
cān chán
  • practise meditation;try to reach understanding of chan;(Buddhist) meditate
参禅 [cān chán]
  • [(Buddhist) meditate] 佛教指静坐冥想,领悟佛理

  • 参禅悟道

参禅[cān chán]
  1. 科学家们多年来已知悉TB细菌有能力“闭目养神”并在应激情形下进入“打坐参禅”式的冬眠状态。

    Scientists have long known that the TB bacterium has the ability to " hunker down " and go dormant under stressful conditions .

  2. 她一直在去佛堂修炼参禅。

    She 's been going to meditation classes at the Buddhist center .

  3. 对中晚唐僧人草书现象产生的原因进行探讨:禅宗的兴盛使得僧人用草书作为参禅悟道的手段;

    Discuss the reason of why the phenomenon of cursive script monk produced .

  4. 他说把建茶送给包居士,让其饮了在参禅时可免打瞌睡。

    He said the tea bag to build and let its drink in the book can avoid doze .

  5. 参禅悟道是中唐士人的常态,刘商也不例外。

    Liu Shang is not an exception to the atmosphere of the mastery of Zen in Mid-Tang dynasty .

  6. 苏轼试图改变,他求道参禅,净化身心,构筑了自己特有的内心调节方式。

    Su tried to change his Zen Tao , purification and build its own unique way of inner regulation .

  7. 由于工作繁忙,释道心现在已经没有固定时间诵经和参禅。

    Given his tight schedule , Shi said he has no time and energy for regular scripture chanting and meditation .

  8. 茶禅,乃是以茶参禅的一种人文境界,一种艺术境界。

    The combination of tea and Zen , deep meditation on tea , is a state of humanism , of art .

  9. 这就给临济禅原以禅机为主的方式带来了新的变化,即在有一个明确的参禅目标方面大大前进了一步。

    Pursuing and investigating Huang Long Three Passes , Lin Ji Zen went forward one step in the clear target of practicing meditation .

  10. 创作时的她宛若静心参禅,她的文化积淀和聪明才智如涌泉之水&自然流淌、源源不断。

    When creating , she 's like practising meditation , her cultural heritage and intelligence are like spring water & natural and continuous flowing .

  11. 低廉的参禅价格和税收刺激政策是许多以色列犹太人居住在Yitzhar这样偏远又有诸多限制的地方的原因。

    Low property prices and tax incentives are some of the reasons Israeli Jews have come to live at remote , fenced-in communities like Yitzhar .

  12. 宋时形成的参禅基本方式从宗杲时期直到近代未变,这意味着宗杲时期临济禅基本实现了近代的转型。

    This way of practice meditation did not change until modern , so it means that Lin Ji Zen had completed transformation from ancient to modern .

  13. 王维一生都在寻找合理的人生,追求个性自由,追求精神的自我主宰,企图通过奉佛参禅寻求精神出路。

    In all his life Wang Searched for a rational way of life , pursuing the individual freedom and striving for the dominance of his won spirit .

  14. 以前的研究,一般把“文字”界定为语言文字,而且基本上将“文字禅”解释为以语言文字为手段、媒介或对象的参禅学佛活动。

    The study bygone usually defined Wenzichan-Zen as language and character , and looked on Wenzichan-Zen as buddhist activities based on the means and subject of Language .

  15. 同时,临济禅与净土思想结合,使参禅目标更为清晰,方法更为简便。

    At the same time , Lin Ji Zen combine with the Jing Tu thought that make practice meditation target clearer and the method of practice Zen simpler .

  16. 参禅悟道本是禅家之事,但在宋代,文人喜禅成了风尚。

    It would be what Buddhists did to practice meditation and realize the truth of Buddhism , but in the Song Dynasty , Zen became a fashion of scholars .

  17. 以此为切入点,文章旨在探讨红楼诸艳的宗教态度和佛学修养,及其与宝玉参禅悟道、出家解脱的联系和差异性。

    With this point , this article aims to discuss the connection and difference between Baoyu 's Buddhist meditation and entering into religion and the girls'religious attitude and the Buddhist culture .

  18. 为适应这种状况,黄龙慧南和杨岐方会禅思想在有明确参禅目标和以理解心方面有了突出的调变,其中以黄龙慧南禅思想较典型。

    In order to adapt the condition , Huang Long Hui Nan and Yang Qi Fang Hui had made adjusted in the aspects of clear and define target of practice meditation and explaining truth .

  19. 鸿渐因为她们说话象参禅似的,都藏着机锋,听着徒乱人意,便溜上楼去见父亲。

    Since they were talking as though expounding the truths of Zen with subtle jabs hidden underneath , which was enough to send one 's head reeling just listening to it , Hung-chien slipped upstairs to see his father .

  20. 不论是在空中自由飞翔还是在封闭空间参禅入定,你都能感受到空中瑜伽的趣味和活力。悬挂式的练习有利于舒缓关节压力,促进血液循环以及减压。

    Whether flying through the air freely or forming a cocoon to find a state of zen , aerial yoga is fun and energetic . Being suspended helps decompress tight joints , promote blood flow , and relieve pressure .

  21. 同时,由于四位士人都有着参禅学老的经历,因此他们对心的阐释当中又融入了佛道的思想在里面,以上这些理论使得他们对于心声问题的论述表现出了一定的创新性。

    The same time , the four scholars all have experience of the old Zen school , so their heart of the interpretation which has incorporated Buddhist ideas in there , so the music has some of the innovative .

  22. 但是,如果我们要问:是甚么灵方妙药使得希腊人,在鼎盛时代,尽管酒神祭冲动和政治冲动非常剧烈,却不会因为静坐参禅,或者因为穷兵黩武,为了争夺世界霸权和世界荣誉,以致精疲力竭;

    But let us ask by means of what remedy it was possible for the Greeks during their great period , in spite of the extraordinary strength of their Dionysian and political instincts , not to exhaust themselves either in ecstatic brooding or in a consuming chase after worldly power and worldly honor ,