
  1. 古城里的老式阳台及外表的装饰。

    Traditional balconies and decorative facade in old town .

  2. 我们今天的第一站就是去找一找看这古城里有一些什么样的宝贝。

    Our first stop is to see if we can find any treasure in this ancient town .

  3. 我总在想象,在北京这个古城里,和紫禁城,

    I always imagine , in the antique city of Beijing , alongside with the Forbidden City ,

  4. 一支美国考古队考察了阿伊亚。伊里尼海角一个古城里的一座神庙。

    An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayria Irini .

  5. 下午你可以在古城里悠闲散步,也可以去附近的海滩游泳。

    The afternoon can be spent wandering around or taking a quick swim at one of the nearby beaches .

  6. 他最大的挑战和自梦魇中解脱的希望,都沉睡在这雅典人的古城里。

    His greatest challenge and the freedom of his growing madness lay before him in the ancient city of Athens .

  7. 据说,过去在南诏古城里有一户书香世第,家中婆媳不和,三天一大吵,两天一小闹,一家人不得安宁。

    It is said that in a scholarly family in the old town Nanzhao , the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were not getting along well and squabbling with each other almost every day , leaving no peace to the family .