
  1. 如果用TiAl基合金替代镍基合金应用与航空航天工业,十分有助于减轻零部件重量,提高航空发动机推重比。

    Therefore , the application of TiAl-based alloys in aero-industries would be very beneficial to weight reducing of machine parts and the enhancing of thrust loading of aero-engine .

  2. 介绍了径向式可变几何旋流器开度特性计算方法,随着航空发动机推重比(p/w)的不断提高,涡轮前温度在逐年提高,目前先进发动机涡轮前温度高达1800K。

    The paper describes a computational method for open degree characteristics of radial direction variable geometry swirl . With the increase of aero-engine 's propulsive-weight ratio ( p / w ), the temperature ahead of turbine has increased yearly .

  3. 随着航空技术的发展,飞行器对航空发动机推重比、可靠性、寿命、油耗、全寿命期成本等提出了更高的要求。

    Along with the developing of aeronautic technology , aero engine shall fulfill higher requirements in thrust ratio , reliability , life , fuel consumption and life-time cost .

  4. 随着现代航空发动机推重比的不断提高,轮盘的设计应力水平大幅提高,低循环疲劳失效逐渐成为轮盘最主要的失效形式之一。

    Along with the increasing of push weight rate of modern aeroengine , the stress level of it improved greatly , so low cycle fatigue gradually become the primary fault mode .

  5. 对转涡轮技术在提高涡轮航空发动机推重比、降低耗油率以及提高飞机的整机性能等方面具有明显的优势,但是同时也带来很多急需解决的问题。

    Counter-rotating turbine technology can have great advantages on improving the thrust-weight ratio , specific fuel consumption and the overall performance of an aeroengine , but it also brings a lot of pressing problems .

  6. 近年来,对转涡轮技术作为可提高航空发动机推重比及飞机性能的有效技术越来越受到重视。

    In the recent few years , counter-rotating turbine has been more and more regarded because it can offer some significant benefits compared with conventional two stage turbine , such as the elevated thrust-to-weight ratio of aero-engine , the improved performance of aircraft , and so on .

  7. 整体叶盘技术具有较好的工程应用价值:可减轻转子重量,提高发动机推重比;可提高发动机的耐久性和可靠性,减少故障发生率,延长了转子的寿命;可提高气动性能和工作效率。

    The blisk technology has a series of engineering application value : reducing the rotor weight , increasing engine trust-weight ratio , improving engine durability and reliability , reducing the incidence of failure to extending the life of the rotor , improving aerodynamic performance and efficiency of the engine .

  8. 现代飞机、航天器等航空航天产品大量采用轻量化的高强度、薄壁零件来降低自身重量,提高发动机的推重比。

    Modern aircraft and spacecraft as well as other aerospace products use a large number of lightweight and high strength thin-walled components to reduce its weight , and increase the thrust weight ratio of engine .

  9. 在提高压气机压比的同时,提升涡轮前温度是改善航空燃气涡轮发动机性能(推重比、耗油率)的有效措施。

    The performance of aero engine ( thrust-to-weight ratio , specific fuel consumption ) can be improved by increasing the turbine inlet temperature and the compressor pressure ratio .

  10. 随着航空发动机向高推重比方向发展,涡轮前燃气温度不断提高,现有高温合金材料的承温状况都己接近极限。

    With the development of the aero-engine direction to the high thrust-weight ratio , and turbine inlet gas temperature continuously growing , the ability to endure temperature of existing high temperature alloys has been close to the limit .

  11. 航空发动机一直向着高推重比、大载荷、高转速和高性能性发展。

    Aeroengine have been developing with high thrust-weight ratio , large load , high speed and high performance .

  12. 现代航空发动机朝着高推重比的方向发展,要求压气机具有高负荷、高效率、高稳定性的特点。

    Modern aero-engine developed towards high thrust-ratio has put a further demand on compressor , required it has a high load , high efficiency , high stability characteristics .

  13. 现代航空发动机不断追求提高推重比,优化其零部件的结构设计日益重要。

    Owing to the increasing demand for raising the thrust weight ratio of modern aero engine , it is very important to optimize the structures of the components .

  14. 对转涡轮技术是燃气涡轮发动机的一项关键技术,它在提高发动机推重比以及飞机性能方面具有较大的发展潜力。

    Counter-rotating turbine is one of the key technologies of gas turbine engine and it has great potential in elevating thrust-to-weight ratio of aero-engine and improving performance of aircraft .