
  • 网络parametric amplification;Optical parametric amplification;OPA;FOPA;OPO
  1. 参量放大过程中的振幅K次方压缩及其独立性研究

    The Amplitude Kth - - Power Squeezing In Degenerate Parametric Amplification and Study of Independence of the Squeezing

  2. 在非简并参量放大系统中EPR佯谬的最佳实现

    Optimum realization of the EPR paradox in the non-degenerate parametric amplification system

  3. 光学非简并参量放大过程中的SU(1,1)相干态与光场压缩

    SU ( 1,1 ) Coherent States in Optical Non-degenerate Parametric Amplifying Processes and the Squeezing of Light

  4. 基于简并光参量放大原理的相敏光纤参量放大器(PSA)是新近出现的一种光放大技术。

    Phase sensitive amplifier ( PSA ) based on the principle of degenerate parametric amplification is a new optical amplifier .

  5. KBe2BO3F2飞秒光参量放大中的群速匹配

    Group velocity matching in femtosecond optical parametric amplification of the KBe_2BO_3F_2

  6. 分析了光纤光参量放大过程泵浦光与信号光的非线性相互作用,得到信号光增益Gs。

    The nonlinear interaction between the pump and the signal light in the optical parameter amplifing process in optical fiber is analyzed , and the signal gain G , is got .

  7. 本文讨论光学非简并参量放大过程中由光场真空态演化成的SU(1,1)相干态里光场的压缩。

    The squeezing of light in the SU ( 1 , 1 ) coherent state for the optical non-degenerate parametric amplifying processes is discussed .

  8. 为此我们首先提出了基于级联光学参量放大(OPA)的CEP稳定方案。

    The first one is based on cascaded optical parametric amplifier ( OPA ) .

  9. 由非简并光学参量放大系统获得压缩态光所满足的Fokker-Planck方程及其解

    The solution of the Fokker-Planck equation of non-degenerate parametric amplification system for generation of squeezed light

  10. 提出了估算光学参量放大(OPA)光谱带宽的一般性方法。

    A general mathematic model for evaluating the spectral bandwidth of optical parametric amplification ( OPA ) is developed .

  11. BBO晶体Ⅰ类相位匹配从可见光到近红外光宽带参量放大的带宽研究

    Investigation of Spectral Bandwidth of BBO - ⅰ Phase Matching Noncollinear Broadband Optical Parametric Amplification from Visible to Near-Infrared

  12. 利用非简并参量放大系统中Fokker-Planck方程的解来推导实现EPR佯谬的条件。

    In this paper , we use the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for non-degenerate parametric amplification to deduce the condition of demonstration of the EPR paradox .

  13. 分析了光纤中零色散附近的简并四波混频(FWM)和简并光参量放大(OPA)过程。

    The degenerate four wave mixing ( FWM ) and optical parametric amplifying ( OPA ) processes near the zero dispersion in optical fiber are analyzed .

  14. 利用波导中反对称TM模的独特性质,并引入非线性材料作为光学参量放大的增益介质,导模的传输距离得到了较大的提升(100%)。

    By utilizing the unique property of antisymmetric TM mode in MIM structures and introducing nonlinear material as gain medium for optical parametric amplification , a significant enhancement ( 100 % ) of the propagation length has been demonstrated .

  15. 在简并参量放大过程中,参量增益带宽可以达到35nm。

    The gain bandwidth in OPA is about 35 nm .

  16. 基于周期极化LiTaO3晶体的高增益简并啁啾脉冲参量放大

    High-gain degenerated optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification in periodically poled LiTaO_3

  17. 基于传统的钛宝石飞秒激光器,提出了可产生稳定的1μm波段可调谐飞秒激光的新型注入式飞秒光参量放大(OPA)系统。

    A novel injective femtosecond optical parametric amplifier ( OPA ) is developed , which can produce tunable femtosecond laser with central wavelength at 1 μ m , based on the traditional Ti : sapphine laser .

