
fǎn zhèng
  • come over from the enemy's side;anyhow;return to the right way


fǎn zheng
  • anyway;anyhow;all the same;in any case
反正 [fǎn zhèng]
  • [anyhow] 无论如何,表示肯定的语气

  • 信不信由你,反正我不信

  • (1) [return to the right way]∶复归正道

  • 拨乱反正

  • (2) [come over from the enemys side]∶敌人投诚

反正[fǎn zhèng]
反正[fǎn zheng]
  1. 现在这一切都是纸上谈兵——反正我们赢不了。

    The whole thing 's academic now ─ we can 't win anyway .

  2. 反正我现在还是走的好——明天见。

    Anyway , I 'd better go now ─ I 'll see you tomorrow .

  3. 随你怎么说,反正她唱歌唱得很好。

    Say what you like about her , she 's a fine singer .

  4. 他反正总能设法智胜对手。

    Somehow he always manages to outwit his opponents .

  5. 很显然,不管是有意还是无意,他反正得罪了她。

    It was clear that , wittingly or unwittingly , he had offended her .

  6. 反正现在已经太迟了。

    It 's too late now , anyway .

  7. 不管正不正当,反正许多年长者都害怕街头暴力。

    Rightly or wrongly , many older people are afraid of violence in the streets .

  8. 反正简单地说,我们还欠他们2000英镑。

    Anyway , to put it simply , we still owe them £ 2 000 .

  9. 不管你怎么样,反正我要吃点东西。

    I don 't know about you , but I 'm ready for something to eat .

  10. 他说反正他并不想干这份工作,这不过是吃不着葡萄就说葡萄酸而已。

    He said he didn 't want the job anyway , but that 's just sour grapes .

  11. 我趁他外出时用他的公寓有什么关系呢?反正他又看不见!

    What does it matter if I use his flat while he 's away ? What the eye doesn 't see … !

  12. 反正你已经在这儿了,那就留下来吧。

    Anyway , you 're here ; you might as well stay

  13. 随他们怎么说我吧;我反正是要死的。

    Let them talk about me ; I 'll be dead , anyway

  14. 不管有没有用,我反正把我的笔记带来了。

    I 've brought my notes , for what it 's worth .

  15. 你决定吧,反正鱼与熊掌不可兼得。

    Make up your mind , you can 't have it both ways .

  16. 反正我们本来就打算在那间屋里贴墙纸的。

    We were going to wallpaper that room anyway .

  17. 我们多少年没有见面了?反正有年头了。

    How many years is it since we 've seen each other ? Too many , anyway .

  18. 他没有回答司令官的问题,反正司令官只是反问一下。

    He made no answer to the Commandante 's question , which had been rhetorical in any case .

  19. 他要么逃掉了,要么遭到了不测。不管怎么样,反正再也没有人见过他。

    Either he escaped , or he came to grief . In any case , he was never seen again .

  20. 我敢肯定戴维已经告诉过你他生意上有麻烦了。反正他欠钱也不是什么秘密了。

    I 'm certain David 's told you his business troubles . Anyway , it 's no secret that he owes money

  21. 嗯,我想,反正我的工作已经丢了一半了,干脆一不做二不休,走人算了。

    Well , I thought , I 've already lost half my job , I might as well go the whole hog and lose it completely .

  22. 彗星将在2061年返回,到时我们都看得到。噢,反正我们的子孙看得到。

    The comet is going to come back in 2061 and we are all going to be able to see it . Well , our offspring are , anyway

  23. 不管怎么样,反正我们今天必须完成这项工作。

    Come what may , we must finish this work today .

  24. 反正得去一个人,就让我去吧!

    Since someone has to go anyway , let me go .

  25. 我反正有空,就你的时间吧。

    Make it anytime that suits you ; I 'm always free .

  26. 他的孩子究竟多大我不清楚,反正不超过20岁。

    I don 't know just exactly how old his child is , but certainly not older than twenty .

  27. 他不愿意去就算了,咱们反正去。

    If he doesn 't want to go , he doesn 't need to . We 'll go anyway .

  28. 他们家一个弹钢琴的,一个拉小提琴的,一个唱歌的,反正都是搞音乐的。

    In their family , one plays the piano , another plays the violin , and the third is a singer ; in short , they are all musicians .

  29. 敌军一个团反正了。

    One enemy regiment surrendered and was incorporated into our troops .

  30. 反正我觉得该做的就做,不怕别人嘲笑。

    I will do what I must and fear no ridicule .