
fǎn kuì huí lù
  • Feedback loop;feedback circuit
  1. 为了有效减小低频噪声,在反馈回路里加入了振荡器和解调器。

    In order to reduce the low frequency noise , the feedback circuit was improved by adding oscillator and demodulator .

  2. 在文章中,详细介绍了高频高压变压器的设计过程;采用自动控制理论,分析了反馈回路的传递函数,设计了有效的稳定补偿网络,实现了高稳定输出电压。

    The design process of the high-frequency transformer is described in this thesis . The feedback circuit is analyzed with the cybernation theory .

  3. 如果我们处理了这些方面,孩子的成功可能通过积极的反馈回路来自我强化

    If we attend to these areas , a child 's success may reinforce itself with positive feedback loops .

  4. 基于DSP和FPGA的挠性陀螺数字力反馈回路的设计

    Design of Digitized Force Feedback Loop in Dynamically Tuned Gyro based on DSP and FPGA

  5. 然后,根据有效的模型,基于鲁棒性能指标设计外部反馈回路的PID控制器;

    Then , with the available model , PID controller is designed on the basis of robust specification .

  6. 反馈回路主要由分压电路,有效值检波电路和AD转换电路三部分组成。

    Feedback loop consists of a voltage divider , an effective value demodulation circuit and an AD converting circuit .

  7. 本文介绍一种带有两个光电反馈回路的F-P被动式光振荡器。

    The F-P passive optical oscillator with two feedback circuits is described .

  8. 通过实时定量PCR方法、共聚焦显微镜、细胞流式技术和双荧光素酶活力检测,我们将验证T7RNA聚合酶正反馈回路在真核细胞的表达。

    The expression of EGFP and luciferase were quantitatively determined by real time RT-PCR , confocal microscopy , flow cytometry and dual luciferase activity assay .

  9. 本文从理论上计算及分析了带有延时反馈回路的Bragg型声光双稳系统的双稳特性及非稳特性。

    The dynamic and stationary equations for a bragg acousto-optic bistable system with a delay in the feedback loop have been derived .

  10. 有若干个反馈回路的仿真方程有自调节功能,可在IBMPc/XT计算机上通过人&机对话进行人工调控。

    The simulating equation model with several feedback loop is able to function automatically , and control artificially by person-computer conversation in IBM PC / XT computer .

  11. 同以往一样,R2的作用是形成反馈回路,从而确定了总的电路增益。

    As before , R2 forms the feedback loop that stabilizes the circuit 's overall gain .

  12. 在测试模式下,通过切断IIR滤波器中的反馈回路提高了该设计的可测性。

    The design improves the circuit testability by the aid of cutting off feedback loops in IIR filter in test mode .

  13. 富有活力的IPO渠道,是经济健康与增长的明确信号。成功的上市活动会促成积极的反馈回路,进而刺激创业、就业与发明。

    A vigorous pipeline of IPOs is a sure sign of a healthy and expanding economy , and successful flotations create a positive feedback loop that stimulates entrepreneurship , jobs and invention .

  14. 使用内部反馈回路处理系统的不确定性,引入Lyapunov函数成形的不变椭圆和峰&峰增益使控制输入满足约束限制。

    The model uncertainties are dealt with by introducing an internal feedback loop . The input saturation constraint is addressed by the peak-peak gain and the invariant ellipsoid shaped by the Lyapunov function .

  15. 在新型开环DC/DCboost型变换器基础上,进一步给出了具有电压反馈回路的闭环DC/DCboost型变换器实现电路,并对闭环回路的稳压机理进行了分析。

    On the base of new type of open-loop DC / DC Boost converter , we have designed a new type of closed-loop DC / DC Boost converter with voltage feedback and analyzed the principle of voltage stabilization of closed-loop circuit .

  16. 首先利用PLC与步进电机设计舵角产生装置代替实际中复杂庞大的液压舵机系统,再将自动操舵仪及其附属设备进行硬件连接,形成了舵角反馈回路。

    First , using PLC and the stepper motor make a rudder angle generating device which is used to replace the practical complex large hydraulic steering gear system . Connect the auto navigator forming a feedback loop of the rudder angle .

