
  • 网络Shuangbai County
  1. 云南双柏县水资源优化配置与节水研究

    Study on Water Resources Optimization and Water Saving of Shuangbai County in Yunnan Province

  2. 云南省楚雄市与双柏县土地利用变化对比研究云南楚雄双柏老虎笙舞蹈成因分析

    The comparative analysis of land use change between Chuxiong and Shuangbai in Yunnan Province ; A Study on Causes of " Tiger Dance " in Shuangbai County

  3. 双柏县高中学生在家庭住址、民族两个变量上学生心理健康状况没有明显差异。

    The students coming from different families , place and nationalities are unconspicuous in psychology .

  4. 作为一个较深入的乡级案例分析,本文对云南省双柏县2个典型农业乡进行了不同生育健康模式下妇幼保健服务的成本及效果的对比分析。

    Utilizing the dynamic data between 1985 and 1995 , cost and effectiveness of maternal and child health services under two different elementary reproductive health patterns were compared in detail .

  5. 双柏贫困县1997~2006年5岁以下儿童死亡率趋势分析

    The mortality trend among children under 5 years in Shuangbai poverty stricken county in 1997-2006

  6. 两河在楚雄双柏、玉溪新平县界交汇,水量骤增,称嘎洒江、漠沙江。

    These two rivers join together in Chuxiong Shuangbai , Yuxi Xinping county where the water rising up quickly , we call them Gasa river and Mosha river .