
  1. 有确定的名称和经营范围;经营者应当具有初级以上出版物发行员职业资格;

    Having a definite name and a well-defined business scope ; the business operator shall hold the occupational qualification to be a primary publication distributor or above ;

  2. 于是这位朋友,芝加哥一家批发行的采购员,不得不停了下来。

    So the friend , a buyer for one of the Chicago wholesale houses , felt , perforce , the necessity of stopping .

  3. 很多人都知道Amazon.com是图书经销商,其实它也是娱乐业发行网络的一员。

    Although usually considered a book vendor , is in fact part of the entertainment industry 's distribution network .

  4. 发行人员应当具有初级以上出版物发行员职业资格;

    And each of its distributor holding the occupational qualification to be a primary publication distributor or above ;