
  • 网络participant political culture
  1. 当代我国参与型政治文化建设问题研究

    Study on the Construction of Participant Political Culture in Contemporary China

  2. 当代中国公民参与型政治文化建设研究

    An Investigation into Construction of Citizen Participant Political Culture in Contemporary China

  3. 参与型政治文化:村民自治制度构建和完善的基础

    Relationships between the Villagers ' Self-governing System and Participated Political Culture

  4. 第三,塑造参与型政治文化。

    The third one is to create participative political culture .

  5. 论公共政策执行中的参与型政治文化建设

    Culture Construction of Participation Politics of the Public Policy Implementation

  6. 构建参与型政治文化进程中的公民网络政治参与研究

    The Study on Citizen 's Network Political Participation in the Process of Developing Participative Political Culture

  7. 在我国发展村民自治的过程中,不仅要完善具体制度,还应努力构建参与型政治文化。

    Therefore , in the process , when perfecting the system itself , we should also try to construct the participated political culture .

  8. 第五章主要就巴黎和会期间的国民外交最终的对内转向与参与型政治文化的生成进行了分析探讨。

    The fifth chapter basically just during the Paris peace conference of the national foreign eventually steering and internally generated participated political culture is discussed .

  9. 而参与型政治文化建设的主体就是公民,因此,公民参与型政治文化建设这一命题理应受到高度重视。

    The main part in participant political culture is citizen , so the article mainly analyzes and explores the issue and we must attach importance to it .

  10. 因此,我们不仅要重视研究政治体系中硬件部分,还要高度重视研究参与型政治文化这一软件问题,使之成为政治体系研究的一个重要方面和途径。

    Therefore , we not only study " the hardware " part of the political system , but on the " the software " of the participant political culture , so it can become an important research method .

  11. 同时,文章从中国参与型政治文化建设的现状谈起,从国内外环境与政治主体因素分析了当代我国参与型政治文化建设面临的问题及其原因所在。

    Then the article analyzes the present situation of the Chinese participant political culture , on this basis , discussed the problems faced with and its reasons from the domestic and foreign environment and the political main body factors .

  12. 大力发展民族经济和民族教育,营造参与型政治文化,进一步开放政治系统,健全政治参与机制,是拓展民族地区政治参与的必然选择。

    In order to expand the political participation in the national region , It is a necessary choice to greatly develop national economy and education , build political culture , further open the political system , and make political participation mechanism perfect .

  13. 本文分析了公民参与型政治文化的内涵、价值与功能,揭示了公民参与型政治文化的优势以及存在的问题,提出了构建积极健康的公民参与型政治文化的基本设想。

    The article analyzes the intention , the value and the function about citizen participant political culture , reveals the superiority and the problem about citizen participant political culture , and raises the basic consideration about building active and healthy citizen participant political culture .

  14. 其次,要不断促进社会主义市场经济的健康发展,积极培育参与型政治文化,努力提高全体国民素质,全面优化与净化政府重塑的环境。

    Secondly , we must continue to promote the healthy development of socialist market economy , and actively nurture the participatory political culture , and strive to improve the quality of all citizens as well as the comprehensive optimization and clean government to reassert its environment .

  15. 促进社会团体的发展,保证公众政策参与的效力发挥;创造良好的政策参与氛围,培育参与型政治文化。

    Promoting the development of NGO and creating better policy-participation atmosphere .

  16. 以顾客为导向、以参与为理念、以有序为前提、以创新为动力加强参与型政治文化建设,将有助于公共政策执行的顺利推进和公共政策目标的最终实现。

    Therefore , participation political culture which take citizens as orientation , participation as principle , order as premise , innovation as the motive , will contribute to the advancement of the public policy implementation and finally realize the aim of public policies .

  17. 网络技术的发展为公民政治参与提供了技术条件,激发了参与热情,拓宽了参与渠道,培育了参与型政治文化,塑造了参与型公民;

    The development of network technology offers technical conditions for the citizen 's political participation . It stimulates the citizen 's enthusiasm in participation , widens the citizen 's participation channel , cultivates the political culture of participation and moulds citizens who enjoy political participation .

  18. 公共政策执行中政治参与制度的匮缺、公民文化素质不高、经济发展水平的约束等制约因素严重阻碍公共政策执行中参与型政治文化建设。

    Some restraining factors seriously block building of the participation development level , such as the system of political participation , culture quality of citizens , insufficient economic development level .