
gǔ xī là
  • ancient Greek
古希腊[gǔ xī là]
  1. 玛丽仿照古希腊的式样做头发。

    Mary does her hair after the ancient Greek fashion .

  2. 阿基里斯和海格立斯[何克力士]是古希腊的英雄。

    Achilles and Heracles were ancient Greek heroes .

  3. 民主制度创始于古希腊吗?

    Did democracy have its beginnings in ancient Greece ?

  4. 古典和古希腊时期的雕塑风格

    The sculptural style of the classical and Hellenistic periods .

  5. 老师们今天发出警告说,拉丁语、古希腊语和其他古典文学将被挤出学校的课程表。

    Teachers warn today that Latin , Greek and other classics will be squeezed out of school timetables .

  6. 汤姆是个研究古希腊罗马文学艺术的学者。

    Tom is a classical scholar .

  7. 斯皮奥斯说,古希腊哲学家的智慧是永恒的。

    The wisdom of the ancient Greek philosophers is timeless , says Soupios .

  8. 正如我们所指出的,创客哲学与约翰·杜威、蒙台梭利甚至古希腊哲学家提倡的古老的理念相呼应。

    The maker philosophy echoes old ideas advocated by John Dewey , Montessori , and even ancient Greek philosophers , as we pointed out recently .

  9. 根据一本新书《10条黄金法则:古希腊哲学家关于美好生活的智慧》的观点,答案是肯定的。

    The answer is yes , according to a new book The 10 Golden Rules : Ancient Wisdom from the Greek Philosophers on Living a Good Life .

  10. 在他十几岁的时候,卡莱姆给18世纪后期最有名的建筑做出了可以吃的副本——古希腊废墟形状的甜饼,还有古代中国宫殿和寺庙形状的馅饼。

    In his teenage years , Car ê me fashioned eatable copies of the late 18th century 's most famous buildings — cookies in the shape of ruins of ancient Athens and pies in the shape of ancient Chinese palaces and temples .

  11. 雅典,古希腊的雅典,排斥了承担责任,她走向自由的终结,自由不复存在。

    Athens , the Athens of Ancient Greece , refused responsibility ; she reached the end of freedom and was never to have it again .

  12. 例如,在古希腊,任何砍倒橄榄树的人都会受到重罚。

    In ancient Greece , for example , anyone who cut down an olive tree was heavily punished .

  13. 古典考古博物馆是世界上少数收藏有古希腊和古罗马石膏铸体的博物馆之一。

    The Museum of Classical Archaeology is one of the few surviving collections of plaster casts of Greek and Roman sculpture in the world .

  14. Idea与古希腊两种哲学思维方式

    Idea and Two Modes of Thinking in Ancient Greek Philosophy

  15. 按系古希腊运动会的名称(OLYMPIA),世界运动大会(即奥运会&编者注)仍沿用之。

    Games of ancient Greece by the name of ( OLYMPIA ), the World Sports Congress ( Editor 's Note-that is the Olympic Games ) is still used .

  16. 古希腊人道主义的基本涵义是人的身心的全面训练Paideia,这个词来自智者,而与之相关的内涵却起源于荷马。

    Greek humanism means " Paideia ", which originates from " Sophist ", but its relevant content traces back to Homer .

  17. 古希腊土著民族探源

    A Probe into the Origin of the Aboriginals in Ancient Greek

  18. 古希腊哲学家们十分重视对人自身的探索。

    Ancient philosophers paid attention to the exploration of human ego .

  19. 古希腊与中国古代的美德比较

    Comparison between Ancient Greece 's Merits and Those of Ancient China

  20. 略论古希腊神话中的神之人化

    A Brief Discussion on the Humanization of Gods in Greek Mythology

  21. 它将抽象思维从感性思维里分离和独立出来,否定了古希腊自然哲学的直观性;

    Abstract thinking had been separated from emotional thinking and independent .

  22. 真正的火炬仪式始于古希腊。

    The actual torch ceremony itself dated back to ancient greece .

  23. 在古希腊罗马国家产生之初,在内部存在着平民与贵族的斗争。

    There is the contradiction between the populace and the aristocrat .

  24. 这是古希腊神话永恒魅力之所在。

    Such is the eternal charm of the ancient Greek myth .

  25. 论古希腊文化高度开放性的成因

    The reason why the ancient Greek culture was so highly open

  26. 可它带些古希腊味道,对不?

    But it has a Hellenic ring , hasn 't it ?

  27. 古希腊语区分为三个主要的变型。

    Three main variations of the ancient Greek speech are distinguished .

  28. 古希腊的生活道德教育思想探微

    Research on the Idea of " Life-Moral-Education " of Ancient Greece

  29. 古希腊哲学中就有人本主义的萌芽;

    There was the rudiment of humanism in ancient Greek philosophy ;

  30. 论古希腊史学认识中的理性方法

    On the Rational Approach in the Understanding of Ancient Greek Historiography