
  • 网络Classical Economist
  1. 而对劳动分工进行最集中也是最详尽论述的,当属古典经济学家诸人,如亚当·斯密、萨伊、西斯蒙地。

    And it is the classical economist people described labor division most exhaustively , such as Adam Smith and Iraq .

  2. 把马克思归于古典经济学家的行列并据此否定马克思的劳动价值理论对于价格的解释功能的观点是错误的。

    It is certainly wrong to classify Marx as a classical economist and thus to deny his explanation about price .

  3. 斯密和早期古典经济学家的科学态度古典文化的;

    the scientific attitude of Smith and earlier classical economists .

  4. 为什么古典经济学家拒绝将使用价值作为交换价值的基础?

    Why did the Classical economists reject use value as a basis for exchange value ?

  5. 第二个方法曾被凯恩斯之前的古典经济学家奉为真理。

    The second approach is the one taken for granted by classical economists before Keynes .

  6. 所以,对于这个被古典经济学家宣称为不可或缺的重要事实,我并无异议。

    Thus I am not disputing this vital fact which the classical economists have asserted as indefeasible .

  7. 在区别国际贸易与国内贸易时,古典经济学家强调生产要素行为的特点。

    In differentiating international from domestic trade , classical economists stressed the behavior of the factors of production .

  8. 并且新古典经济学家把收入分配问题仅仅着作是一般价格形成问题中的一个方面。

    And the new classical economists use the income distribution problems as only one of the problems of general price formation .

  9. 技术的进步被新古典经济学家们认为是保持经济持续增长的动力,而这种动力的源泉来源于对人力资本的投资。

    Neoclassic economists regard technical progress , which root in investment in human capital , as driver for sustaining economic growth .

  10. 企业的竞争力在不同历史时期、不同背景条件下有着不同的内容。传统或古典经济学家把企业竞争力看成是企业占有基本要素―劳动力、资金和自然禀赋等方面具有的相对优势。

    The competition ability of the business enterprise has the different contents under the period and different background in different history term .

  11. 自由市场的古典经济学家,对想获得快速经济增长和对未来的改善,对此包罗万象的文化提出了重要的告诫。

    The free market classical economists offered important advice to any culture hoping to enjoy rapid economic growth or an improved future .

  12. 早在古典经济学家的时期这一问题就被关注过,他们主要是出于公平正义的角度,从价值层面来考察收入不平等问题。

    This issue has been concerned during the period of classical economist , they survey the income inequality problem from the value .

  13. 本文主要是对古典经济学家的农业经济思想进行综述,使之形成一个相对完整的理论体系。

    This paper summarizes the agriculture economic thought of the classical economists , with a purpose to form a relatively integrated system .

  14. 西方对就业问题的研究最早可以追溯到古典经济学家,但西方就业理论真正形成于20世纪30年代大危机期间。

    The research on employment can trace back to classicalism , but the employment theory formed in the 1930s when the crisis happened .

  15. 从亚当·斯密的劳动分工理论开始,古典经济学家纷纷从专业化生产和劳动分工中寻找提高生产效率和促进经济增长的途径。

    Classical economists have been searching after the approaches to improve the efficiency and advance economy growth from specialization labor dividing since Adam Smith 's days .

  16. 马克思以实践为逻辑起点,通过批判地继承古典经济学家和黑格尔、费尔巴哈的精神生产观点,形成了科学的精神生产理论。

    Based on practice , Marx formed a scientific theory about spiritual production by critically inheriting the ideas of intellectual production of classical economists , Hagel and Feuerbach .

  17. 在这一转轨过程中,政府一方面要积极的起到传统古典经济学家经济讲到的守夜人的作用;

    In the course of this transition , government want playing traditional function that " keeping watch at night people " that economy talking about positive on one hand ;

  18. 新古典经济学家继承和发展了古典经济学家从生产要素角度研究分配规律的传统,现在已经成为经济学教科书基本组成部分的生产要素分配理论。

    Neoclassical economists inherited and developed the classical economists traditional distribution rule , it has now become the basic component of economics textbooks of factors of production distribution theory .

