
  • 网络gear stick;gear lever;Shift Lever;shifters;lever
  1. 变速杆里的微型开关自动地与离合器啮合或脱离。

    A microswitch in the gear stick automatically engages and disengages the clutch .

  2. 该装置本身就在车子正下方,几乎与变速杆处于同一直线上。

    The device itself was right under the vehicle , almost in line with the gear lever

  3. 基于sEMG信号理论的汽车变速杆位置的优化设计

    Research on the Optimized Design of the Automobile Stick Shift Based on the sEMG Signal Theory

  4. 变速杆错误码(带TRS)

    Shift lever error code ( with trs )

  5. 这才有了菲亚特500L那长长的、难以驾驭的变速杆以及变速器运行中偶发的莫名其妙的怪事。

    And thus the 500L 's lengthy , and dodgy , gearstick and its occasional mystery-gear function .

  6. 保持厂商指定的轮胎膨胀度,稳定加速,少用变速杆,用稳定的速度行驶都可以轻松提高MPG。

    You can easily improve the MPG on any car by keeping tyres inflated to their manufacturer-specified pressure , employ steady acceleration and drive at a steady speed that requires fewer gear changes .

  7. 它对汽车变速杆手柄的科学定位,尤其是对近年出现的无转向盘轿车主操控手柄的科学定位具有重要意义,其准确定位效果优于SAE手伸及限概念的应用效果。

    It is a more powerful scientific approach than SAE hand reach envelope , in locating the gearshift levers of the conventional automobiles and especially in locating the central control handle sidestick of a recent non - steering - wheel passenger car .

  8. 他摸索到了变速杆,一把抓住它。

    He groped for the stick shift and clutch .

  9. 拆卸变速杆(请参阅第21单元变速箱)。

    Remove gear shift levers ( refer to Group 21 , Transmissions ) .

  10. 在自动变速杆操作中无手动升档或降档

    No Manual Upshift or Downshift in Auto Stick Operation

  11. 熟练操纵机器的排挡和变速杆

    Manipulate the gears and levers of a machine

  12. 肯定是变速杆有问题。

    It must be the gearshift lever .

  13. 用一个变速杆和一个离合器踏板手工操作的传送。

    A transmission that is operated manually with a gear lever and a clutch pedal .

  14. 我们把他的血和变速杆上的血迹以及我在栅栏上找到的拿去匹配了。

    We matched his blood on the gearshift and on the headband I found in the alley .

  15. 本文介绍了变速杆系统的减振设计及其效果。

    This paper describes how to effectively eliminate or reduce the vibration in designing a shift lever .

  16. 平稳变速杆:当你的汽油车达到2500转/分,柴油车达到2000转/分时,换挡吧。

    Smooth gear changes : shift up a gear when you hit2500rpm for petrol cars and2000rpm for diesel cars .

  17. 用变速杆(手动)开车比较难,因此被认为更具运动性和阳刚之气。

    A ' stick shift ' ( manual ) is harder to drive and therefore considered sportier , more masculine .

  18. 也许您必须扳动变速杆并一直将其保持在“过变速位置”,直到变速完成。

    You may have to continue to hold the shift lever in an " overshift " until the shift is complete .

  19. 驾驶员换档时接通了与变速杆相连并连接倒车灯和蓄电池的开关。

    This closes a switch linked to the selector lever which connects the Backup lights are installed on many cars to the Battery .

  20. 所以手动变速杆和离合器对驾驶而言是不必要的,我们可以删掉该装置以达到简约。

    A manual gear shift and clutch are not essential to the task of driving , so they are removed to achieve simplicity .

  21. 这是变速杆手球:空档;一挡;二挡;三挡;四挡;五挡;倒挡;

    This is gear knob : neutral gear , first gear , second gear , third gear , fourth gear , fifth gear , retreat gear .

  22. 一些汽车的驾驶员用脚踩踏板来松开离合器,然后再用变速杆来换档。有些汽车的换档是自动的。

    In some cars the driver has to step on a pedal to release the clutch , then shift the gears with a lever . In other cars all the shifting is automatic .

  23. 变速杆控制台里面有一个巨大的加速挡,你也可以在5英寸(约合13厘米)触摸屏界面上一项项地输入方向控制、悬挂和传动参数,不过干吗要这么干呢?

    There 's the one big go-fast switch in the gearshift console , or you can use the 5-inch touch-screen interface to dial in steering , suspension and powertrain parameters individually , though why ?

  24. 汽车变速操纵杆焊接接头冷裂纹产生原因分析

    Generation Reason Analysis of Cold Crack in Welding Joint of Automobile Variable Speed Control Handle

  25. 研究了汽车上变速操纵杆焊接冷裂纹产生的原因。

    The reason of welding cold cracking was researched on gear shift controlling lever of car .

  26. 本车装有无级变速操纵杆,包您操纵自如。连接操纵装置和前轮的两根杆子之一。

    With stepless speed regulator , you may control this vehicle with ease . either of two rods that link the steering gear to the front wheels .

  27. 碟盘拨杆式排肥装置由于变速拨杆与刹车把是一体化结构,所以分别有油碟版和拉线版两种闸变版本可选。

    D - flicker mechanism As the brake lever and shifter are one unit , there are two versions , one for cable brakes and one for hydraulic disc brakes .

  28. 脉动无级变速器8杆传动函数机构的运动-动力学综合

    Dynamic and kinetic synthesis of vi-bar transmission function mechanism for impulse stepless speed regulator

  29. 在变速箱变速杆指示器挡板下插入一个尖头工具,向上撬并拆去它。

    Insert a thin-blade tool under the edge of the transmission shift indicator bezel and pry up to remove .

  30. 在其吸引人的外观和理想的人体工程学设计,新的电力设备的自动变速器换档杆完美地融合了时尚的内部。

    In its appealing look and ideal ergonomics , the new , electrical gear selector lever for the automatic transmission merges perfectly into the stylish interior .