
  • 网络Roman Theatre
  1. 学习过古罗马诗歌和戏剧,使莎士比亚得到了艺术的正式启蒙。

    Is a Roman poetry and drama , so that Shakespeare had a formal art of enlightenment .

  2. 面具古希腊和罗马的戏剧演员佩戴的人物面具或头部面具,用以标明戏中人物性格或品质,同时扩大声音。

    A figure of a head worn by actors in Greek and Roman drama to identify a character or trait and to amplify the voice .

  3. 笑剧古希腊和古罗马的一种戏剧表演形式,剧中类似的人物或情景在舞台上以闹剧表演出来,通常伴有粗俗的对白和荒唐可笑的动作。

    A form of ancient Greek and Roman theatrical entertainment in which familiar characters and situations were farcically portrayed on stage , often with coarse dialogue and ludicrous actions .