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biàn guà
  • backpedal;turnabout;break an agreement;cry off;go back on one's word;change one's mind;change one's tune
变卦 [biàn guà]
  • [break an agreement] 突然改变原来的主张或己定的事情(常含贬义)

变卦[biàn guà]
  1. 他总是临时变卦。

    When it comes to the point , he always changes his mind .

  2. 她说过她要来参加聚会,可到时候又变卦了。

    She said she was coming to the party , but cried off at the last moment .

  3. 他因为在几个关键问题上临场变卦而备受批评。

    He has been criticized for flip-flopping on several key issues

  4. 你从今天早上就变卦了,是不是?

    You 've changed your tune since this morning , haven 't you ?

  5. 昨天他变卦了,说提价只是试行。

    Yesterday he changed his tune , saying the fare increase was experimental .

  6. 她已经两次变卦了。

    She 's backpedaled twice already

  7. 昨天说得好好的,怎么变卦了?

    Yesterday you agreed . What made you change your mind ?

  8. 可别说了又变卦啊!

    Don 't go back on your word .

  9. 何以变卦?

    Why all this sudden change ?

  10. 哥们你可别变卦你是知道的加油!

    Dude , don 't backpedal , you know . Onwards !

  11. 我急于想知道造成变卦的原因。

    I was eager to know what had caused the turnabout .

  12. 我们对他们,绝不变卦。

    It 's us against them , no matter what .

  13. 集体签约又变卦知春时代项目怎么了?

    Collective contract they changed their mind what the item Zhichun era ?

  14. 没有什么会比错过航班或是转机更能让旅行变卦了。

    Nothing derails a trip quicker than a missed flight or connection .

  15. 我们才刚分手,她就变卦了

    We just broke up , first thing she does !

  16. 由于我们的德国合伙人中途变卦,我们不得不放弃这一工程项目。

    We have to cancel the project when our German partner backs out .

  17. 我们不想买那所房子了,卖主变卦要敲诈我们。

    We shan 't be buying the house : we 've been gazumped .

  18. 他答应借钱给我的,可是后来变卦了。

    He agreed to lend me the money , but backed out later .

  19. 他如果变卦取消交易,你就起诉他。

    If he backs out of the deal , you can sue him .

  20. 到了最后一刻,真正是一夜之间,他们突然变卦了。

    At the last minute , literally overnight , they changed their minds .

  21. 戈林之所以变卦,是因为秘密警察已经掌握了他吸吗啡上瘾的证据。

    Goering had switched sides because the Gestapo had proof of his drug addiction .

  22. 背弃以前的言论或政策;变卦。

    Withdraw from an earlier statement or policy ; reverse one 's previous action .

  23. 这样一种变卦,露骨地表现于四月二日赫尔利在华盛顿所发表的声明。

    This change was crudely revealed in his statement in Washington on April 2 .

  24. 他说过他会帮忙的,可他现在开始变卦了。

    He said he 'd help , but now he 's starting to backpedal .

  25. 那我们只好希望他届时不会变卦吧

    Well , let 's just hope he doesn 't decide to branch out .

  26. 最后一分钟时,约翰变卦了,不同意和我们一起去。

    At the last minute , John backed out and refused to go with us .

  27. 我马上买下了那辆汽车,以免他变卦。

    I bought the car at once for fear that he might change his mind .

  28. 你知道,人今天这么打算,明天就会变卦。

    What one means one day , you know , one may not mean the next .

  29. 我希望你绝对不会在最后的时刻变卦。

    I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment .

  30. 你已经答应过,可是现在又变卦了。

    You gave me your word , you know , and now you take it back .