
fǎn pài jué sè
  • villain;negative role
  1. 两位大使最近都曾在报纸上发文把对方比作《哈利波特》系列故事中的反派角色伏地魔。

    Both have recently appeared in British newspapers likening each other 's government to Lord Voldemort , the villain in the Harry Potter stories .

  2. 类似的,刺客三部曲中最大的威胁来自于其中的反派角色将六公爵的人民变成活死人(--),相当于将人僵尸化,使人失去所有情感。

    Sort of ; the big threat in The Farseer trilogy comes from the villain turning the people of the Six Duchies into Forged ones , a type of zombification that removes all emotion from someone .

  3. n.坏人,恶棍;戏剧、小说中的反派角色;顽童;罪犯n.邪恶;恶行;坏事;罪恶

    a bad person who harms other people or breaks the law a character in a book , play , film , etc. who harms other people

  4. 相反,布洛迪以老派的巴兹尔·雷斯波恩(BasilRathbone)式傲慢演绎了自己的反派角色,他昂首阔步,旋转身体,庄严地发号施令。

    Mr. Brody , by contrast , takes to his villainous role with old-fashioned Basil Rathbone hauteur , swaggering and twirling while leading with his profile .

  5. 该影片最大的特色是扭转了一众反派角色的形象,其中不仅包括盖•皮尔斯(GuyPearce)饰演的邪恶企业家奥德里奇•基利安(AldrichKillian),还有本•金斯利(BenKingsley)饰演的一个与众不同的大奸角——“满大人”(TheMandarin)。

    The film 's greatest distinction is the spin it puts on its villainy , which involves not only Guy Pearce as the malevolent entrepreneur Aldrich Killian , but Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin , an arch-villain unlike any other .

  6. 不过他同时也是最坏的反派角色之一…

    but he 's also one of the most dastardly villains of all time ...

  7. 她在《女主播的故事》中饰演了第一个反派角色,但她还是获得了观众的很多好评。

    She also received a lot of acclaim from audiences for her first villain role in All about Eve .

  8. 是不是还没看够第二季新出现的半反派角色——麦克斯的继兄弟比利?

    Could you not get enough of Season 2 's new semi-villain , Max 's step brother , Billy ?

  9. 2010年,考埃尔退出,不再担当反派角色,评委小组经历了一次身份危机。

    Mr. Cowell retired his baddie act in 2010 , and the judges " panel went through an identity crisis .

  10. 今年他将在《星际迷航2》中饰演叫约翰·哈里森的反派角色而引起轰动。

    This year he could make a big splash in the new Star Trek playing a baddie called John Harrison .

  11. 她是海猫中最佳的反派角色,同时也是整个文学史上最佳的负面人物!

    She is the best adversary ever presented in Umineko , and the best villain in the entire history of literature .

  12. 其中的英雄和反派角色都是卡通式的单线思维,外星人是怪诞奇异的外来者,行动过顶。

    Their heroes and villains were cartoonishly one-dimensional , the aliens were grotesquely alien , and the action was over the top .

  13. “我希望以演员演绎崭新的形象,扮演反派角色,除了浪漫也希望是有魅力的角色。”

    " I want to project new images as an actor , playing a bad guy and a charismatic role besides a romantic role . "

  14. 在片中饰演重要反派角色贝拉特里克斯的46岁影星海伦娜伯翰卡特,日前就被拍到前往拍摄其中的场景,但电影情节的具体细节还未知。

    Helena Bonham Carter who played evil Bellatrix LeStrange is one cast member who has been spotted filming new scenes but the plot details remain unknown .

  15. 在《闪电侠》中,“米帅”在剧中扮演“寒冷队长”,珀塞尔则扮演“热浪”,两者扮演的都是反派角色。

    Miller portrays the character of Captain Cold , while Purcell was cast for the role of Heat Wave , both them villains in their own right .

  16. 这部电影从2014年3月14日推延到同年7月2日,主人公是童话故事《睡美人》中可爱的反派角色。

    The film centering on the beloved villain from the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale moves from March 14 , 2014 , to July 2 of that year .

  17. 指出具体的反派角色甚至更容易:华尔街贪婪的银行家、操纵人民币的北京官员,以及依靠勤俭的德国人过活的懒惰的地中海人。

    It is even easier to single out specific villains – greedy Wall Street bankers , Beijing officials manipulating the renminbi and lazy Mediterraneans living off thrifty Germans .

  18. 这场时装秀的一大亮点是一个魁梧年轻人戴着的面具与《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》中反派角色贝恩的面具很相似。

    Highlights at the show included a strapping young man in a mask similar to the one worn by baddie Bane in the Batman film The Dark Knight Rises .

  19. 而迈克尔?基顿则扮演反派角色“秃鹫”。漫威影业此次翻拍的蜘蛛侠系列电影是其第16部作品,赫兰德证实,蜘蛛侠从2010年起就属于漫威电影宇宙。

    The reboot of the Spider-Man franchise is the 16th installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , and Holland confirmed that his character had been part of the MCU since 2010 .

  20. 让《魔兽》脱颖而出的原因是,影片导演邓肯•琼斯展现了两种不同文明的碰撞,双方都有英雄和反派角色,而不仅仅是情节老套的“善与恶”的交锋。

    What makes Warcraft stand out is the way British director Duncan Jones presents a clash of civilizations with heroes and villains on both sides , rather than a conventional story about good against evil .

  21. 在第二次世界大战中反派角色被分配给日本这样一个短暂的插曲之后,美国对亚洲的描绘未经多少变化就又回到中国。

    After a brief interlude around the Second World War , when the role of villain was assigned to Japanese characters , the American renderings of Asia drifted back to China , without much sophistication acquired along the way .

  22. 因为很多时候我们都会听到反派角色在恐吓“你最好照着什么什么做否则就会怎么怎么样”,但过一阵子之后就会觉得是在唬人。

    Because a lot of times with [ villains ] , they 're constantly wagging their finger ," You better do this , you better do that or this is going to happen " and it becomes hollow after a while .

  23. 就珀塞尔和米勒在这两部剧中的演出情况,他们的档期可能会同步进行。在《闪电侠》中,米帅在剧中扮演寒冷队长,珀塞尔则扮演热浪,两者扮演的都是反派角色。

    It appears based on their performances in these television series , they will have their work schedules pretty much in-sync . Miller portrays the character of Captain Cold , while Purcell was cast for the role of Heat Wave , both them villains in their own right .

  24. 在热门科幻片中,机器人经常以反派的角色出现——统治世界、奴役人类,没有灵魂。

    ROBOTS ARE OFTEN CAST in popular science fiction as the villains - soulless automatons that take over the world and enslave mankind .

  25. 杜兰特为了巩固金州勇士队的超级阵容选择大幅减薪,消除球队任何潜在的裂痕。如果网络上真的有成百上千人因此愤怒的话,杜兰特此举彻底坐实了他反派的角色。

    Durant is taking a sizable pay cut to apply an extra layer of superglue to any potential fissures in the Golden State Warriors ' superteam , and , if hundreds of angry people on the internet are to believed , this further solidifies his status as a villain .