
  • 网络a double life
  1. 事实上,打入出轨者生活圈子4周之后一个收获是,我现在怀疑每个男人都在IllicitEncounters上过着双重生活。

    Indeed , one result of my four-week infiltration into the lives of adulterers is that I now suspect every man of living a double life on Illicit Encounters .

  2. 我自己过着双重生活,要做到这点

    I 'm living a double life , and to do that ,

  3. 自己卑鄙的双重生活被揭穿后,他双手抱头坐在那里。

    He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed

  4. 他的较为年长的孩子把在Facebook上发现的线索拼凑起来,发现了他的双重生活。两位妻子去年12月见到了面。

    His older children discovered his double life by piecing together clues they found on Facebook , and both women met in December .

  5. 他过着双重生活,白天在上西区的德怀特私立学校(DwightSchool)上课,晚上滑着滑板,在市中心涂鸦或聚会。

    He lived on two tracks , spending days at the private Dwight School on the Upper West Side , and nights on a skateboard , scrawling graffiti and partying downtown .

  6. 他们过着双重生活,而追踪罪犯并没那么简单

    They lead double lives.But tracking down criminals isn 't easy .

  7. 哪个该死的会那样过着双重生活?

    Who the hell lives a double life like that ?

  8. 这类农民工主题小说集中地反映了进城农民的物质与精神双重生活,他们向往城市文明。

    This kind of novels reflect the peasants'daily life in the city .

  9. 你为什么不花一个晚上告别你的双重生活

    So you should take a night off from your double life .

  10. 她几乎是过着一种双重生活。

    She led what was almost a double life .

  11. 有一刹那他深深感到双重生活的那种毛骨悚然的愉快。

    For a moment he felt keenly the terrible pleasure of a double life .

  12. 可他仍然试图驾驶他们双重生活的航船。

    Yet he went on trying to steer the ship of their duel life .

  13. 看来过双重生活的不只是我们啊,芬奇。

    Looks like we 're not the only ones leading double lives , Finch .

  14. 每个移民都过着一种双重生活,

    Every immigrant leads a double life .

  15. 张晨为过着双重生活。

    Wei hopeman leads a dual life .

  16. 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活

    The double life of Alfed Bloggs

  17. 他坚持说,比起憧憬逃离银行业,如今的双重生活更好。

    Instead of dreaming of escaping banking , he insists , this dual life is better .

  18. 一个女教授的双重生活

    Dual Roles of A Female Professor

  19. 各个小报的头条都是关于那个演员是如果过着双重生活的内容。

    The tabloids were covered with headlines suggesting that the actor was leading a double life .

  20. 两生花/薇洛尼卡的双重生活

    Double Life of Veronique

  21. 他现在因起诉美国政府的某些国家安全政策过上了一种双重生活。

    He was living a doublelife , suing the US Government over some of its National Security Policies .

  22. 研究人员发现一种普遍存在于动物体内(从变形虫到人类)的蛋白质正过着双重生活。

    Researchers have found that a protein present in everything from amoebas to people is living a double life .

  23. 超人通常有双重生活,向世界隐藏他的超能力。

    The superhero is usually someone who must live a dual existence , concealing his super powers from the world .

  24. 而且她向家人隐瞒她的双重生活,她说这种风险会让任何人疑神疑鬼。

    She also lies to her family about her double life and says that the risks will make anyone paranoid .

  25. 台湾家电销售员陈先生六年来一直过着一种双重生活。

    For the past six years , Mr. Chen , a Taiwanese home-appliance salesman , has been living a double life .

  26. 尽管我们的生活之间的巨大鸿沟的历史,我觉得一个礼,该名男子谁住这双重生活亲属关系。

    Despite the vast gulf between our life histories , I feel a kinship with Reza , the man who lived this double life .

  27. 你得过上双重生活,不能告诉你的朋友和家人,你正在执行任务。

    You 'd have to live a double life , not being able to tell your friends and family that you 're an operative .

  28. 随着抓捕巫师的行为越来越残酷,巫师家庭开始过着一种双重生活,用隐藏咒来保护自己以及家人。

    As the witch-hunts grew ever fiercer , wizarding families began to live double lives , using charms of concealment to protect themselves and their families .

  29. 前成员表示,这个组织有保密的规定,而马西埃尔过着双重生活,他是三个孩子的父亲,两个女人为他生了三个孩子。

    Former members say the order was ran like call to rule in secrecy while Macile led double life and fathered at least three children by two women .

  30. 这不是童话,而是我双重生活的真实写照,我把它留在故事开头的地方,这样或许我还能为人所知。

    This is not a fairy tale , but the true history of my double life , left behind where it all began , in case I may be found again .