- Negative teaching materials;teaching material by negative example;material for teaching by negative example

It may serve as teaching material by negative example .
Yet instead of giving TPG a foothold in fast-growing markets , the deal now looks to be a cautionary tale .
Be the cautionary tale . And laugh at yourself .
Ought to be the poster chiid for birth control .
The Alarming Bell Sounding Forever & The warning from Hu and Cheng Cases
But because investing requires confidence , Russia is again proving a damper .
Again , Apple offers a useful example .
In their very different ways , Bush Jr and Obama show the opposite .
With your experience not amounting to anything , you could be a wonderful example .
It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre .
And the evidence wielded by prosecutors provides a road map of what not to do .
Each financial crisis is the best negative example for every financial practitioners , especially this one .
America 's subprime meltdown is not , it seems , the best advertisement for unfettered finance elsewhere .
To many parents , Wu 's story is just another bad example of the dangers of idol worship .
( allegations of serious technical flaws have not proven credible , but the fallout has nevertheless hobbled the company . )
Van Gundy crudely labeled Michael Jordan a " con man " for the way he tried to help other players .
These novels can serve as a reflective mirror to provide some lessons and insights for our present sex education for adolescents .
Britain and France , whose alliance dated to the entente cordiale of1904 and two world wars , drew opposite lessons from this humiliation .
At the same time , it would be a mistake for Asia to look to Europe solely for lessons on which policies to avoid .
The publication of News for Reference and other negative teaching material is " vaccination " to increase the political immunity of the cadres and the masses .
This project diverges from Chinese social and political practice , it lapses from budget limitations , it ignores the cultural customs ; it is the worst example for architecture .
The incident is yet another lesson in why it 's a bad idea to leave your dog in a hot car , even if the air conditioning is on .
I am , however , a testament to the opposing theory and very much living proof that juice and yoghurt cannot fuel academic studies as well as beer and takeaway food .
In new historical period , there are very few leading cadre could not undergo the tests , they became criminals , in which Li is a typical teaching material of reverse side .
Under the background of the economic globalization , the Confucian ethics can be either the villain of the piece as a caution or the original pushing force to support the modernization in China .
By focusing on these male relationships , critics praised The Hurt Locker for avoiding overt political statements ( something Avatar was heavily criticized for ), and instead painting a truthful picture of modern war .
So we did what we had to do to protect her * The judge is making an example out of her because of her celebrity status , which I don 't think is fair .
Owing to their lopsided cognition and irrationality of their expectations , parents ' notion of education through labor is deviated , neglecting the home education through labor and even regarding it as a negative example .
Yahoo could not & this was a case of a troubled company , an ill-fitting chief , and a board too weak to acknowledge early on that Bartz wasn 't right for the turnaround challenge .
Shell is hardly a poster child for malfeasance : it is performing well , its pay is similar to that at other big oil firms and its shareholders previously gave directors discretion to bend the rules .