
  • 网络Sankin Kotai
  1. 1701年,他和另一位名叫“KameiKorechika”的贵族负责为到访江户城的天皇使节组织一场招待会,这是日本“参觐交代”的一部分。

    In 1701 , he and another noble named Kamei Korechika were tasked with organizing a reception for some of the emperor 's ambassadors visiting Edo Castle as part of their service known as sankin k ō tai .

  2. 总之,是“浅野内匠头长矩”表演“参觐交代”的时候了。

    Anyway , it was Asano Naganori 's time to perform his sankin k ō tai .

  3. 各地大名必须轮流返回江户居住的参觐交代也更好的帮助德川幕府控制下属大名。

    Sankin kotai , a system whereby daimyo alternated residency between Edo and their domain , also helped the shogunate keep control of the daimyo .

  4. “参觐交代”是德川幕府制定的一项制度,帮助他们监视封建领主并最小化他们的资源,这样他们就不会有任何关于起义的可笑想法。

    Sankin k ō tai was a policy developed by the Tokugawa shoguns to help them keep an eye on their feudal lords and to minimize their resources so they didn 't get any funny ideas about revolting .