
  • 网络Reflector;mirror
  1. 研究了LCD背光源中金属反射罩对CCFL亮度的影响。

    In this paper , the influence of metal reflector to CCFL brightness in LCD backlights is discussed .

  2. 椭球反射罩在冲击波载荷下的动力学分析

    Dynamic Analysis of a Concave Ellipsoidal Reflector under Shock Wave

  3. 抛物面灯具反射罩模芯的CAD建模及其五轴数控加工自动编程

    CAD Modeling and 5-Axis NC Automatic Programming for Machining of Mould Core of Luminaire Reflector with Paraboloid

  4. 切勿触及前镜,灯泡以及反射罩。

    Do not touch the lens with your facr or fingers .

  5. 提高红外烘干器反射罩辐照均匀性的探讨

    How to Increase Radiance Uniformity of Reflex Housing of Infrared Heater

  6. 伞型红外辐射采暖器反射罩的研究

    Study of Reverberatory Cover of Infrared Radiant Heater

  7. 抛物面灯具反射罩模具型芯磨削原理与轨迹计算

    Grinding Principle and Track Calculation of Mould Core in Reflecting Cover of Lamps with Paraboloid

  8. 反射罩采用抛物线面形状,反射率高、照明效果好;

    The reflection cover adopts parabola structure featuring high reflection performance and high light efficiency .

  9. 灯具反射罩模具性能分析及其制造工艺研究

    Performance Analysis of Die for Reflecting Cover of Luminaire and Study of Its Manufacturing Process

  10. 该装置采用卤素辐射器,抛物面镀金反射罩,通过水平面对面布置来实现对板状金属试样的快速加热。

    With reflectors and lamps horizontally laid face to face , it can heat planar metal samples to high temperature rapidly .

  11. 这种辐射器与常规微波辐射器不同的是,其前部的内导体被一个带有反射罩的锥形螺旋天线所替代。

    Compared with the traditional microwave applicators , the exposed inner conductor of this applicator is replaced by a cone helical antenna with the reflect shade .

  12. 试验结果和仿真结果具有很好的一致性。(6)采用超细电火花技术在反射罩模具型芯表面制作了球冠型微透镜阵列的微结构。

    The test results and simulation results have good consistency . ( 6 ) The MEDM was used to produce microstructure of spherical microlens array on reflector surface of mould core .

  13. 结合实例,针对方案之加热装置结构设计、加热功率确定、反射罩设计、控制系统、试验结果分析等进行了阐述。

    As an example , this paper illustrates the structure design of the heater , the calculation of heating power , the bowl design , control system and the analysis of test result .

  14. 通过对抛物面反射罩模具型芯磨削方法的分析,提出了研制专用磨削机床的设想,并对表面有鱼鳞块分布的抛物面磨削轨迹进行了计算。

    Over the analysis to grinding methods of mould core in reflecting cover of lamps with paraboloid , the thinking on developing professional grinding tool is provided , and the grinding track of paraboloid with scale distribution on surface is calculated .

  15. 通过挤出成型,注塑成型,得到具有微结构的漫反射罩;和金属反射罩进行光效对比,结果表明所制得的漫反射罩光能利用率高,光照均匀度较好。

    Through the extrusion molding , injection molding , diffuse reflecting cover with microstructure was produced . Compared with metal reflecting cover , the results show that the light energy utilization rate of the diffuse reflecting cover is higher , and the illumination uniformity is better .

  16. 但是,如果旧沥青路面裂缝太多,这些裂缝可能会在设计寿命内迅速地反射到新罩面层。

    However , If the pavement shows too much cracking , these cracks rapidly make their way through the new overlay before design life has been reached .

  17. 这些幸运的宠物常常被它们名主人反射的闪光灯笼罩着。

    These lucky pets are often pampered and bask in the reflected spotlight of their famous owners .

  18. 广泛用于UV灯的反射,可订做铝合金全镜面反射罩和联机快门装置反射罩,内含进口反光片。

    It extensively be used for UV lamp 's reflection , and can book aluminum alloy 's all mirror reflection cover and on-line shutter device reflect cover , in it contain import reflected light piece .