
  • 网络Allergic Disease
  1. 检测变应性疾病患者特异性IgE探讨三种蟑螂的交叉抗原性

    Analysis of cross-reactive allergens from three strains of cockroach by human specific IgE with allergic disease

  2. 其发病机制复杂,建立合适的动物模型有助于开发治疗人类变应性疾病的新药。

    The pathogenesy is complicated , establishing suitable animal models of asthma benefits the development of new drug to treat humans allergic disease .

  3. 本文就AP-1的结构、活化及其与变应性疾病之间的关系作一综述。

    This article reviewed the structure ? activation of AP-1 , and the relationship between AP-1 and the allergic diseases .

  4. ChristophGruber及其同事认为“患变应性疾病风险儿童的父母通非常关注异婴儿时期免疫的效应”。

    Parents of children at heightened risk for atopy are frequently concerned about the effect of immunization in infancy .

  5. 用ELISA法检测变应性疾病患者血清中对三种常见蟑螂:美洲大蠊、黑胸大蠊和德国小蠊变应原的特异性IgE抗体(sIgE),以探讨它们之间可能存在的交叉抗原性及其程度。

    The purpose of the present study is to determine the cross-reactive allergens from three strains of cockroach ( Periplaneta fuliginosa , Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica ) by human specific IgE ( sIgE ) with allergic disease . sIgE in the serum of allergic patients were determined with ELISA .

  6. 近年来,免疫细胞的效应&调节功能失衡亦成为过敏性疾病研究中的重要内容,调节性T细胞(Treg)亚群的调节功能不足,可能是哮喘等变应性疾病发生的重要机制。

    In recent years , disbalance of immunocyte effection-regulation function has become a key subject of allegic diseases study . Deficient of regulatory T cell ( Treg ) subset regulating function may be the key mechanism of allegic diseases such as asthma .

  7. Solotvyno变应性疾病医院将有各种支气管堵塞、哮喘和呼吸疾病的患者送到这些矿井,吸收有疗效的空气。

    Patients with various bronchial blockages , asthma and breathing problems are sent to the mines by the Solotvyno 's allergological hospital to suck up the curative air .

  8. 呼和浩特市616例变应性疾病变应原调查分析

    Analysis on Allergens among Patients of Allergic diseases in Hohhot Area

  9. 激活蛋白-1与变应性疾病的研究进展

    Progress in activator protein-1 and the allergic diseases

  10. 在过去的三十年中,哮喘等变应性疾病在世界范围内明显增加。

    Over the past three decades , there has been a significant increase incidence in allergy and asthma in the world .

  11. 变应原测试对早期诊断有变应性疾病风险增加的婴儿与及治疗变应性疾病均为先决条件。

    Allergy testing is an important prerequisite for both early identification of infants at increased risk of allergic disease and for specific allergy treatments .

  12. 该病是发生于鼻粘膜的变应性疾病,以鼻痒、喷嚏、鼻溢清涕、鼻粘膜肿胀为主要特点。

    The disease occurred in the nasal mucosa of allergic disease by nasal itching , sneezing , rhinorrhea clear tears , nasal swelling as the main features .

  13. 支气管哮喘病是一种变应性疾病,而反复呼吸道感染是一种免疫缺乏性疾病。

    The results showed the difference in the immune status of the bronchial asthma , an allergic disease , and the repeated respiratory infections , an immunologic deficiency disease .

  14. 背景:抗原特异性T细胞的活化在一些免疫相关疾病(如移植排斥反应、变应性疾病)的发生、发展中起着主导性的作用。

    Backgroud : The activation of antigen-specific T cells plays a vital role in the initiation and development of some immune-related diseases , such as transplant rejection and allergic diseases .

  15. 结论阿罗格变应原皮肤点刺试验为变应性疾病的诊断提供有力的依据,为特异性脱敏治疗提供可靠的客观指标。

    Conclusion Allergen skin fast insertion tests provides a significant basis in the diagnosis of the allergic diseases , and a reliable objective index for specific taking off allergic therapy .

  16. 医学电报新闻:英国研究者声称变应性疾病的演变形式多种多样,先是出现湿疹,然后是哮喘,再接着发生鼻炎,成为它的最常见的演变顺序。

    MedWire News : There are numerous variants of the " allergic march ," with eczema followed by asthma and then rhinitis being the most common sequence , say UK researchers .

  17. Karolinska研究中心的副教授GunnerNilsson和他的研究小组已经发现肥大细胞和若干非变应性反应疾病的联系的可行性解释。

    Associate professor Gunner Nilsson at Karolinska Institutet and his research group have now found a possible explanation for the link between mast cells and several non-allergic diseases .

  18. 地洛他定片是高效的选择性H1受体拮抗剂,并且具有抗炎活性,可用于治疗变应性鼻炎和荨麻疹等变应性疾病。

    Desloratadine , a new and selective H1-receptor antagonist with anti-inflammatory activity , was used to treat allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis and urticaria .

  19. 过敏性鼻炎(ALLERGICRHINITIS,AR),又称变应性鼻炎,是常见的耳鼻咽喉科疾病,也是常见的呼吸道变应性疾病。

    Allergic rhinitis ( allergic rhinitis , AR ), also known as allergic rhinitis , is a common ENT diseases , is a common respiratory allergic diseases .