- 名villain;negative role

Having taken years to develop and launch , recent events have cast the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund ( MPF ) as the villain as the government has sought to address public concern on a number of key issues .
Mayor White was increasingly cast as the villain of the piece .
Only two years ago did I tackle ' Richard III , ' which is the first Shakespearean villain I have ever taken on in my career .
The image has also been reproduced on everything from ice-cream containers to the villain 's mask in Wes Craven 's ' Scream ' horror films .
Pop superstar Gaga also took home the award for best actress in a limited television series or movie for her role as the villainous Countess in American Horror Story : Hotel . The Born This Way singer made an emotional speech as she was awarded a Golden Globe for her role in the HBO hit .
The negative protagonists in the play inspire hate in me .
And this evil characteristic strikes a chord with humans .
The actor said that he was trying to shake off his'bad guy'image .
I liked the old story of sargereas where he was a tragic villain .
It 's often the bad characters in a story who grab out attention .
He used to play the roles of bad eggs but this time a good egg .
And to make sure that Beijing was not cast as the villain in the climate change debate .
They are manifest villains , and yet at the same time , nothing can happen to them .
It stars Henry Fonda , unusually cast as the villain , and Charles Bronson as his enemy .
On the human side , there are villains like Medivh who is controlled by an evil spirit .
Producers have a way of saying Let George do it whenever a particularly difficult villain role turns up .
Jack and Roger are two antagonists in the novel . They represent cruel and barbarous instinct within children .
The taking on of the gender role of the opposite sex . He was cast as the villain in the play .
WSJ : A lot of your most memorable characters have been these complex villains & do you prefer playing unconventional bad guys ?
WSJ : A lot of your most memorable characters have been these complex villains -- do you prefer playing unconventional bad guys ?
Dickens became obsessed with it and , like a rapper who 's tired of the recording studio , volunteered to play the role of the villain .
That may be the future , but it 's infuriating that - like the villain in this movie - it can 't see past the bottom line .
Police have discovered that several signs have had the word'Voldemort'added in permanent black marker so that they now read'Stop Voldemort'in reference to the fantasy film 's main villain .
In Chinese document Chi You appear as a god , after experiencing history becomes the role of reverse side , again as a war god eventually and attains faith ;
Already , even as private-equity and hedge funds have retreated in the face of the credit crunch , they are being set up as the next villains of international finance .
" You always need your villains to have multiple layers and to be able to kill you with kindness as much as they can kill you with violence ," she said .
Reporters ( hereinafter referred to mind ): the performing arts sector in China has a " curse ": the more vivid the villain portrayed scolded the audience , the easier to endure .
In an animation accompanying the game , a pack of Angry Birds characters join iconic Chinese Olympic athletes like badminton player Lin Dan and hurdler Liu Xiang as they reclaim a golden drum from the pigs , their recurring enemies in the game franchise .
The villain I like best is Casaubon in " Middlemarch . " Since I am aging , solitary and bookish myself , I feel real sympathy for him and am sure that Dorothea , whom he marries , could not have been a bundle of laughs .
" Chou " is the clown or the comedy role , representing somebody who is humorous or evil .