
  • 网络reference linking;reference
  1. Web学术信息资源环境中的参考链接技术

    Reference Linking in Web Scholarly Information Resources Environment

  2. 数字资源整合;SFX;参考链接技术;

    Digital resources integration ; SFX ; Reference linking technology ;

  3. 学术资源参考链接系统CrossRef及其发展

    CrossRef : Reference Linking System for Scholarly Resources and Its Development

  4. 将参考链接到一个已知的绝对点&比如,一个完全消除了歧义的列表(比如WordNet)中的一个条目(参见参考资料获取链接)。

    Link the reference to a known absolute point & say , an entry in a fully disambiguated list such as WordNet ( see Resources for a link )

  5. 学术数据库间的交叉参考链接

    On cross reference linking of academic databases

  6. 文章分析了参考链接技术原理、整体功能及其应用的必备条件,并在此基础上定义参考链接的模型。

    We analyses its theory , function and the necessary condition to apply it and set up its model in this text .

  7. 图书馆应积极探索智能化程度更高、更富人性化的服务和技术,包括建立个性化信息导引机制、一步到位式的参考链接服务、合作虚拟参考咨询服务以及集成式多语种检索服务。

    The author thinks that libraries should actively explore more intelligent and more humanized services and technologies , including personalized information navigation mechanisms , " one-step " reference link services , cooperative virtual reference services and integrated multilingual retrieval services .

  8. 更多细节,见参考资料链接访问产品手册和DB2信息中心。

    For details , see Resources for links to the product manual and the DB2 information center .

  9. 如果您正寻找开发ExtJS的入门指导,“BuildapplicationswithExtJS”(查阅参考资料链接)一文将是很好的选择。

    If you 're looking for a good introduction to getting started developing with Ext JS , the article " Build applications with Ext JS "( see Resources for a link ) is a good place to start .

  10. 关于安装和配置参考的链接,将在后面讨论。

    The links to the installation and configuration references are discussed below .

  11. 开放数字环境下的参考文献链接

    Reference Linking in a Distributed and Open Digital Information Environment

  12. 受控语言在参考文献链接基础上提供主题解析以实现知识链接。

    CV can build intelligent link on the base of reference linking with subject resolve over DOI and URI .

  13. 超文本链接是网络信息组织的基础,文章在介绍超文本链接的基础上,分析了基于超文本链接技术的参考文献链接。

    Hyperlink is the basis of network information organization , the article analyses hyperlink and introduces the hyperlink-based reference documents .

  14. 首先,下载SPT(参见参考资料获得链接)。

    First , download the SPT ( see Resources for a link ) .

  15. 可以在GeronimoPlugins的站点(参见本文末尾处参考资料的链接)上获取这样的一个通用存储库。

    One such common repository is available on the Geronimo Plugins site ( see Resources at the end of this article for the link ) .

  16. 在本例中您的目标web服务是Payvment(参见参考资料获取链接),即一个“云中购物车”实现。

    Your target web service in this case is Payvment ( see Resources for a link ), a " shopping cart in the cloud " implementation .

  17. 有关YQL函数的完整列表,请查看YQL指南(参见参考资料获取链接)。

    For a complete list of YQL functions , look in the YQL Guide ( see Resources for a link ) .

  18. 要获取一个使用这种类型的消除歧义技术的简单搜索引擎示例,请参见DAMSEL(参见参考资料获取链接)。

    For an example of a simple search engine that uses this type of disambiguation , see DAMSEL ( see Resources for the link ) .

  19. ZK文档网站上包含大量关于库和如何建立文件夹结构的文档(参见参考资料获取链接)。

    The documentation on the libraries and setting up the folder structure has been defined very nicely on the ZK documentation site . ( See Resources for a link . )

  20. 如果您遇到困难,可以查看该软件的主页,获取有关参考资料的链接,如IRC频道、新闻组、邮件列表或者FAQ。

    If you get stumped , check the software 's home page for links to resources such as an IRC channel , a newsgroup , a mailing list , or an FAQ .

  21. 这些令牌可从Payvment站点(参见参考资料获取链接)免费获取(注册后)。

    These tokens are freely available from the Payvment website ( see Resources for a link ) on registration .

  22. 在此例中,该位置是YQL网站的社区开放数据表,用作所有YQL社区表的存储库(参见参考资料获取链接)。

    In this case , the location is the Community Open Data Tables for YQL web site , which serves as a repository for all YQL community tables ( see Resources for a link ) .

  23. 在寒喧和介绍的时候,我发现Snyder和Genender都是Virtuas开放源码咨询公司(请参阅参考资料获得链接)的实际领导。

    During the pleasantries and introductions , I discovered that both Snyder and Genender are practice leaders for the Virtuas open source consulting company ( see Resources for a link ) .

  24. 但是,您的主要研究应该从DistroWatch开始,该网络收集了关于各发行版的各种信息和真实体验(参见参考资料获取链接)。

    Your primary research , though , should start with DistroWatch , a Web site that collects information and real-world stories about each distribution ( see Resources for a link ) .

  25. 关于材料印刷,请参考下面的链接。

    Please refer to the following links for fair material printing .

  26. 更多关于如何处理这类案例的技术,见参考资料的链接。

    See the links in Resources for some techniques on how to deal with cases such as this .

  27. 有关优秀教程和参考信息的链接,请参阅本文最后的参考资料部分。

    See the Resources section at the end of this article for links to good tutorials and reference information .

  28. 如果您不熟悉这些概念,您可以通过本文的参考资料的链接了解更多信息。

    In case you 're not familiar with these topics , you 'll find links to more information in the Resources of this article .

  29. 因此,本文设计并实现了自动构建参考文献超链接的算法,为每篇文章后的每个参考文献寻找本地链接地址或网上的链接地址,方便用户的查询要求。

    So , This paper introduce a algorithm to construct reference hyperlink automatically , which will search link address of reference or net to make user query at easy .

  30. 如果您在打印或导出水晶报表的时候,遇到了任何问题(特别是以下所示的意外情况),那么,请从参考资源的链接中寻找解决办法

    If you encounter any issues ( especially the following shown exception ) while printing or exporting your Crystal Reports , then check these links in Resources for information on how to resolve them