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  1. 珠子参总皂甙对小鼠NK活性的影响

    The Effect of Panax Japonicus Saponin on NK Activity in Mice

  2. 竹节参总皂苷对佐剂关节炎大鼠血清TNF-α和IL-1β表达的影响

    Effect of total saponins of Panax Japonicus on expression of serum TNF - α and IL-1 β in rheumatoid arthritis rats

  3. 目的探讨一种添加了西洋参总皂苷的玛咖保健品对小鼠细胞免疫功能、体液免疫功能、巨噬细胞吞噬功能以及NK细胞活性的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of a Maca healthy product compounded with ginsenosides on cell-mediated immune function , humoral immune function , macrophage phago-function and NKC activity of mice .

  4. 九子参总皂甙药理研究

    Pharmacological Study of Total Glycosides Extracted from Silene Aprica

  5. 黔产竹节参总黄酮苷的提取与测定方法研究

    Study on Extraction and Measurement on Flavonoid Glycosides from Panax japonicus Production in Guizhou

  6. 竹节参总皂苷抑制小鼠肿瘤生长的实验研究

    Effects of Total Saponins of Panax japonicus ( TSPJ ) on Tumor Growth in Mice

  7. 超声法提取竹节参总皂苷工艺条件的优化

    Optimization of the Processing Condition of Total Saponin Extracted from Japanese Ginseng with Ultrasonic Method

  8. 竹节参总皂甙的镇痛、镇静、抗惊及解痉作用和毒性试验

    Analgesic , sedative , anticonvulsant , antispastic effects and toxicity of total saponins of Panax japonicus

  9. 海马培养上清与海马内注入西洋参总甙对胸腺细胞的增殖效应

    Effect of the supernatant of cultured hippocampal cells and injection of PNS into the hippocampus on proliferation of thymocytes

  10. 青羊参总甙对小鼠脑突触体中某些氨基酸含量和脑中某些有关酶活性的影响

    Effect of total glycoside of Cynanchum otophyllum Schneid on synaptosomal amino acid contents and whole brain enzyme activities in mice

  11. 西洋参总皂甙含量高于吉林人参。

    And ( 3 ) that the total saponin content of panax quinquefolium was higher than that of panax ginseng .

  12. 方法以小鼠移植性肉瘤和腹水瘤为模型,观察竹节参总皂苷对小鼠肿瘤生长的抑制作用及对荷瘤小鼠生命延长期的影响。

    Methods We used the mice with sarcoma S180 and with hepatoma H22 as models to observe the effect of TSPJ on mice tumor inhibition and the life prolongation respectively .

  13. 参麦总皂甙能明显抑制ECV-304增殖和肿瘤条件培养液诱导ECV-304增殖,但对SGC-7901增殖无影响;

    Total saponins from shenmai were able to inhibit the proliferation of ECV-304 cell and ECV-304 cell induced by conditioned medium of tumor , but they made no influence on the proliferation of SGC-7901 cell ;

  14. 利用大孔吸附树脂提取西洋参果肉总皂苷

    Application of foramen magnum absorption resin to extract saponins from American ginseng

  15. ②有中度及中度以上明显心理问题的国防生占参测总人数的5.28%;

    The incidence of serious and less serious psychological problems is5.28 % .

  16. 川明参;总香豆素;紫外分光光度法;含量测定。

    Chuanminshen viloaceum ; total coumarin ; UV spectrophotometry ; content determination .

  17. 西洋参叶总皂苷对四氧嘧啶性高血糖大鼠血脂代谢的影响

    The Effect of Panax quinquefolium saponins on Blood Lipid Level in Alloxan-Induced Hyperglycemia Rat Model

  18. 大孔吸附树脂对珠子参叶总皂苷纯化工艺研究

    Studies on the purification process of leaves of Rhizoma Panacis Majoris ′ total saponins by macroporous absorbent resin

  19. 本文研究了人工培植竹节参的总皂苷提取纯化工艺及其体外抗氧化的能力。

    This study is on the extraction and purification of Total saponin of artificial panax japonicus and its antioxidation function .

  20. 明党参生长速率明显小于峨参,总生物量约为峨参的1/3~1/8,相对于峨参而言明党参是一个在幼苗阶段生长缓慢的物种。

    The total biomass of C.smyrnioides seedling was1 / 3 to1 / 8 of A.sylvestri , that meant it was a species with slowly growing speed during junior phase relative to A.

  21. [结果]西洋参叶总皂苷大、中、小剂量组及达美康组均可提高血清胰岛素水平,其提高百分率分别为29%、28%、22%和60%。

    The high , middle lower dosage of total saponins and gliclazide could increase the level of serum insulin with per ˉ centage of29 % , 28 % , 22 % and16 % respectively .

  22. 低、中、高剂量参麦总皂甙均能抑制肿瘤生长和提高肿瘤小鼠存活时间,且抑瘤率和生命延长率与剂量呈正相关;

    When the concentration of total saponins from shenmai varied from low to high , total saponins were able to inhibit tumor growth and prolong the lifetime of the tumor mice in a dose-dependent pattern .

  23. 西洋参茎叶总皂苷碱降解成分

    Alkaline-degradation products of ginsenosides from leaves and stems of Panax quinquefolium

  24. 目的建立川明参药材中总香豆素含量测定方法。

    Objective To establish a method for determination of the content of total coumarin in Chuanminshen viloaceum .

  25. 目的探讨西洋参茎叶总皂苷是否能改善缺血心肌细胞的能量代谢。

    Objective To investigate whether Panax quinquefolium saponin ( PQS ) could improve ischemic myocardial energy metabolism in rats with acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) .

  26. 方法:西洋参茎叶总皂苷及单体皂苷抑制胰脂肪酶活性是通过体外实验测定油酸的释放率;

    Methods : For in vitro experiments , assay for the inhibitory effects of saponins from stem and leaf of P. quinquefolium on pancreatic lipase activity was performed by measuring the rate of release of oleic acid from triolein .

  27. 参芦、根总皂甙对小鼠不同脏器组织ATP酶活性的影响

    Effects of Rhizome Ginseng and Root Saponin on the ATPase Activity in Heart , Liver , Cerebrum , Kidney and Spleen of Mouse

  28. 本文用比色法测定了农坡耕地参和腐殖土参总皂甙的含量。

    The content of total saponin of Ginseng cultivated in farmland and in humus was determined by colorimetric method .

  29. 12种西洋参中,有10种西洋参所含人参总皂苷均大于4%,人参皂苷Rb1含量大于1%。

    The contents of total ginsenoside of ten samples are more than 4 % , while contents of ginsenoside Rb_1 of ten samples are more than 1 % .

  30. 结论参麦的两个有效部位一总皂贰和总多糖都能抑制小鼠肉瘤生长,参麦总皂试抑制作用比总多糖强;

    Conclusions Two active fractions from shenmai ( total saponins and total astragalans ) could inhibit the growth of graft tumor in mice , but the effect of total saponins was stronger .