问题是历史遗留问题,现在终于得到了圆满的解决。

    The border issue , a historical legacy that had been left to Russia and China , has received its complete and final resolution .