
  • 网络Longdead;the ancient corpse
古尸 [gǔ shī]
  • [ancient corpse] 古人的尸体,从古代一直保存下来

  1. 结果:古尸肝组织内日本血吸虫卵呈灰黄白色,无特异性抗原抗体反应;

    It was found that the Schistosome eggs of the ancient corpse appeared pale greyish yellow and without fluorescence ;

  2. 上海明代古尸肌肉脂类成分分析

    Lipid Analysis of the Muscle From an Ancient Corpse Found in Shanghai

  3. 断定91.152B和C是同一具古尸的两部分,且为青年女性。

    We recognized that 91.152 B and C were two parts of a young woman mummy .

  4. 明代古尸脏器中铅、汞含量的测定

    Determination of Lead and Mercury in Viscera of Ming Dynasty Mummy

  5. 结果:古尸的所有脏器都在正常位置上,可以辨认。

    Results : All of the internal organs were normally located and could be identified .

  6. 新疆哈密91.HWM152B和152C古尸的X线观察和测量

    Observation and Surveying on the Kami Mummies , 91.152B and C , with X-ray Examination

  7. 一具明代古尸几种器官组织和细胞的显微观察

    Microscopic Observations of Several Organ Tissues and Cells of an Ancient Cadaver of the Ming Dynasty

  8. 战国墓古尸头发的光镜及扫描电镜观察

    Light Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Scalp Hair from an Ancient Cadaver in Warring States Tomb

  9. 探讨明代古尸完好保存447年的因素。

    Objective : To explore the factors responsible for the perfect protection of a Ming cadaver for 447 years .

  10. 佛山明代古尸骨骸鉴定和塑化保存的研究

    Study on identification and preservation of the unearthed bones from the ancient tomb of Ming Dynasty in Foshan city