
  • 网络reverse channel;BACK CHANNEL;backward channel
  1. CDMA移动通信系统反向信道的仿真建模研究

    Simulation and Modeling of Reverse Channel of CDMA Mobile Communication system

  2. 在CDMA移动通信系统的反向信道中,由于用户间扩频码不严格正交,多个用户之间会产生多址干扰,导致性能的恶化。

    In the reverse channel of CDMA mobile multi-user systems , the performance suffers from the multiple access interference ( MAI ) .

  3. CDMA系统反向信道RAKE接收的研究

    On RAKE Receiver in the Reverse Link of CDMA System

  4. IS-95反向信道在Nakagami(m)多径衰落信道下的性能分析

    Performance analysis of IS-95 reverse channel over nakagami ( m ) multipath fading channel

  5. 本文考虑了正向信道不可检错和反向信道差错,并用齐次马尔可夫链精确完整地分析了ARQ通信系统的工作过程,从而将系统的表现传输效率和有效传输效率严格地区分开来。

    Considering the undetected forward channel errors and the backward channel errors , the operating process of selective-repeat ARQ communication system is accurately described by odd Markov chains .

  6. 本文考虑了反向信道的差错,用新的方法研究了Go-back-NARQ通信系统的性能。

    Considering the crrors from return channel , a new way for studying the performance of Go Back N ARQ communication systems is proposed .

  7. 一般认为Nakagami(m)分布较好地描述了多径衰落信道,本文分析了IS-95反向信道在Nakagami(m)衰落信道下的误码率,结果可以用来综合分析系统和信道的不同参数对系统性能的影响。

    Bit error rate over Nakagami ( m ) multi-path fading channel is derived and the result is used to investigate the influence of different parameters to the overall system performance .

  8. 它由基于反向信道预测的功率补偿算法和常规闭环功率控制组合而成。

    It consists of a powr compensation algorithm based on reverse channel prediction and closed-loop power control algorithm .

  9. 提出了一种适用于异步DS/CDMA反向信道的信号边缘干扰抵消算法。

    In this paper , a marginal interference cancellation algorithm suitable for the asynchronous DS / CDMA inverse channel is provided .

  10. 经过进一步的研究,结合移动环境的特点,提出了时变多径信道下的自适应算法,但该算法的反向信道回传信息量比较大,影响了系统在无线通信中的实际应用。

    According to the characteristic in mobile environment , adaptive algorithm of time varying channels is proposed . However , the amount of the feedback information of this algorithm is big , which is not practical . First , we discuss wideband wireless channels .

  11. 在存在反向信道的环境中,该算法可以利用解码器反馈的实际宏块错误信息,跟踪差错扩散,对其进行更准确的估计,以提高容错性能。

    In the environment where the backward channel is available , the proposed algorithm is capable of utilizing the real macroblock error information from the decoder 's feedback , tracking the error propagation , estimating the error more precisely , resulting in higher resilience performance .

  12. CDMA反向接入信道码符号交织技术的DSP实现研究

    Study on the Implementation of DSP Using Code Interwoven Technology in the CDMA Reverse-Link Access Channel

  13. 基于Veriloghdl的IS-95CDMA反向接入信道模块的研究

    Research on the Modules of Reverse Access Channel of IS-95 CDMA Based on Verilog HDL

  14. 信息论中的反向试验信道的优势分析

    Superior Analysis of Oppose Trial Information Road on Rate Information Theory

  15. 接着从数学模型的角度较为详细地介绍了反向业务信道速率控制机制的具体实现过程,并且从理论上说明了控制机制会明显提高反向速率。

    And then particularly presents the implementation process of reverse traffic channel rate control mechanism by maths model , and explains that the control mechanism can improve reverse rate according to the theory .

  16. 在接收端,通过对反向导频信道的相位进行跟踪,经过差分检测恢复出发送的CQI信息,并通过去除附加相位操作,使附加的相位对反向信道的影响最小。

    The CQI message is conveyed into the phase variation with DPSK modulation . At the receiver side , we trace the phase by pilot channel and recover CQI information by difference detection .

  17. 其反向链路有接入信道和反向业务信道组成。

    Its reverse channel is composed of access channel and traffic channel .

  18. 所以,研究反向链路尤其是反向业务信道具有很大的实用价值。

    Therefore the research on the reverse link especially on the reverse traffic channel is significant .