
yā yán jī
  • calender;machine for pressing/flattening out sth.
  1. 三辊压延机振动分析与故障诊断

    Vibration Test Analysis and Fault Diagnosis on Three Press Roll Calender

  2. 异径辊筒压延机速度分布及压力分布

    Velocity and Pressure Distribution of the Calender with Non-equal Sized Rolls

  3. 压延机调距的自动化控制

    Auto Control of Adjusting the Gap Between Two Rolls for the Calender

  4. 异径辊压延机原理及应用新式压光机用复合辊面

    The principles and applications of plastics calendering with differential rollers

  5. 引进纤维钢丝压延机联动生产线简介

    Brief of Imported Fabric / Steel Cord Calender Train Line

  6. 3辊压延机带有压花、接取和冷却机构。

    The 3-roll calender includes the em-bossing and the take-off and cooling units .

  7. 压延机挂胶帘布厚度自动检测及控制系统

    Automatic gauge measuring and control system for calendered cord

  8. 压延机轧辊温度检测元件的选择

    The Selection of a Sensor Used for Detecting the Roller Temperature of a Calender

  9. 四辊压延机挡胶板的改进设计

    Improved Design of Guide Plate for 4-Roll Calendar

  10. 国内压延机的发展趋势

    The Calender 's Developing trend In CHINA

  11. 有机热载体在四辊压延机上的应用和计算

    The Application and Calculation of the Organic Heat Carrrier to 4 Roller Steel Rolling Mill

  12. 用红外测温仪测量橡胶压延机包胶辊辊温的研究

    Research on measuring the temperature of the roll covering with rubber by using infrared radiation thermometers

  13. 柔性石墨板材压延机

    Calender of the flexible graphite plates

  14. 开放式炼胶机及橡胶压延机

    Open roll mill & rubber calender

  15. 本文论述了压延机调距的自动化控制的改造设计。

    The paper introduces the auto controlling of adjusting the gap between two rolls for calender .

  16. GB/T13578-1992橡胶塑料压延机

    Rubber and plastics calender

  17. 非石棉密封复合材料压延机的研制及其压延工艺关键技术

    Study on the Calender and the Key Technology of the Calendering Process for Sealing Composite Reinforced with Non-asbestos Fiber

  18. 该压延机的操作完全是靠主操作手凭经验手动操作。

    The operation of that rolling mill completely is operated by lord to rely on the experience move the operation .

  19. 应用建立在概率统计理论基础上的可靠性设计方法,探讨了压延机辊筒刚度的可靠性问题。

    Using the reliability design method based on mathematical statistics theory , the reliability problem on calender roller rigidity was discussed in this paper .

  20. 压延机框架带有加强肋,并经过膨胀处理,从而赋予最佳的刚性,防止发生扭曲和振动。

    The calender frames are provided with stiffening ribs and distension treatment granting the maximum rigidity together with the absence of distortions and vibrations .

  21. 改型与翻新使压延机生产线的生产效率提高50%,产品质量也有很大的提高,而投资仅为生产线的1/3。

    Renovation makes the productivity increasing by 50 % and product qua-lity being much improved , but the investment is only 1 / 3 Of the new one .

  22. 最后,将自适应插补控制器应用于参数时变的胶带压延机厚度控制系统中,通过仿真证明了控制的有效性。

    Finally , the controller was applied to thickness control system of tape rolling mill whose parameters were time-varying . The simulation results show the validity of the control .

  23. 在新研制的压延机上增加塑料薄膜厚度闭环测控系统,使压延机成为一套真正的机电一体化设备。

    New closed loop observer and control system was added on rolling machine for the measurement of sheet film thickness , thus made the rolling machine become a truly mechatronic product .

  24. 目前我公司所使用的450×1200三辊压延机是桂林橡胶机械厂1975年8月生产,1979年6月投入使用的。

    Current my company uses of 450 X 1200 three Stalks of the rolling mill are produced by guilin rubber machine factory in 1975 August , and used in 1979 June .

  25. 接下来,根据工艺要求设计了压延机的电气控制系统,主要包括控制网络的搭建与组态、各类型电机的驱动系统设计等。

    Thirdly , calender electrical control system is designed based on process requirements , including structure and configuration of the control network and the various types of motor drive system design .

  26. 高炉煤气滤袋除尘中喷水降温控制用红外测温仪测量橡胶压延机包胶辊辊温的研究

    Water Spraying Control for Decreasing the Temperature of Blast Furnace Gas in Bag Fil - ter Research on measuring the temperature of the roll covering with rubber by using infrared radiation thermometers

  27. 在轮胎生产工艺中,压延机生产线生产出的钢丝帘线覆胶产品的质量是整个轮胎质量的基础,而钢丝帘线产品的厚度是产品质量的决定性因素。

    During the tire producing process , the metallic product with rubber which produced by the calender line is the basis of the whole tire quality system . And the thickness of the rubber in the product is the crucial factor .

  28. 从生产工艺的角度,将钢丝压延机的控制系统分成张力控制系统、厚度控制系统、辅助系统等三大部分,论述各部分功能及自动控制原理。

    From the view of production technology , divide the control system of wire calender into three parts : tension control system , thickness control system and assistant control system , describe the function and automatic control principle of each part .

  29. 主要叙述了S型四辊压延机压延厚度自动检测及自动控制系统的开发及研制,着重阐述该系统结构的设计以及厚度自动检测系统中模型的建立。

    The development of an automatic gauge measuring and control system for the calendered cord on the four roll calender with S configuration is described with the emphasis on the design of system structure and the establishment of model in automatic gauge measuring system .

  30. 钢丝帘布压延生产线的产品就是轮胎的帘布层,因此压延机生产线是生产轮胎的关键环节之一,对于轮胎的质量有着极其重要的影响。

    Since the production of steel cord calender is the ply layer , calender production line is one of the key steps for the tire production of tire and has an extremely important impact on the quality of tire .