
fā shè
  • transmit;emit;launch;transmission;beam;fire;radiate;project;discharge;shoot;loose
发射 [fā shè]
  • (1) [emit]∶发出

  • 发射光谱

  • (2) [launch;project;shoot]∶[从斜轨、发射器或其他装置] 放出或弹射出 [自动推进的物体]

  • 发射一枚鱼雷

  • (3) [fire]∶[用枪或仿佛用枪] 射出

  • 发射炮弹

发射[fā shè]
  1. 两国曾签订了联合发射人造卫星的协议。

    The two countries signed an agreement to jointly launch satellites .

  2. 原定的发射在点火起飞前4分钟被取消。

    The original planned launch was called off four minutes before blast-off .

  3. 此次太空发射在电视上做了实况转播。

    The space shot was shown live on television .

  4. 这枚火箭发射于1980年3月。

    The rocket was launched in March 1980 .

  5. 初学者的手枪发射的只是空弹。

    A starter 's pistol fires only blanks .

  6. 向敌人发射了导弹。

    Missiles were fired at the enemy .

  7. 离发射还有十分钟。

    Ten minutes to lift-off .

  8. “发现”号航天飞机今晨从卡纳维拉尔角顺利发射升空。

    Discovery 's takeoff this morning from Cape Canaveral was flawless .

  9. 航天飞机已经预定于凌晨4点38分发射升空。

    The space shuttle had been scheduled to blast off at 04:38

  10. 氢气泄漏迫使美国国家航空航天局停止了航天飞机的发射。

    A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle .

  11. 发射高爆弹的新型大炮在战场上得到了使用。

    New guns firing high explosive shells were incorporated into the battlefield

  12. 军队仍然控制着电视和广播发射塔。

    Troops are still in control of the television and radio tower .

  13. 发射台会自动将信号发射到地方基站。

    The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station

  14. 记者们报道说在发射后看到发射台着火了。

    Journalists report seeing a fire on the pad after the launch .

  15. 发射后不久,火箭就失控坠落了。

    The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift-off .

  16. 该卫星自从两年前发射以来一直没起作用。

    The satellite had been inactive since its launch two years ago .

  17. 美国国家航空航天局计划发射一颗卫星上天,对宇宙射线进行研究。

    NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays

  18. 士兵发射橡皮子弹驱散人群时有7个人受了伤。

    Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds

  19. 3个人被从一辆面包车中发射的乱弹打死了。

    Three people were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus

  20. 计算机确定了炮弹发射的位置。

    Computers pinpointed where the shells were coming from .

  21. 他们会试图用电子信号对发射进行干扰。

    They will try to jam the transmissions electronically .

  22. 今天一早,一枚“德尔塔”Ⅱ型火箭在卡纳维拉尔角发射升空。

    A Delta II rocket was launched from Cape Canaveral early this morning .

  23. 我们的轰炸机摧毁了移动火箭发射台。

    Our bombers have knocked out the mobile launchers

  24. 通过卫星发射的信号覆盖全世界,从而产生了大量的观众并在全球范围内赚取不菲的广告费。

    Worldwide coverage beamed by satellite generates huge audiences accompanied by global advertising revenues .

  25. 军方在这儿有发射场,“长剑”导弹等武器都在这里进行试验。

    Here the army has its ranges where Rapier missiles and other weaponry are tested

  26. 奏完国歌后,他们将同时发射空弹。

    They were to fire a salvo of blanks , after the national anthem .

  27. 它真正的用途是发射和收回飞行中的小型飞机。

    Its real purpose is the launching and retrieval of small aeroplanes in flight .

  28. 美国航天飞机的发射已于今天晚些时候开始进入倒计时。

    The countdown has begun for the launch later today of the American space shuttle

  29. 发射时间推迟了7分钟左右。

    The lift-off was delayed about seven minutes

  30. 可以通过向太空站发射无人太空舱来实现救援计划。

    A rescue plan could be achieved by sending an unmanned module to the space station .