  18. 在双轴晶体超短脉冲参量放大中,利用解包含群速失配和高级GVD效应的耦合波方程得到信号和闲频脉冲的形状和强度。

    In an optical parametric generation of femtosecond pulse for biaxial crystal , signal and idler pulses can be obtained by solving the coupled wave equations including the group velocity mismatch and GVD effects .

  19. 解析求解了P表象中考虑抽运吃空后的非线性含时简并光学参量放大系统获得压缩光所满足的福克尔普朗克(Fokker-Planck)方程,并且计算了它在阈值附近及远离阈值的量子起伏。

    When pump depletion is considered , the analytical solution of Fokker-Planck equation of the nonlinear time-dependent degenerate optical parametric amplification ( DOPA ) in the P representation for generation of squeezed light is calculated . And then , the quantum fluctuation near or far away from threshold is evaluated .

  20. 光纤非线性效应中的参量放大效应,因其高响应速度、高信号增益和宽平坦增益带宽等特性,是目前国际上在全光波长变换以及多波长全光3R再生等领域的研究热点。

    Among the variable nonlinear effects , optical Parametric Amply ( OPA ), featured as ultra-speed response high signal gain and wide flatten gain-width , is a hot research area involving All-optical multi-wavelength conversion and all-optical multi-wavelength regeneration worldwide .

  21. 在前文的基础上求得了简并参量放大系统在位相不匹配情况下的FokkerPlanck方程一个新的解析解,然后通过准位相匹配(QPM),计算振幅的量子起伏。

    A new analytical solution for the phase-mismatched Fokker-Planck equation of degenerate parametric amplification , and its application in evaluation of the amplitude quantum fluctuation after passing through the quasi-phase-matching ( QPM ) device is presented .

  22. 采用参量放大技术实现全光3R再生,是目前国际上相关领域的研究热点。因此,有必要对参量放大的各种性质在实验上做深入的探索。

    Nowadays , scientists in related area throughout the whole world focus on the method to implement all-optic 3R regeneration based on optical parametric amplification . Hence , it is necessary to do in-depth study on the various properties of OPA .

  23. 超短强激光作用下的CsLiB6O(10)晶体的光参量放大理论分析1GHz,11ps超短光脉冲的波长变换实验

    Analysis of Optical Parametric Amplification with CsLiB_6O_ ( 10 ) for Ultra-Short Pulse The Wavelength Conversion Experiment for 1 GHz , 11 ps Ultra-short Optical Pulses

  24. 随着高功率光源和高非线性光纤的获得,使得近年来基于光纤的光参量放大技术(FOPA)及其在光通信领域的应用成为国际上光通信领域的研究热点。

    With high power optical source and high nonlinear optical fiber available , more and more attention has been in recent years paid on fiber optical parametric amplifier ( FOPA ) and its application for optical communication .

  25. 提出了一种强度差起伏量子非破坏性(QND)测量的实验方案,该方案通过一个非简并光学参量放大腔实现。

    Based on the theory proposed by Walls et al , an experimental scheme of quantum non demolition ( QND ) measurement for intensity difference fluctuations is put forward , which is realized though a nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier .

  26. 光纤中的参量放大和四波混频过程

    Optical parametric amplifying and four wave mixing process in optical fiber

  27. 周期性极化晶体的群速匹配飞秒脉冲光学参量放大

    Femtosecond Optical Parametric Amplification with Group Velocity Matching for Periodically Poled KTP

  28. 利用参量放大效应测量光纤的非线性系数和色散参数

    Nonlinear Coefficient and Dispersion Parameters Measurement Utilizing Optical Parametric Amplification

  29. 双泵浦光子晶体光纤参量放大研究

    Research of Two-pump Optical Parametric Amplification Using Photonic Crystal Fiber

  30. 行波管中声参量放大效应的研究

    Study of parametric effect of amplification in progressive wave tube