
  • 网络engine;engine specification;ECU
  1. 航空发动机参数测试系统是由VFP系统总控软件来控制。

    It is VFP system control software which controls the parameters measurement system of airplane engine .

  2. 根据电辅助控制策略特点,以满足整车动力性能指标为前提,使用以MATLAB为平台的ADVISOR分析软件,对并联式混合动力汽车发动机参数、电机参数选择以及能源匹配进行了仿真研究。

    In terms of property of electric assistance strategy , meeting requirements on vehicle power performance , selection and simulation of the engine parameters , motor parameters and energy matching parameters are enforced . The analysis is based on the software ADVISOR by virtue of MATLAB platform .

  3. 基于双DSP的航空发动机参数采集系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Aeroengine Parameter Sampling Instrument Based on Double DSP

  4. 以飞机飞行参数记录系统中发动机参数为基础,研究了RBF神经网络在航空发动机故障诊断中的应用。

    Based on the recorded aero-engines parameters , the RBF neural network is researched to apply for x aero-engines fault diagnoses .

  5. 根据在飞机发动机参数模拟系统中使用PC-104总线技术的经验,介绍了在工程中如何合理使用有限的PC-104资源,通过软、硬件巧妙的设计实现多种测量与激励的方法。

    This article is about the technique how to get kinds of measure and stimulus signals by good design of hardware and software using limited PC-104 resource . It is based by experience in aircraft engine parameters simulator .

  6. 基于数字信号处理器的航空发动机参数采集系统设计

    Design of Aeroengine Parameter Sampling Instrument Based on Digital Signal Processor

  7. 便携式发动机参数及综合调节器检查仪的研制

    A Portable Test Set for Engine Parameters and Integrated Control System

  8. 无人机发动机参数测量系统的研制

    Development of parameters measurement system of unmanned air vehicle motor

  9. 基于遗传算法的固体火箭发动机参数优化设计

    The genetic algorithm for solid rocket motor parameter optimal design

  10. 发动机参数测试信号处理器的研制

    The Development of the Signal Processor for the Parameter Testing of Engines

  11. 液体火箭发动机参数计算及误差确定

    Parameter calculation and error determination of liquid rocket engine

  12. 对某型航空发动机参数的调整分析

    The Analysis of Adjusting Certain Aero - engine Parameters

  13. 电动轮汽车柴油发动机参数的计算机检测

    Computerized Monitoring of Parameters of the Diesel Engine in an Electric Wheel Truck

  14. 固体火箭发动机参数辨识

    The identification of parameter of solid rocket motor

  15. 利用飞行试验数据对发动机参数估计的研究

    On engine parameter estimation with flight test data

  16. 空气液化发动机参数分析

    Parameter analysis of the liquid air cycle engine

  17. 涡轮喷气发动机参数的装机评价和调整

    Installation Evaluation and Adjustment of Turbojet Engine Parameters

  18. 飞机发动机参数采集器智能检测设备的设计

    The Design of an Intelligent Test Equipment for an Aeroengine Parameter Collector AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE

  19. 固体火箭发动机参数调整的优化方法

    Optimizing modification on parameter of solid rocket engine

  20. 这为发动机参数的测试提供了一套简单有效的方案。

    So it provides an easy an effective blue print for the engine parameters testing .

  21. 航空发动机参数显示技术发展趋势

    Developing Trend of Engine Parameter Display Technology

  22. 便携式发动机参数模拟器的研制

    Development of a Portable Engine Parameter Simulator

  23. 符合制造标准的发动机参数;

    Engine data as per manufactured standard ;

  24. 通过对8级脉冲发动机参数进行的仿真计算,验证了此修正方法的可行性。

    Simulation calculations with 8 classes of impulse control force were performed and the feasibility of open loop correction proved .

  25. 本文通过理论计算得出两种循环的液氧/烃类发动机参数和性能,计算了混合比、涡轮进口温度、泵效率等参数对发动机性能的影响。

    The parameters and performances of two LOX / Hydrocarbon engine systems with different kind of power cycles are obtained through theoretical calculation .

  26. 为了精确测量无人机发动机参数,以保证无人机起飞和飞行的安全,研制了该系统。

    In order to measure accurately parameters of unmanned air vehicle motor and ensure the safety of taking-off and flying , the system is manufactured .

  27. 用添加稳态故障的方法分析了燃气发生器和燃烧室氧化剂管路流阻系数,以及氧化剂温度对发动机参数的影响。

    The simulation by adding stable state fault was used to study the effect of flow resistance coefficient of oxidant pipe in gas generator and chamber and oxidant temperature on the engine parameters .

  28. 通过该模型对起飞状态实测的发动机参数进行了辨识,结果表明该方法具有学习速度快、诊断精度高等优点。

    The aeroengine parameter of the taking-off state is identified by the model . The results show that this fuzzy neural network method has the advantages of faster learning rate and higher diagnosing precision .

  29. 该系统具有对发动机参数数据进行分析处理、实时显示、管理和性能评价等功能,并能分别对系统中的测试设备进行远程控制,可完成对实际系统改进的任务。

    The functions of the system include : processing and analysis , real-time display and management of the engine parameters data , evaluation of the engine performance and remote control of test equipment separately .

  30. 利用计算机进行数据采集和处理,提高了发动机参数测试精度,可实时监视发动机各个工作状态的性能参数是否正常,提高了发动机故障分析和诊断效率,具有较高的使用价值。

    The computer based automatic data logging and processing system has improved instrumentation accuracy and will monitor the normal engine operation parameters , increase the efficiency of engine analysis and diagnostics with applicable value .