  19. 新古典经济学家大多相信,人造资本是自然资本的优良替代品,因此提倡维持两者总和的不变,这种方式称为「弱永续」。

    Most neoclassical economists believe that man-made capital is a good substitute for natural capital and therefore advocate maintaining the sum of the two , an approach called weak sustainability .

  20. 然而,这不是一场经济学家和历史学家之间的战争,而是经济学专业领域内的战争交战双方是新古典经济学家与新凯恩斯主义者。

    However , this is not a debate between economists and historians . It is a battle within the economic profession between the new class-ical economists and the new Keynesians .

  21. 马克思利润率平均化理论是马克思在批判的继承了资产阶级古典经济学家利涧率平均化理论的基础之上,提出的科学化、系统化的理论。

    The theory of average rate of profit raised by Marx is scientific and systemic . The theory is on the base of critique inheritance the theory of average rate of profit raised by bourgeoisie classical economist .

  22. 本文从古典经济学家对货币价值论的研究成果出发,系统阐释了马克思货币价值论的基本思想、逻辑结构及马克思理解货币的特点。

    Through the researches on monetary value by the classical economists , this paper expounds systematically the primary concepts and the logical structures of Marx monetary value as well as the characteristics of Marx 's understanding of money .

  23. 生产力概念是古典经济学家以“财富”为核心首次提出的,它由经济学语境向哲学语境转换是马克思的伟大贡献。

    The concept of productive forces was first proposed with " wealth " at its core by classical economists . And it is Marx 's great contribution to move it from economist 's context to philosopher 's context .

  24. 但当今社会,古老的节俭美德连同古典经济学家的警醒之言受到抨击,许多人搬出反对节俭的新理由,提倡支出的论调蔚然成风。

    But today the ancient virtue of thrift , as well as its defense by the classical economists , is once more under attack , for allegedly new reasons , while the opposite doctrine of spending is in fashion .

  25. 而新古典经济学家认为,在技术创新过程中之所以存在着市场失灵,根源在于技术创新的三个重要特征:创新收益的外部性、创新过程的不可分割性和不确定性。

    New Classical economists claim that the reason for the existence of market failures in technology innovation lies in the three important features of technical innovation , which are externality of innovative benefits , indivisibility and uncertainty of innovation process .

  26. 纵观经济增长理论的发展理路,自从古典经济学家亚当·斯密以来,经济学家们就一直在探求经济增长的决定性因素和经济增长的动力。

    Vertically observing the developing theory route of the economic growth theory , we can see that the economists have been seeking the decisive factor and the motive force of the economic growth all the time since classical economist Adam Smith .

  27. 总体来说,凯恩斯主义经济学家认为由于工资和价格粘性的存在,货币政策能够起到平抑经济波动的作用,而新古典经济学家则认为货币政策是无效的。

    In a word , doctrine economist Keynes thinks because of the salary and the price viscidity , the monetary policy can play a role in stabilizing economic fluctuation , but the new classical economist thinks the monetary policy is invalid .

  28. 马克思在认同古典经济学家对劳动分工进步性论述的同时,首先看到了劳动分工对工人的负面影响,如,劳动分工给工人带来的畸形和片面。

    While Marx admitting classical economist described the progress of labor division , he had seen the negative impact on worker of labor division at the same time , for instance , the deformity and one-sided brought to worker in labor division .

  29. 亚当·斯密是英国著名的道德哲学家、古典经济学家,他有两部传世之作《道德情操论》与《国富论》,历经两百多年依然影响至今。

    Adam Smith , a famous British moral philosopher and classical economist , has two masterpieces & The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations , which still have been playing an important role in theoretical guidance after more than two hundred years .

  30. 一百多年前,在批判和继承古典经济学家劳动价值理论的基础上,马克思创立了科学的劳动价值理论,并以此为依据,创立了剩余价值学说。

    More than 100 years ago , in the classical economists and inheritance critical labor theory of value , based on the creation of a scientific Marxist labor theory of value , and on this basis , the creation of the theory of surplus value .