
yā huā bō li
  • pattern glass
  1. 海棠之名来自门上的海棠压花玻璃。

    The name of crabapple comes from the crabapple pattern glass on the ancient door .

  2. 石英陶瓷辊在压花玻璃退火窑上的应用

    Application of silica-ceramic rollers to lehr of patterned glass

  3. 基于虚拟仪器的彩色压花玻璃自动搅拌系统

    The Color-pattern-glass Automatic Churning System Based on Virtual Instrument

  4. 锤痕单面压花玻璃板材,压铸或轧制,无金属丝,未加工

    Glass , hammered cathedral , cast or rolled , non-wired unworked , in sheets

  5. 压花玻璃主要品种有布纹、香梨、海棠、七巧板、四季红等30余个花色品种。

    Patterns : The obscure glass has30 different kinds of verification which mainly includes Mistlite , Pear , Flora , Karatachi and Four-season-rainbow .

  6. 压花玻璃在光学上具有透光不透明的特点,可使光线柔和,并具有隐私的屏护作用和一定的装饰效果。

    Empaistic glass is with a transmittance in the optical characteristics of non-transparent , allows light and soft , and plays the role of guarding the privacy and a certain decorative effect .