
  • 网络anomalous Hall effect;ahe;EHE
  1. 检测自旋极化的方法有很多,比如光磁圆二色性、反常霍尔效应、安德鲁反射等,但是从器件应用的角度来说用隧穿磁电阻(TMR)的方法去检测带电载流子的自旋极化更有意义。

    There are various methods to probe the spin polarization , such as optical magnetic circular dichroism , anomalous Hall effect , and Andreev reflection spectroscopy . However , from the point of direct application in devices , tunneling magnetoresistance ( TMR ) is more practical .

  2. 文章介绍了在铁磁性材料中反常霍尔效应的发现及其机制研究的历史;

    The phenomenon , discovery and history of the anomalous Hall effect are reviewed .

  3. 居里温度TC以下存在侧跃导致的反常霍尔效应,并且7K附近的相变导致霍尔电阻率发生异常。

    Furthermore , extraordinary Hall effect exists for side jump at temperatures below T C and the phase transition leads to Hall resistivity changing abnormally at 7K .

  4. 钉扎在高温超导体反常霍尔效应中的作用

    Pinning Effect in the Anomalous Hall Effect of High-T_c Superconductors

  5. 反常霍尔效应的发现已有近百年的历史,但其产生的原因至今仍未有定论。

    The anomalous Hall effect ( AHE ) has been discovered for almost a century , however , its origin is still undecided now .

  6. 薛其坤因在量子反常霍尔效应方面做出的开拓性贡献获奖。量子反常霍尔效应的发现帮助加速推进信息技术革命,有助于研发低能耗电子器件。

    Xue Qikun has been awarded for his pioneering contribution in the quantum anomalous Hall effect , a discovery that has helped accelerate the IT revolution and in developing low-power-consumption electronics .

  7. 阐述了反常霍尔效应理论研究最近取得的重大进展,即倒空间中布洛赫态的贝里曲率(规范场)特性决定了霍尔电导率;

    Studies on its mechanism are discussed with emphasis on recent progress , i.e. , the relationship between the anomalous Hall conductivity and the Berry curvature ( gauge field ) of the Bloch states in momentum space .