- 网络Metamorphic Facies

Research on the features of metamorphic facies zone and garnet in Liaohe Group
Activity Show Thermodynamic activity traces acted as the regional metamorphic facies and its belts .
The Grain Refiner Appearance Controlling of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
Magma & typed zircons in different Metamorphic Phases
Progress in the study of metamorphic phase equilibrium
The division of Triassic metamorphic facies on western border region ( middle-south part ) of Ordos Basin
The metamorphic facies gradually change from low amphibolite & high green-schist facies of the basement to low green-schist of the cover .
The results of these experiments show that velocities of the felsic crystalline rocks are obviously lower than that of the basic rocks and no visible relationship with metamorphic phase .
In the glaucophane-bearing rocks there distributed some sections , in which the metamorphic facies of the rocks are mainly of prehnite-pumpellyite facies , glaucophane-greenschist facies , and epidote ( almandine ) - amphibolite facies etc , but the high temperature-low pressure mineral associations are not discovered .
Phase equilibrium of low-pressure metamorphism in the Altaides , Xinjiang
Phase equilibrium and trace element partitioning between minerals and melt in the metabasalt system : constraints on the formation conditions of TTG / adakite magmas and the growth of early continental crust
Polymetamorphism , polyphase metamorphism and metamorphic p-T-t paths
Form and distribution of γ phase varied with Be content variation .
Influence of RESiFe + SiCa Composite Modifier on Properties of Duplex-Phase Steel
Effect of modification on the morphology of inclusions of oxide and sulfide in dual phase abrasion resistant cast steel
The Caledonian metamorphism and metamorphic facies series division of Middle Proterozoic group strata in North West of Fujian Province
Geotectonic background and Metamorphic Phases of the formation of the CHANGLE-NANAO metamorphic belt magma & typed zircons in different Metamorphic Phases
The stratabound carbonate iron-copper-gold belt in the Eastern Pamir was formed in the Lower Taxidban group in a Mid Proterozoic rift .
Characteristics of paragenetic association of metamorphic minerals , metamorphic-facies series and tectonites of major metamorphic rocks in Zhifu group in north of Yantai city have been analysed in this paper , and characteristics of deformation , metamorphism and evolution studied as well .
This conclusion is consistent with the blueschist rock outcrops in this metamorphic belt .
The stratas exposed are mainly comprised of a suit of middle-grade regional metamorphic rocks of Wutai group , upper Archaean . The rocks had undergone multi-stages of metamorphism and deformation of amphibolite facies .
The discovery of hornfelsed basic rock veins discloses that strong geologic process with the activity of fault , magma and metamorphism were still taken placed in Paleozoic era within the metamorphic basement of the Xiangshan uranium ore field .
This intermediate-pressure metamorphic belt is associated with low-pressure transitional regional dynamothermal metamorphic belt and regional dynamic metamorphic belt in Triassic flysch to its west .
The paper explains the mechanism of buffering of metamorphic reaction temperature by metamorphic fluids , evaluates the buffering degree of temperature from thermodynamical theory , and discusses the significance of metamorphic fluids in the studies of metamorphic facies and zones .