  17. 同时,外围的相位整形电路,构成相位反馈回路,在FPGA内部相位反馈控制器的控制下,形成相位闭环回路,从而保证了单相数字移相器输出信号的高精度和稳定度。

    At the same time , the peripheral phase shaping circuit make up of the phase feedback loop , under the control of the FPGA internal control module , ensuring output signal of high precision digital phase shifter and stability .

  18. 此外电路又采用了内部负反馈回路,使基准电压源工作一个稳定的电压下,从而提高基准电压源的电源抑制比(PSRR)。

    In additional , the use of inner negative feedback makes a steady-going voltage for the band gap reference and increase the PSRR .

  19. 把一个由GaAs光电导开关和激光腔中的普克尔盒组成的正反馈回路,用于YAG激光器中,选单纵模和调Q,获得了稳定可靠的单纵模调Q脉冲。

    The positive feedback loop Composed of a GaAs switch and a pockels Cell is applied for mode-selecting and Q-switching in the Nd : YAG laser . Stable and reliable single longitudinal mode Q-switched pulses have been generated by using this technique .

  20. 同时,设计还在板卡上实现了一个以16bitsAD为核心的高精度反馈回路,以便对各通道的输出实现动态的监控和调整,保证了DA精度和验证遥测采集系统的性能。

    At the same time , this design also implements a 16 bits AD cored high accuracy feedback loop on the board , dynamically monitoring and regulating each output channel , guaranteeing the DA precision and validating the performance of telemetering collection system .

  21. 他的核心理念是反身性(reflexivity),即一个参与者的看法和真实事件之间的双向反馈回路。

    His core idea is reflexivity , which he defines as a two-way feedback loop , between the participants ' views and the actual state of affairs .

  22. 远程CPLD实验提供远程的下载功能,从而根据用户需求来完成实验;远程运算放大器实验是通过远程控制放大器的反馈回路,来达到改变放大器的放大倍数,进行用户所需要的放大实验。

    Remote CPLD experimental provides remote download function , so that the users can complete the experiment according to their needs ; Remote operation amplifier experiment is an amplification experiment that through the remote control amplifier feedback loop to change the magnification times .

  23. 数学模型导出了生物学零度(ki)和花期活动积温(∑Τi),图解模型对其进行了辨别,语言模型通过反馈回路对其进行验证实际效果。

    The mathematical model was used to deduce biological zero point-joint ( Ki ) and bloom active temperature (Σ Ti ), which was studied by graphic model and language model , justifying the effect through feeding back loop .

  24. P53-Mdm2负反馈回路在DNA损伤的细胞响应方面起重要作用,用一个简单的模型研究了P53-Mdm2负反馈回路相互作用的动力学行为。

    Emphasis is placed on track structure and its relation to the cell end-point , and a simple model proposed to study the dynamical behavior of P53-Mdm2 interaction which plays pivotal role in cellular response to DNA damage .

  25. 在建立机组及DEH系统仿真模型的基础上,分析了DEH系统的基本结构和功能,整定了负荷串级控制系统的调节器参数,优化了反馈回路投切与阀门控制方式切换的控制算法。

    Based on the building of the simulation model of unit and DEH , this paper analyzes the structure and function of DEH . And the control arithmetic of feedback loop switch and valve control mode switch is optimized by adjusting the regulator parameters of load control system .

  26. 参数鲁棒线性二次型高斯(PRLQG)设计方法,利用基于内反馈回路(IFL)的I/O分解对参数建模,针对参数变化的结构选取合适的LQG权阵实现参数鲁棒控制。

    Parameter robust linear quadratic gaussian ( PRLQG ) design synthesis described in this paper establishes a model of structured parameter variations based on a kind of internal feedback loop ( IFL ), and achieves parameter robust by means of proper choose of LQG weighing matrixes .

  27. 人们不应夸大上述“反馈回路”的规模。

    One should not exaggerate the scale of such feedback loops .

  28. 带第二反馈回路的全数字闭环光纤陀螺

    All Digital Closed-loop Fiber Optic Gyroscope with the Second Feedback Loop

  29. 反激型开关电源反馈回路的改进

    A New Feedback Circuit of Flyback Switching Mode Power Supply

  30. 动力调谐陀螺仪力反馈回路优化设计与仿真分析

    The Optimized Design and Simulation of Force Feedback Loop of the DTG